

Documentation Summary

Welcome to the Huobi Future API! You can use our API to access all market data, trading, and account management endpoints.

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Market Maker Program

Market maker program gives clients with good market making strategy an opportunity to access customized trading fee structure.

Eligibility Criteria as a Market Maker on Huobi Future

Welcome users, who are dedicated to maker strategy and have created large trading volume, to participate in Huobi Futures long-term Market Maker project.If you have more than 3 BTC in your Huobi future account, or more than 3 BTC in your Huobi coin margined swap account, or more than 100000 USDT in your Huobi USDT Margined Contracts account, please send the following information to :

  1. Huobi UIDs (not linked to any rebate program in any accounts)
  2. Provide screenshot of trading volume for the past 30 days or VIP/corporate status with other Exchanges

More detail in here: Huobi Coin-Margined Futures Market Maker Preferential Policy


Solution Architecture

Huobi futures API colocation solution is built on AWS infrastructure. Client will connect via AWS “PrivateLink” to access Huobi’s services directly through fast AWS connection without being routed to public networks.

Performance Improvement

The network delay of colocation solution is estimated to be 10ms to 50ms faster than the ordinary connection. This improvement estimated should be used as a guidance only as the actual improvement depends on many factors.


Colocation is only available to higher tier market makers. To check if your account is eligible please talk to your dedicated account manager.


Detail in here: Huobi Futures Colocation

Risk Mechanism

Partial Liquidation

Margin ratio is an indicator to estimate the risk of users’assets. When the margin ratio is less than or equal to 0%, liquidation will be triggered.
It is recommended that you pay close attention to margin ratio changes, so as to avoid your positions from liquidation.
Huobi contracts implement a partial liquidation mechanism, in which the system will lower the corresponding tier of an adjustment factor to avoid your positions from being liquidated at one time.
More detail to see: Partial Liquidation of Futures

Insurance Funds and Clawback Mechanism

Insurance funds are designed to cover the losses from forced liquidation.
In a fluctuating market, users’ positions may be liquidated. When the order cannot be filled at the takeover price, resulting in huge losses that are greater than the part insurance funds can undertake, the platform will implement the “clawback” mechanism. Each profitable account in the current period compensates the over loss of liquidation according to its profit ratio.
More detail in here: Partial Liquidation of Futures

Tiered Adjustment Factor

The adjustment factor is designed to prevent users from extended margin call loss. Huobi Contracts use a tiered adjustment factor mechanism, which supports up to five tiers based on the position amount.
For contracts with different expirations under the different account modes, they are separately calculated. The larger the use’s net positions, the higher the tier, and the greater the risk.
More detail in here: Tiered Adjustment Factors of Coin-margined Futures

Matching Mechanism

  1. Matching System: Order accepted by the Order System will enter the Matching System. Once orders are matched/filled, the settlement service will be executed and the matching result will be returned to the Order System; otherwise, the unfilled orders will go into the order book for matching.
  2. Price Priority: Higher-priced buy orders have priority over lower-priced buy orders; the reverse is true, lower-priced sell orders have priority over higher-priced sell orders.
  3. Time Priority: Buy orders at the same price are executed according to the time of entry to the Server.
  4. When the highest bid price is the same as the lowest ask price of the order book, this price is what we call transaction price.
  5. When the bid price is higher than the lowest ask price of the order book up to the minute, the lowest ask price will be the transaction price.
  6. When the ask price is lower than the highest bid price of the order book up to the minute, the highest bid price will be the transaction price.


1.3.2 2022-09-01 【Added V3 interface】

1. Added Query account financial records(New)

2. Added Query financial records via multiple fields(New)

3. Added Query history transactions via multiple fields(New)

4. Added Get History Match Results(New)

5. Added Query History Orders via Multiple fields(New)

6. Added Get History Orders(New)

7. Added Query Liquidation Order Information(New)

1.3.1 2022-04-24 【Added Get a Batch of Market Data Overview(V2) interface】

1. Added Get a Batch of Market Data Overview(V2) interface

1.3.0 2022-01-17 【The request parameter "status" of the "Get History Orders/Query history orders via multiple fields" api interface will no longer support the two statuses (3: unfilled, 4: partially filled)】

1、Modified Get History Orders(And their returning parameter "status" will not contain the two statuses (3: not traded, 4: partly traded))

2、Modified Get History Orders via Multiple Fields(And their returning parameter "status" will not contain the two statuses (3: not traded, 4: partly traded))

1.2.9 2021-5-17 【Transfer between master and sub account(Added parameters in request: client_order_id)】

1、Transfer between master and sub account(Added parameters in request: client_order_id)

1.2.8 2021-5-12 【Added: Trailing Order interface.】

1. Added Place a Trailing Order interface

2. Added Cancel a Trailing Order interface

3. Added Cancel All Trailing Orders interface

4. Added Current unfilled trailing order acquisition interface

5. Added Get History Trailing Orders interface

1.2.7 2021-4-28 【Added: Get Market BBO Data interface. Modified: Get Kline Data of Mark Price interface(supports symbol that value is contract code as request parameter, such as: BTC210326). Subscribe Kline Data of Mark Price interface(supports symbol that value is contract code as request parameter, such as: BTC210326). Request Kline Data of Mark Price interface(supports symbol that value is contract code as request parameter, such as: BTC210326)】

1. Added Get Market BBO Data interface

2. Modified Get Kline Data of Mark Price interface(supports symbol that value is contract code as request parameter, such as: BTC210326)

3. Modified Subscribe Kline Data of Mark Price interface(supports symbol that value is contract code as request parameter, such as: BTC210326)

4. Modified Request Kline Data of Mark Price interface(supports symbol that value is contract code as request parameter, such as: BTC210326)

1.2.6 2021-3-15 【Added: Get Kline Data of Mark Price interface, Subscribe Kline Data of Mark Price interface, Request Kline Data of Mark Price interface】

1. Added Get Kline Data of Mark Price interface

2. Added Subscribe Kline Data of Mark Price interface

3. Added Request Kline Data of Mark Price interface

1.2.5 2021-2-26 【Added: Query Asset Valuation interface. Modified Get Contract Price Limitation interface(Support users not to fill in all input parameters, and the interface returns the price limit data of all available contracts). Modified Query The Last Trade of a Contract interface(Support users not to fill in all input parameters, the interface returns the latest transaction data of all available contracts; And in that case, the return parameter "ch" value is "market.*trade.detail". Added one field in return "tick" parameter: "symbol")】

1. Added Query Asset Valuation interface

2. Modified Get Contract Price Limitation interface(Support users not to fill in all input parameters, and the interface returns the price limit data of all available contracts)

3. Modified Query The Last Trade of a Contract interface(Support users not to fill in all input parameters, the interface returns the latest transaction data of all available contracts; And in that case, the return parameter "ch" value is "market.*trade.detail". Added one field in return "data" parameter: "symbol")

1.2.4 2021-2-5 【Added: Query information on Tiered Margin. Set a Batch of Sub-Account Trading Permissions. Query a Batch of Sub-Account's Assets Information. 4-7 Modified the existing interfaces and added new parameters. 8 Query user’s settlement records interface(To avoid affecting system performance, the interface only supports querying user settlement records in the last 90 days)】

1. Added Query information on Tiered Margin interface

2. Added Set a Batch of Sub-Account Trading Permissions interface

3. Added Query a Batch of Sub-Account's Assets Information interface

4. Modified Query The Last Trade of a Contract interface(Added "quantity" in return parameter "data", which means the trading quantity(coin), Calculation formula: quantity(coin) = trading quantity(cont) * contract size/ trade price)

5. Modified Query a Batch of Trade Records of a Contract interface(Added "quantity" in return parameter "data", which means the trading quantity(coin), Calculation formula: quantity(coin) = trading quantity(cont) * contract size/ trade price)

6. Modified Subscribe Trade Detail Data interface(Added "quantity" in return parameter "data", which means the trading quantity(coin), Calculation formula: quantity(coin) = trading quantity(cont) * contract size/ trade price)

7. Modified Request Trade Detail Data interface(Added "quantity" in return parameter "data", which means the trading quantity(coin), Calculation formula: quantity(coin) = trading quantity(cont) * contract size/ trade price)

8. Modified Query user’s settlement records interface(To avoid affecting system performance, the interface only supports querying user settlement records in the last 90 days)

1. Added Get a Batch of Market Data Overview

2. Modified Cancel All Orders(Added two optional parameters in request: direction, “buy”/“sell”, if not filled in means all; offset, “open”/“close”, if not filled in means all.)

3. Modified Get Information of an Order(Added "real_profit" in return parameter "data" to represent real profit)

4. Modified Order details acquisition(Added one field in return parameters both "data" and "trades": real_profit(real profit). And added one filed in "trades" to indicates each trade profit:profit (profit when close position))

5. Modified Query Open Orders(Added two optional parameters in request: sort_by, is sort field, if not filled in means order by create_at descending, with available values: “created_at”(descending order), “update_time”(descending order); trade_type, indicates trade type, if not filled in means all, with available values: 0:all, 1:open long, 2:open short, 3:close sell, 4:close buy. Added two fields in return parameter "orders": update_time(order updated time, in milliseconds), real_profit(real profit when close position).)

6. Modified Get History Orders(Added one field in return parameter "orders": real_profit(real profit when close position).)

7. Modified Query history orders via multiple fields(Added one field in return parameter "orders": real_profit(real profit when close position).)

8. Modified Get History Match Results(Added one field in return parameter "trades": real_profit(real profit when close position).)

9. Modified Query history transactions via multiple fields(Added one field in return parameter "trades": real_profit(real profit when close position).)

10. Modified Subscribe Order Data(sub)(Added one field in return: real_profit(real profit when close position).added field in return parameter "trade": profit(profit when close position), real_profit(real profit when close position))

11. Modified Cancel All Trigger Orders(Added two parameters in request: direction, indicates order direction, if not filled in means both, with available values: “buy”, “sell”; offset, indicates order offset, if not filled in means both, with available values: "open”, “close”.)

12. Modified Cancel all Take-profit and Stop-loss Orders(Added one parameter in request: direction, indicates order direction, if not filled in means both, with available values: "buy", "sell".)

13. Modified Query Trigger Order Open Orders(Added one parameter in request: trade_type, indicates order trade type, if not filled in means all, with available values: 0:all,1:open long, 2:open short, 3:close short, 4:close long.)

14. Modified Query Open Take-profit and Stop-loss Orders(Added one parameter in request: trade_type, indicates order trade type, if not filled in means all, with available values: 0:all, 3:close short, 4:close long.)

1. Added Get The Estimated Settlement Price

2. Added Set a Take-profit and Stop-loss Order for an Existing Position

3. Added Cancel a Take-profit and Stop-loss Order

4. Added Cancel all Take-profit and Stop-loss Orders

5. Added Query Open Take-profit and Stop-loss Orders

6. Added Query Take-profit and Stop-loss History Orders

8. Modifed "Place an order" Interface(added optional parameters: tp_trigger_price (Trigger price of take-profit order), tp_order_price (Order price of take-profit order), tp_order_price_type (Order type of take-profit order), sl_trigger_price (Trigger price of stop-loss order), sl_order_price (Order price of stop-loss order), sl_order_price_type (Order type of stop-loss order))

9. Modified "Place a batch of orders" Interface (added optional parameters in parameters "orders_data": tp_trigger_price (Trigger price of take-profit order),tp_order_price (Order price of take-profit order), tp_order_price_typeOrder type of take-profit order), sl_trigger_price (Trigger price of stop-loss order), sl_order_price (Order price of stop-loss order), sl_order_price_type (Order type of stop-loss order))

10. Modified "Get Information of an Order" Interface

(Added return parameter "is_tpsl" to indicate whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order, 1: yes, 0: no); added "enumerated values" in return parameter "order_source"(“tpsl” indicates triggered by take-profit and stop-loss)) - Interface Name: Get Information of an Order - Interface Type: private - Interface URL: /api/v1/contract_order_info

11. Modified "Order details acquisition" Interface(Added return parameter "is_tpsl" to indicate whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order, 1: yes, 0: no); added "enumerated values" in return parameter "order_source"(“tpsl” indicates triggered by take-profit and stop-loss))

12. Modified "Query Open Orders" Interface(Added return parameter "is_tpsl" to indicate whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order, 1: yes, 0: no); added "enumerated values"in return parameter "order_source"(“tpsl” indicates triggered by take-profit and stop-loss))

13. Modified "Get History Orders" Interface(Added paprameter "sort_by" to represent "sort fields" with optional value“create_date” and “update_time"; added return parameter "is_tpsl" to indicate whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order, 1: yes, 0: no), and "update_time" to indicate order's update time); and "enumerated values" in return parameter "order_source"(“tpsl” indicates triggered by take-profit and stop-loss))

14. Modified "Query history orders via multiple fields" Interface(Added return parameter "is_tpsl" to indicate whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order, 1: yes, 0: no); added "enumerated values"in return parameter "order_source"(“tpsl” indicates triggered by take-profit and stop-loss))

15. Modified "Subscribe Order Data(sub)" Interface(Added return parameter "is_tpsl" to indicate whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order, 1: yes, 0: no); added "enumerated values" in return parameter "order_source"(“tpsl” indicates triggered by take-profit and stop-loss))

16. Modified "Subscribe Match Order Data(sub)" Interface(Added return parameter "is_tpsl" to indicate whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order, 1: yes, 0: no); added "enumerated values" in return parameter "order_source"(“tpsl” indicates triggered by take-profit and stop-loss))

17. Modified "Query Trigger Order History" Interface(Added paprameter "sort_by" to represent "sort fields" with optional values “created_at” and “update_time”). added "update_time" to indicate order's update time))

18. Modified "Get Kline Data" Interface(Support to query K-line data of contracts that have been delisted in the last four weeks; Users can enter the contract code to query data of contracts delisted in the last four weeks.)

19. Modified "Subscribe Kline data" Interface(Support to query K-line data of contracts which have been delisted in the last four weeks; User can enter contract code to query data of contracts delisted in the last four weeks.)

20. Modified "Get Contract Open Interest Information" Interface(Added "trade_volume" in return parameter "data" to indicate trading volume within the last 24 hours (cont), and "trade_amount" to indicate trading volume within the last 24 hours (coin), and "trade_turnover" to represent trading amount within the last 24 hours.

21. Modified "Subscribe Market Detail Data" Interface(Added "ask" in return parameter “tick” to represent “sell one” and “bid” to represent "buy one".)

22. Modified "Get Contract Info" Interface(Added "settlement_time" in return parameter to represent next settlement time(millisecond timestamp)and "delivery_time" to represent delivery time(millesecond timestamp))

23. Modified "Subscribe Contract Info Changes" Interface(Added "settlement_time" in return parameter to represent next settlement time(millisecond timestamp)and "delivery_time" to represent delivery time(millesecond timestamp))

1.2.1 2020-12-02 【 Modified “Order details acquisition” interface (When querying cancelation data of orders that have not been partially filled, if “created_at” and “order_type” parameters are not uploaded, the data that can be queried reduced from last 12 hours to last 2 hours.); modified “Query history orders” interface (When querying cancelation data of orders that have not been partially filled, the data that can be retained reduced from last 24 hours to last 2 hours.); modified “Query history orders via multiple fields” interface (When querying cancelation data of orders that have not been partially filled, the data that can be retained reduced from last 24 hours to last 2 hours.)】

1、Modified “Order details acquisition” interface (When querying cancelation data of orders that have not been partially filled, if “created_at” and “order_type” parameters are not uploaded, the data that can be queried reduced from last 12 hours to last 2 hours.)

2、modified “Query history orders” interface (When querying cancelation data of orders that have not been partially filled, the data that can be retained reduced from last 24 hours to last 2 hours.)

3、modified “Query history orders via multiple fields” interface (When querying cancelation data of orders that have not been partially filled, the data that can be retained reduced from last 24 hours to last 2 hours.)

1.2.0 2020-11-24 【 Added: Query historical settlement records of the platform interface. Modified: Added fields of return parameter for "Query Liquidation Orders" interface and "Subscribe Liquidation Order Data" interface】

1、Added “Query historical settlement records of the platform” interface

2、Added fields of return parameter for "Query Liquidation Orders" interface(“amount” are added for return parameter “data". "amount" represents the liquidation amount (token);)

3、Added fields of return parameter for "Subscribe Liquidation Order Data" interface(“amount” are added for return parameter “data". "amount" represents the liquidation amount (token);)

1.1.9 2020-10-28 【Newly added:Query financial records via multiple fields, Query history orders via multiple fields, Query history transactions via multiple fields.】

1、Query history transactions via multiple fields

2、Query history orders via multiple fields

3、Query financial records via multiple fields

1.1.8 2020-10-15 【Newly added:Added switch leverage interface; Updated: websocket messages of account topic will be pushed when leverage switch succeeds; websocket messages of position topic will be pushed when leverage switch succeeds; new response fields are added on websocket topic of match orders; the interface(contract_order_info) supports query of 4-hour order cancellation data (previously only support to query 24-hour data).】

1、Added switch leverage interface

2、Subscribe Account Equity Updates Data(Return parameters added “switch_lever_rate” event type to represent switching leverages. When the leverage is successfully switched, a latest information on assets will be pushed with event“switch_lever_rate".)

3、Subscribe Position Updates(Return parameters added “switch_lever_rate” event type to represent switching leverages. When the leverage is successfully switched, a latest information on positions will be pushed with event“switch_lever_rate" (the information will not be pushed when the user's position is 0).)

4、Subscribe Match Order Data(Added the following fields in return parameters: direction (buy/sell direction), offset (open/close direction), lever_rate (leverages), price (order price), created_at (creation time), order_source (order source), order_price_type (order quotation type).)

5、The interface(contract_order_info) supports query of 4-hour order cancellation data (previously only support to query 24-hour data).

1.1.7 2020-10-10 【Newly added:Added WS interface for subscribing system status updates push】

1. Added WS interface for subscribing system status updates push

1.1.6 2020-09-22 【Updated: Future Market Data Interfaces (including rest and ws interfaces) already support calls according to the contract code. Modified “symbol” field in request parameter: added contract code type, the format of which is fixed at “symbol-year-month-date”, for example, BTC200925. Only listing contracts can be queried currently if query according to the contract code. 】

1、Get Market Depth

2、Get Kline Data

3、Get Market Data Overview

4、Query The Last Trade of a Contract

5、Query a Batch of Trade Records of a Contract

6、Subscribe Kline data

7、Request Kline data

8、Subscribe Market Depth Data

9、Subscribe Market Detail Data

10、Subscribe Trade Detail Data

11、Request Trade Detail Data

12、Subscribe Incremental Market Depth Data

13、Subscribe Market BBO Data

1.1.5 2020-08-06 【Added interfaces:Query user’s settlement records;Subscribe trigger orders updates】

1、Query user’s settlement records

2、Subscribe trigger orders updates

1.1.4 2020-06-19 【Updated: added the return field "client_order_id" of websocket subscription of Match Order】

1、Modified futures subscribe match order data interface: added client_order_id in outer return parameter.

1、Added websocket subscription of contract info

2、Added websocket subscription of Market BBO

3、Added four depth level of websocket subscription of market depth: step12、step13、step14、step15

4、Added the interface of querying available leverage rate

5、Added periodical push of websocket subscription of account: push every 5 seconds

6、Added periodical push of websocket subscription of position: push every 5 seconds

7、Added high leverage support of placing orders




8、Added 9 fields of querying order detail interface: fee、order_id、order_id_str、client_order_id、order_type、status、trade_avg_price、trade_turnover、trade_volume.

9、Added 2 fields of querying order info interface: liquidation_type、canceled_at.

10、Added 2 fields of websocket subscription of orders: canceled_at、fee_asset.

11、Added uid field of websocket subscription of private events.





12、Added 2 fields of websocket subscription of match orders: trade_volume(total filled volume of the order)、volume(total volume of the order)

13、Added next quarter contract type,such as BTC_NQ

1.1.2 2020-04-09【Add an interface: Futures liquidation order WS push without authentication】

1.1.1 2020-03-12 【upgrade:added websocket subscription of index kline data;added websocket subscription of basis data; added restful interface of querying index kline data; added restful interface of querying basis data】

1、Added websocket subscription of index kline data

2、Added websocket subscription of basis data

3、Added restful interface of querying index kline data

4、Added restful interface of querying basis data

1.1.0 2020-03-05【upgrade:add transfer between master account and sub-account; add more order types; add websocket subscription of match orders】

1、Added asset transfer function between master account and sub-account on Web and API. When using Web, only master account has transfer authority, including transfer master account assets to sub-account and vice versa, but transfers between sub-accounts are not supported; When using API, only API Key of master account has authority for the transfer operations between master and sub account.

1.1、Added an interface: transfer between master account and sub-accounts, the rate limit between the master account and each subaccount is 10 times/ minute.Interface name: Transfer between master account and sub-accounts.

1.2、Added a parameter: transfer permission between master account and sub-accounts. Added strings: "master_transfer_sub" and "sub_transfer_master" in returning parameter data array.

1.3、Added an interface: query transfer records of master account and sub-accounts.

1.4、Added 4 kinds transfer statements of master account and sub-accounts in query contract financial record interface.

2、Modifications details of contract asset interface and contract trade interface are laid out as following:

2.1、Modified query contract information on order limit: added 10 order price types including opponent_ioc, lightning_ioc, optimal_5_ioc, optimal_10_ioc,optimal_20_ioc,opponent_fok,lightning_fok,optimal_5_fok,optimal_10_fok,optimal_20_fok

2.2、Modified place an order interface: added 8 order price types, including opponent_ioc, optimal_5_ioc, optimal_10_ioc, optimal_20_ioc, opponent_fok,optimal_5_fok, optimal_10_fok, optimal_20_fok.

2.3、Modified place a batch of orders interface: added 8 order price types, including opponent_ioc, optimal_5_ioc, optimal_10_ioc, optimal_20_ioc, opponent_fok, optimal_5_fok, optimal_10_fok, optimal_20_fok。

2.4、Modified get trade details of an order interface: added string "liquidation_type".

2.5、Modified "trade_type" and "orders" in query history orders interface. Added "reduce positions to close long" and "reduce positions to close short" types in request parameter "trade_type"; Added string "liquidation_type" in orders array of returning parameter.

2.6、Modified place flash close order interface: added string "order_price_type", including values: lightning_ioc, lightning_fok, lightning

2.7、Added string "liquidation_type" in order transaction push in WebSocket Subscription.

2.8、Added matching order transaction push interface in WebSocket Subscription.

2.10、Added API interface of getting user's API indicator disable information

Interface name: Query user's API indicator disable information

1.0.11 2020-02-21 API Upgrade

1、 Interface URL: api/v1/contract_batchorder

the maximum number of batch order cancellation each time in request parameter “orders_data” will be changed from 20 to 10.

2、Interface URL: api/v1/contract_cancel

the maximum number of order cancellation each time in request parameter “order_id” and “client_order_id” will be changed from 20 to 10. Multiple order IDs are separated by “,”.

1.0.10 2020-01-15 API Upgrade

1、modify get Kline data interface:Added two request parameters “from” and “to”. Request parameter “from” stands for starting time and request parameter “to” stands for ending time. Data can be obtained for up to two consecutive years. Request parameter “size” was changed to non-Required.

2、When getting information on order cancellation via get contracts Information interface, users can only query last 24-hour data.

3、When getting information on order cancellation via query history orders interface, users can only query last 24-hour data.

4、When getting information on order cancellation via query order detail interface, users who type in parameters “created_at” and “order_type” can query last 90-day data, while users who don’t type in parameters “created_at” and “order_type” can only query last 24-hour data.

1.0.9 2019-12-02 API Upgrade: Added API interface with trigger order function

1、Added API interface with query assets and positions function.

2、Added API interface with trigger order function.

3、Updated API interfaces with fee coin type field added corresponding to the given fee.

Interfaces are as follows:

4、Updated API interfaces with the 'create_date' field to support any positive interger

Please note that the system will return with the last 90-day data by default if the 'create_date' field exceed 90.

1.0.8 2019-10-17 API Upgrade: Added the order_id_str field








1.0.7 2019-10-15

1、 Modified rest interface: User’s Account Information

Added return string “margin_static”in rest interface User’s Account Information (URL: api/v1/contract_account_info). The newly added return string “margin_static” in data array means account static equity.

2、 Added string “ID “in three interfaces;

Added string“ID”in rest interface Order details acquisition (URL: api/v1/contract_order_detail) , rest interface Get History Match Results (URL: api/v1/contract_matchresults) as well as the match result on Order Push in WebSocket Subscription.

3、Added “IOC”and “FOK order types for order placement

Added order_price_type “ioc”(ioc:Immediate Or Cancel) and “fok”(fok:Fill Or Kill)under Request Parameter in rest interface Place an Order(URL: api/v1/contract_order) and rest interface Place a Batch of Orders(URL: api/v1/contract_batchorder)

4、Modified interface: Query contract information on order limit

Added “fok”:FOK Order(fok:Fill Or Kill),“ioc”:IOC Order(ioc:Immediate Or Cancel) into string of“ order_price_type” in Returning Parameter under rest interface Query contract information on order limit (URL: api/v1/contract_order_limit)

The“ order_price_type” means Order Type here.

5、Added rest API interface: Query information on system status

Interface URL: api/v1/contract_api_state

6、 Added rest interface: Top Trader Sentiment Index Function-Account

Interface URL: api/v1/contract_elite_account_ratio

7、Added rest interface: Top Trader Sentiment Index Function-Position

Interface URL: api/v1/contract_elite_position_ratio

8、Added Liquidation order query function in API and WS subscription.

Added rest interface: Request Liquidation Order Information

Interface URL: rest interface api/v1/contract_liquidation_orders

Liquidation order push is added also into WebSocket Subscription.

1.0.6 2019-08-08 API Upgrade: Added rest interface

Added rest interface

Request access to address:

Note: To query whether the system is available or not, request When Heartbeat is 1, system is available; when Heartbeat is 0, system is unavailable.

1.0.5 2019-07-10 API Upgrade: New Features of Query and Order Placing

Newly Added API Restful Interface

Newly added Interface: query user’s order limit information

Newly added Interface: query user’s trading fee information

Newly added Interface: query user’s transfer limit information

Newly added Interface: query users’ position limit information

Newly added Interface: query platform information on insurance fund and estimated clawback rate

Newly added Interface: query platform information on open interest information

Newly added Interface: query history records information on insurance fund

Newly added Interface: query platform information on Tiered Adjustment Factor

Newly added Interface: place Flash Close order

Modified API Interface

Restful interface: add “return to users’ adjustment factor” on Query Users’ Account Information Interface;

Restful interface: add “return to users’ adjustment factor” on Query a Single Sub-Account’s Assets Information Interface.

WebSocket Interface: add “return to users’ adjustment factor” on WebSocket Portfolio Push Interface;

Restful Interface: add Optimal price set with optimal top 5, optimal 10 and optimal top 20 on Order Place Interface and Place a Batch of Orders Interface

Restful Interface: add “query according contract code” on Acquire History of Match Results Interface.

1.0.4 2019-06-06 API Upgrade:Restful interface

Query assets information of all sub-accounts under the master account


Notice: Only return data for activated contract sub-account (i.e. sub-accounts that have gained contract trading permission).

Query a single sub-account's assets information


Notice: Only query account information for activated contract sub-account (i.e. sub-accounts that have gained contract trading permission); No data return for sub-accounts which has logged in hbdm but have not gained trading permission/activated.

Query a single sub-account's position information


Query account financial records


1.0.3 2019-05-28 API Upgrade: WebSocket Portfolio Push

WebSocket balance push is available:

users could subscribe the interface to get information of their balances automatically.

WebSocket position push is available:

users could subscribe the interface to get information of their positions automatically.

Acuqire positions information via Restful interface:


The string of “latest price”is added into response

1.0.2 2019-05-14 API Upgrade: Transfer margin between Spot account and Future account

URL /v1/futures/transfer

This interface is used to transfer assets between Spot account and Future account.

The type is “pro-to-futures” when transferring assets from Spot account to Future; “futures-to-pro” when transferring from Future account to Spot account.

API rate limit for this interface is up to 10 times per minute.

API rate limit

Private interface rate limit has been increased from 10 times/second to 30 times every 3 seconds, which means users could send up to 30 requests within 3 seconds.

The rate limit of other non-market public interface has been increased from 20 times/second to 60 times every 3 seconds, which means users could send up to 60 requests within 3 seconds.

1.0.1 2019-05-09 API Upgrade: Post_only and more

Cancel all interface: URL api/v1/contract_cancelall

Send symbol to cancel all the contracts of that kind of symbol, e.g. send “BTC” to cancel all BTC weekly, biweekly and quarterly contracts.

Send contract_code to cancel the contracts of that code.

Send symbol+contract_type to cancel the certain contracts under the symbol of that contract_type, e.g. send “BTC” and “this week”, then the BTC weekly contracts will be cancelled.

Order place interface: URL api/v1/contract_order

Post_only is added into the string of order_price_type.

Description of post_only: assure that the maker order remains as maker order, it will not be filled immediately with the use of post_only, for the match system will automatically check whether the price of the maker order is higher/lower than the opponent first price, i.e. higher than bid price 1 or lower than the ask price 1. If yes, the maker order will placed on the orderbook, if not, the maker order will be cancelled.

Position limit will be applied to post_only while order limit will not.

Place a batch of orders: URL /v1/contract_batchorder

Post_only is added into the string of order_price_type.

Description of post_only: assure that the maker order remains as maker order, it will not be filled immediately with the use of post_only, for the match system will automatically check whether the price of the maker order is higher/lower than the opponent first price, i.e. higher than bid price 1 or lower than the ask price 1. If yes, the maker order will placed on the orderbook, if not, the maker order will be cancelled.

Position limit will be applied to post_only while order limit will not.

Will response following string for "header" via api

ratelimit-limit: the upper limit of requests per time, unit: time

ratelimit-interval: reset interval (reset the number of request), unit: ms

ratelimit-remaining: the left available request number for this round, unit: time

ratelimit-reset: upper limit of reset time used to reset request number, unit: ms

Order details acquisition: URL api/v1/contract_order_detail

The string of “role” (i.e. taker or maker) is added into “trades”

Acquire history of match results: URL api/v1/contract_matchresults

The string of “role” (i.e. taker or maker) is added into “trades

WebSocket, the private order push interface, requires API KEY Verification

Each UID can build at most create 30 WS connections for private order push at the same time. For each account, contracts of the same underlying coin only need to subscribe one WS order push, e.g. users only need to create one WS order push connection for BTC Contract which will automatically push orders of BTC weekly, BTC biweekly and BTC quarterly contracts.

Please note that the rate limit of WS order push and RESTFUL private interface are separated from each other, with no relations.

1.0.0 has launched on December 10, 2018

Future API Access Illustration

API List

permission type Content Type Context Request Type Desc Signature Required
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_contract_info GET Get Contracts Information No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_index GET Get contract Index Price Information No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_price_limit GET Get Contract Price Limitation No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_open_interest GET Get Contract Open Interest Information No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_delivery_price GET Get the estimated delivery price No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_api_state GET Query information on system status No
Read Market Data /market/depth GET Get Market Depth No
Read Market Data /market/bbo GET Get Market BBO Data No
Read Market Data /market/history/kline GET Get Kline Data No
Read Market Data /index/market/history/mark_price_kline GET Get Kline Data of Mark Price No
Read Market Data /market/detail/merged GET Get Market Data Overview No
Read Market Data /market/detail/batch_merged GET Get a Batch of Market Data Overview No
Read Market Data /v2/market/detail/batch_merged GET Get a Batch of Market Data Overview(V2) No
Read Market Data /market/trade GET Query The Last Trade of a Contract No
Read Market Data /market/history/trade GET Query a Batch of Trade Records of a Contract No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_risk_info GET Query information on contract insurance fund balance and estimated clawback rate No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_insurance_fund GET Query history records of insurance fund balance No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_adjustfactor GET Query information on Tiered Adjustment Factor No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_his_open_interest GET Query information on open interest No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_elite_account_ratio GET Query Top Trader Sentiment Index Function-Account No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_elite_position_ratio GET Query Top Trader Sentiment Index Function-Position No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_liquidation_orders GET Query Liquidation Order Information No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_settlement_records GET Query historical settlement records of the platform interface No
Read Market Data /index/market/history/index GET Query Index Kline Data No
Read Market Data /index/market/history/basis GET Query Basis Data No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_estimated_settlement_price GET Get the estimated settlement price No
Read Market Data /api/v1/contract_ladder_margin GET Query information on Tiered Margin No
Read Account /api/v1/contract_balance_valuation POST Query Asset Valuation Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_account_info POST Query User’s Account Information Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_position_info POST Query User’s Position Information Yes
Trade Account /api/v1/contract_sub_auth POST Set a Batch of Sub-Account Trading Permissions Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_sub_account_list POST Query assets information of all sub-accounts under the master account (Query by coins) Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_sub_account_info_list POST Query a Batch of Sub-Account's Assets Information Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_sub_account_info POST Query a single sub-account's assets information Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_sub_position_info POST Query a single sub-account's position information Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_financial_record POST Query account financial records Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_financial_record_exact POST Query financial records via multiple fields Yes
Read Account /api/v1/contract_user_settlement_records POST Query user’s settlement records Yes
Read User Account /api/v1/contract_order_limit POST Query contract information on order limit Yes
Read User Account /api/v1/contract_available_level_rate POST Query contract available level rate Yes
Read User Account /api/v1/contract_fee POST Query information on contract trading fee Yes
Read User Account /api/v1/contract_transfer_limit POST Query information on Transfer Limit Yes
Read User Account /api/v1/contract_position_limit POST Query information on position limit Yes
Trade User Account /api/v1/contract_master_sub_transfer POST Transfer between master and sub account Yes
Read User Account /api/v1/contract_account_position_info POST User’s position Information And User’s position Information Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_trigger_openorders POST Query Trigger Order Open Orders Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_trigger_hisorders POST Query Trigger Order History Yes
Trade Trade /api/v1/contract_order POST Place an Order Yes
Trade Trade /api/v1/contract_batchorder POST Place a Batch of Orders Yes
Trade Trade /api/v1/contract_cancel POST Cancel an Order Yes
Trade Trade /api/v1/contract_cancelall POST Cancel All Orders Yes
Trade Trade /api/v1/contract_switch_lever_rate POST Switch Leverage Yes
Trade Trade /api/v1/lightning_close_position POST Place Flash Close Order Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_order_info POST Get Information of an Order Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_order_detail POST Get Trade Details of an Order Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_openorders POST Get Current Orders Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_hisorders POST Get History Orders Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_hisorders_exact POST Query history orders via multiple fields Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_matchresults POST Get History Match Results Yes
Read Trade /api/v1/contract_matchresults_exact POST Query history transactions via multiple fields Yes
Trade Trade v1/futures/transfer POST Transfer margin between Spot account and Future account Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_trigger_order POST Place Trigger Order Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_trigger_cancel POST Cancel Trigger Order Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_trigger_cancelall POST Cancel All Trigger Orders Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_tpsl_order POST Set a Take-profit and Stop-loss Order for an Existing Position Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_tpsl_cancel POST Cancel a Take-profit and Stop-loss Order Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_tpsl_cancelall POST Cancel all Take-profit and Stop-loss Orders Yes
Read Strategy /api/v1/contract_tpsl_openorders POST Open take-profit and stop-loss orders Yes
Read Strategy /api/v1/contract_tpsl_hisorders POST Take-profit and stop-loss histoty orders Yes
Read Strategy /api/v1/contract_relation_tpsl_order POST Query Info Of Take-profit and Stop-loss Order That Related To Position Opening Order Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_track_order POST Place a Trailing Order Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_track_cancel POST Cancel a Trailing Order Yes
Trade Strategy /api/v1/contract_track_cancelall POST Cancel All Trailing Order Yes
Read Strategy /api/v1/contract_track_openorders POST Current unfilled trailing order acquisition Yes
Read Strategy /api/v1/contract_track_hisorders POST Get History Trailing Orders Yes


Address Applicable sites Applicable functions Applicable trading pairs Huobi Future Market Trading pairs provided by Huobi Future


If you can't connect "", please use "" for debug purpose. If your server is deployed in AWS, we recommend using "".

Signature Authentication & Verification

Signature Illustration

Considering that API requests may get tampered in the process of transmission, to keep the transmission secure, you have to use your API Key to do Signature Authentication for all private interface except for public interface (used for acuqiring basic information and market data), in this way to verify whether the parameters/ parameter value get tampered or not in the process of transmission

A legitimate request consists of following parts:

Create API Key

You could create API Key at

API Key consists of the following two parts.

Steps for Signature

Normative request for Signature calculation Different contents will get totally different results when use HMAC to calculate Signature, therefore, please normalize the requests before doing Signature calculation. Take the request of inquering order details as an example:

query details of one order





1. Request methods (GET/POST): add line breaker "\n".


2. Text the visit address in lowercase, adding line breake "\n"\n

3. Visit the path of methods, adding line breaker "\n"


4. Rank the parameter names according to the sequence of ASCII codes, for example, below is the parameters in original sequence and the new sequence:





5. After ranking






7. Form the final character strings that need to do Signature calculation as following:




8. Use the "request character strings" formed in the last step and your Secret Key to create a digital Signature.


  1. Take the request character string formed in the last step and API Secret Key as two parameters, encoding them with the Hash Function HmacSHA256 to get corresponding Hash value.

  2. Encoding the Hash value with base-64 code, the result will be the digital Signature of this request.

9. Add the digital Signature into the parameters of request path.

The final request sent to Server via API should be like:

  1. Add all the must authentication parameters into the parameters of request path;

  2. Add the digital Signature encoded with URL code into the path parameters with the parameter name of "Signature".

API Rate Limit Illustration

Future, Coin Margined Swap and USDT Margined Contracts are using separate API rate limits.

Please note that, for both public interface and private interface, there are rate limits, more details are as below:

API Limitation on Order Cancellation Ratio

Details of Each Error Code

Error Code Error Details Description
403 invalid ID
1000 System error.
1001 System is unprepared.
1002 Query error.
1003 Abnormal redis operation.
1004 System busy. Please try again later.
1010 Account doesn't exist.
1011 The user's session doesn't exist.
1012 The user's account doesn't exist.
1013 This contract symbol doesn't exist.
1014 This contract doesn't exist.
1015 The index price does not exist.
1016 The bid offer does not exist. Please input the price.
1017 Order doesn't exist.
1018 Main account doesn't exist.
1019 Main account doesn't exist in the sub-account white list.
1020 The number of your sub-account exceeds the maximum. Please contact customer service.
1021 Account open failed. Main account hasn’t opened contract trading account yet.
1030 Input error.
1031 Incorrect form source.
1032 The number of access exceeded the limit.
1033 Incorrect field of contract period.
1034 Incorrect field of order price type.
1035 Incorrect field of form direction.
1036 Incorrect field of open long form.
1037 The leverage is invalid. Please contact the customer service.
1038 The order price exceeds the precision limit, please modify and order again.
1039 Buy price must be lower than {0}{1}. Sell price must exceed {2}{3}.
1040 Invalid amount, please modify and order again.
1041 The order amount exceeds the limit ({0}Cont), please modify and order again.
1042 Current positions have triggered position limits ({0}Cont). Please order after changing the amount.
1043 Current positions have triggered position limits ({0}Cont). Please order after changing the amount.
1044 Current positions have triggered position limits of our platform. Please order after changing the amount.
1045 Unable to switch leverage due to open orders.
1046 Abnormal service. Please try again later.
1047 Insufficient margin available.
1048 Insufficient close amount available.
1049 Open a position with market price is not available.contracts
1050 Customer's order number is repeated. Please try again later.
1051 No orders to cancel.
1052 The number exceeds the batch limit.
1053 Unable to get the latest price range.
1054 Unable to get the latest price.
1055 The price is not reasonable, and the account equity will be less than 0 after placing this order. Please modify the price and place the order.
1056 In settlement. Your order can’t be placed/withdrew currently.
1057 Your order can’t be placed due to trading halt.
1058 Your order can’t be placed due to trade suspension.
1059 In delivery. Your order can’t be placed/withdrew currently.
1060 Your order can’t be placed currently due to abnormal contracts status.
1061 This order doesn't exist.
1062 Cancelling. Please be patient.
1063 The order has been executed.
1064 The main key of order conflicts.
1065 The form number of client isn't an integer.
1066 {0} cannot be empty.
1067 Illegal parameter {0}.
1068 Export error.
1069 The price is not reasonable.
1070 Empty data, cannot be exported.
1071 Repeated cancellation. Your order has been canceled.
1072 Sell price must be lower than {0}{1}.
1073 Position abnormal. Please contact the customer service.
1074 Unable to order currently. Please contact the customer service.
1075 The price is not reasonable, and the margin rate will be less than 0 after placing this order. Please modify the price and place the order.
1076 No orders, please try again later.
1077 In settlement or delivery. Unable to get assets of current contract.
1078 In settlement or delivery. Unable to get assets of some contracts.
1079 In settlement or delivery. Unable to get positions of current contract.
1080 In settlement or delivery. Unable to get positions of some contracts.
1081 The number of your {0} contract trigger orders exceeds the limit {1}.
1082 Trigger type parameter error.
1083 Your position is in the process of forced liquidation. Unable to place order temporarily.
1084 Your contract API is disabled, please try again after {0} (GMT+8).
1085 Trigger order failed, please modify the price and place the order again or contact the customer service.
1086 {0} contract is restricted of opening positions on {1}. Please contact customer service.
1087 {0} contract is restricted of closing positions on {1}. Please contact customer service.
1088 {0} contract is restricted of withdraw order on {1}. Please contact customer service.
1089 Transfer is temporarily restricted for {0} account, please contact customer service support.
1090 Margin rate is lower than 0. Order can’t be placed.
1091 Equity is less than 0. Order can’t be placed.
1092 The Flash Closing Order takes the {0}th price at the order book. After placing an order, the account equity will be less than 0. Please manually enter the price or place an order with the counterparty price.
1093 The Flash Closing Order takes the {0}th price at the order book. The margin rate will be less than 0 after placing an order. Please manually enter the price or place an order with the counterparty price.
1094 The leverage cannot be empty, please switch the leverage or contact customer service
1095 Non-trading state, unable to switch the leverage temporarily
1100 Unable to open a position currently. Please contact the customer service.
1101 Unable to close a position currently. Please contact the customer service.
1102 Unable to transfer in currently. Please contact customer service.
1103 Unable to transfer out currently. Please contact customer service.
1104 Trading is prohibited due to contracts trading constraints.
1105 Only Close is available due to contracts trading constraints.
1106 Delivery or settlement in progress, unable to transfer.
1108 Abnormal service. Please try again later.
1109 Sub-account doesn't own the permissions to open positions. Please contact customer service.
1110 Sub-account doesn't own the permissions to close positions. Please contact customer service.
1111 Sub-account doesn't own the permissions to transfer in. Please contact customer service.
1112 Sub-account doesn't own the permissions to transfer out. Please contact customer service.
1113 The sub-account does not have transaction permissions. Please login main account to authorize.
1114 The sub-account does not have transfer permissions. Please login main account to authorize.
1115 You have no access permissions of this sub-account.
1200 Login error. Please try again.
1220 You don’t have access permission as you have not opened contracts trading.
1221 The total balances of Exchange Account can't meet the requirements for opening contracts.
1222 The days of opening account can't meet the requirements for opening contracts.
1223 The VIP level can't meet the requirements for opening contracts.
1224 Your country/region can't meet the requirements for opening contracts.
1225 Failed to open contracts.
1226 Repeated account.
1227 Huobi Contract does not support sub-accounts. Please log out sub-account and log in again with primary account.
1228 You have not activated contract trading currently, please activate first.
1229 Cannot agree twice.
1230 You haven't finished the risk verification.
1231 You haven't finished the ID Verification.
1232 The format/size of the image you uploaded does not meet the requirements. Please re-upload.
1233 High leverage is not enabled (Please sign in the APP or web with your main account to agree to the High-Leverage Agreement)
1234 For {0} contracts, the number of the position-opening orders which are not fully filled cannot exceed {1}.
1235 For {0} contracts, the number of the position-closing orders which are not fully filled cannot exceed {1}.
1250 Unable to get the HT_token.
1251 Unable to get BTC assets. Please try again later.
1252 Unable to get currency account assets. Please try again later.
1253 Error in signature verification.
1254 The sub-account has no permission to open futures, please go to the web side to log in the main account and open.
1300 Transfer failed.
1301 Insufficient amount available.
1302 Transfer failed.
1303 The single transfer-out amount must be no less than {0}{1}.
1304 The single transfer-out amount must be no more than {0}{1}.
1305 The single transfer-in amount must be no less than {0}{1}.
1306 The single transfer-in amount must be no more than {0}{1}.
1307 Your accumulative transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer out for the time being.
1308 Your accumulative transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer in for the time being.
1309 Your accumulative net transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer out for the time being.
1310 Your accumulative net transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer in for the time being.
1311 The platform's accumulative transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer out for the time being.
1312 The platform's accumulative transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer in for the time being.
1313 The platform's accumulative net transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer out for the time being.
1314 The platform's accumulative net transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer in for the time being.
1315 Wrong transfer type.
1316 Failed to freeze the transfer.
1317 Failed to unfreeze the transfer.
1318 Failed to confirm the transfer.
1319 Failed to acquire the available transfer amount.
1320 The contract status is abnormal. Transfer is unavailable temporarily.
1321 Transfer failed. Please try again later or contact customer service.
1322 Invalid amount. Must be more than 0.
1323 Abnormal service, transfer failed. Please try again later.
1325 Failed to set trading unit
1326 Failed to obtain trading units
1327 No transfer permission, transfer failed, please contact customer service
1328 No transfer permission, transfer failed, please contact customer service
1329 No transfer permission, transfer failed, please contact customer service
1330 No transfer permission, transfer failed, please contact customer service
1331 Exceeds limit of transfer accuracy (8 digits). Please modify it
1332 The contract doesn't exist.
1333 Failed to open the Maker&Taker agreement
1334 Failed to check the Maker&Taker agreement
1335 Failed to check the second confirmation setting of Maker&Taker
1336 Failed to update the second confirmation setting of Maker&Taker
1337 Failed to check the settings of Maker&Taker
1338 Failed to update the settings of Maker&Taker
1339 Nickname contains illegal words, please modify it
1340 Nickname has been used, please modify it
1341 The enrollment has ended
1342 You cannot set nickname for sub-account
1343 Invalid indicator, please reset
1344 Sorry, {0} contracts can add market reminders currently at most
1345 Sorry, currently {0} can set up to {1} reminders
1346 The indicator already exists, please do not set it repeatedly
1347 {0} parameter is incorrect, please modify.
1348 This contract does not support cross margin mode.
1349 The leverage of the order does not match the leverage of the current position, please switch the leverage first.
1401 order price shall be lower than the strike price.
1403 The number of take-profit and stop-loss orders for {0} contract shall not exceed {1}
1404 Take-profit and stop-loss orders can only be bound with orders for opening a position
1405 The take-profit price shall not be {0}{1}{2}
1406 Your chances of lucky draw have been used up
1407 The stop-loss price shall not be {0}{1}{2}
1408 Unable to cancel because the take-profit and stop-loss order does not take effect.
1409 You have no access to set a take-profit and stop-loss order, please contact our customer service.
1410 The number of sub-accounts for batch operation cannot exceed {0}
1411 Settlement in progress, unable to query order information.
1412 {0} does not meet with the price precision limit {1}.
1413 You have no access to set a Trailing Stop order, please contact our customer service.
1414 You have not activated the grid trading. Please log in to the Web or APP with your main account, and agree with the protocol to activate the grid trading.
1415 Terminate price (Take-profit/Stop-loss price) cannot be within the range of grid price, please modify!
1416 Exceeds the maximum running time, which is{0} days and {1} hours, please modify!
1417 Exceeds the range of grid quantity, which is ({0} ~ {1}), please modify!
1418 At most {0} grids trading orders can be running at the same time, please cancel other grid trading orders first.
1419 Exceeds the range of initial margin ({0} ~ {1}} {2}).
1420 You have no access to grid trading on Huobi Futures, please contact our customer service.
1421 There are open orders or positions of the current contract, please cancel these orders or close these positions first.
1422 The PnL per grid is expected to be less than 0, please modify!
1423 The spread between the lowest and the highest grid price is unreasonable, please modify!
1424 This grid trading has been terminated for other reasons. Therefore, it cannot be modified or manually terminated now.
1425 The callback rate should be {0}{1}, please modify!
1426 The activation price should be {0} the latest price.
1427 The number of your {0} contract trailing stop order orders exceeds the limit {1}.
1428 The coupon for the same type of contract can only be collected once by each user.
1429 Already received; please do not collect again!
1430 Invalid coupon; please refresh!
1431 The system is in maintenance and is expected to resume at {0} (GMT+8).
1432 A grid trading is being initialized or terminated; unable to place an order currently.
1433 The grid trading is terminated caused by placing/canceling order manually; please check “Order History” for details.
1434 Less than the minimum initial margin ({0}{1}), which causes the quantity per grid less than the minimum order quantity, please modify!
1435 The grid has been terminated by you.
1436 The grid trading exceeds the effective duration; terminated automatically.
1437 The grid trading has been terminated for system reasons, please contact our customer service.
1438 The grid trading has been terminated due to the termination condition being triggered.
1439 The grid trading has been terminated due to a liquidation being triggered.
1440 {0} contracts fail to be cancelled.
1441 The trigger price must be lower than the highest termination price and higher than the lowest termination price, please modify!
1442 The effective duration must be a minute longer than the running time, please modify!
1443 Delivery of {0} contract causes grid trading termination.
1450 The risk level you ranked does not support the use of current leverage.
1451 The risk level you ranked does not support the use of current leverage, please log in the main account for checking.
1452 The number of grid orders exceeds the order quantity limits; Unable to place any order temporarily.
1453 The number of all your trigger orders exceeds the limit set by the platform; Unable to place any orders temporarily.
1454 The number of all your take profit and stop loss orders exceeds the limit set by the platform; Unable to place any orders temporarily.
1455 The number of all your trailing stop orders exceeds the limit set by the platform; Unable to place any orders temporarily.
12001 Invalid submission time.
12002 Incorrect signature version.
12003 Incorrect signature method.
12004 Private key is expired.
12005 Incorrect IP address.
12006 The submission time can't be empty.
12007 Incorrect public key.
12008 Verification failed.
12009 The user is locked or doesn't exist.

API Best Practice

1. Query contract history orders interface: /api/v1/contract_hisorders

2. Query contract match results interface: /api/v1/contract_matchresults

3. Query contract financial record interface: /api/v1/contract_financial_record

4. Query contract order detail interface: /api/v1/contract_order_detail

5. Query contract trigger order history orders interface:

6. WebSocket subscription to Market Depth data:


"sub": "market.BTC_CQ.depth.step6",

"id": "id5"



"sub": "market.BTC_CQ.depth.size_20.high_freq",


"id": "id1"


7. Place order interface (URL: /api/v1/contract_order) and place a batch of orders interface (URL:/api/v1/contract_batchorder):

8. The best deployment of program server

Code Demo



Contract sdk

Asynchronous Library

Future API FAQ

Access and Authentication

Q1: Is the API Key for future and spot the same ?

Yes. The future API key and spot API key are same. You can create API using the following link. click here

Q2: Why are APIs disconnected or timeout?

  1. The network connection is unstable if the server locates in China mainland,it is suggested to invoke APIS from a server located in 1c area of AWS Tokyo.

  2. You can use to debug for domestic network.

Q3: Why is the websocket often disconnected?

It seems that most of the abnormal websocket issues (such as disconnect, websocket close )(websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure))are caused by different network environment. The following measures can effectively reduce websocket issues.

It would be better if the server is located in 1c area of AWS Tokyo with url and implement websocket re-connection mechanism. Both market heartbeat and order heartbeat should response with Pong with different format, following Websocket market heartbeat and account heartbeat

Q4: What is the difference between and

The uses AWS's CDN service. it should be more stable and faster for AWS users. The uses Cloudflare's CDN service.

Q5: What is the colocation service ? which attention points should we know ?

Actually ,colo corresponds to a vpc node, which directly connects to private network of huobi's future, so it will reduce the latency between the client and the Huobi future server (bypassing the CDN)

huobi future and huobi swap have the same colo, so the domain name connecting the swap api and the future api are the same.

Note : Colo needs to use for signature(authentication) to avoid getting 403 error: Verification failure.

Q6: Why does signature verification return failure (403: Verification failure) ?

The signature process of future is similar to huobi Spot . In addition to the following precautions,please refer to the swap or spot demo to verify whether the signature is successful. Please check your own signature code after demo verification is successful. The coin margined swap code demo is here. The future code demo is here. The USDT Margined Contracts code demo is here.

  1. Check if the API key is valid and copied correctly.
  2. Check if the IP is in whitelist
  3. Check if th timestamp is UTC time
  4. Check if parameters are sorted alphabetically
  5. Check if the encoding is UTF-8
  6. Check if the signature has base64 encoding
  7. Any method with parameters for GET requests should be signed.
  8. Any method with parameters for POST requests don't need to be signed.
  9. Check if whether the signature is URI encoded and Hexadecimal characters must be capitalized, such as ":" should be encoded as "%3A", and the space should be encoded as "%20"
  10. The authorization of websocket is similar to the authorization of restful interface.Pls note that the json body of the websocket authorization shouldn't be URL encoded.
  11. The host in signature text should be the same as the host in your API request.The proxy may change the request host, you can try without proxy;Some http/websocket library may include port in the host, you can try to append port in signature host, like ""
  12. The hidden text in API Key and Secret Key may have impact on the signature.
  13. Check the byte[] is directly to be Base64 encoded after generated from the HmacSHA256 signature, instead of hexadecimal string to be Base64 encoded.

If the reason for signature failure has not been found through the above methods. And you can confirm that by this demo which is specially explaining the signature.

Q7: Is the ratelimit of public market based on IP ? Is the ratelimit of interface with private key based on UID?

Yes. The ratelimit of interface with private key is based on the UID, not the API key. The master and sub accounts are separately ratelimited and don't affect each other.

Q8: Is there any recommendation for third-party framework which integrates Huobi future?

There is an open source asynchronous quantization framework which integrates Huobi future and Huobi swap: here. If you have any quetsions, please open a ticket in github issues.

Delivery and Settlement

Q1: What is the future settlement cycle? Which interface can be used to check the status when the future is settled?

Orders can't be placed or cancelled during settlement period, error code "1056" will be returned if users place or cancel orders.

You are recommended to request contract information by this two ways:

It's in settlement time if there is any number of 5, 6, 7, 8 included in the returned status code of contract_status, while it indicates that settlement completed and users could place and cancel orders as usual if the returned status code is 1.

Kindly remind you that the delivery contract will be settled every day at 16:00 Singapore time or be deliveried at 16:00 on Friday. Inquiry about funds and positions during settlement or delivery will return an error code.

Error codes and their meaning are as following:

  1. Error code "1077" indicates that "the fund query of current perpetual swap trading pair failed during the settlement";
  2. Error code "1078" indicates that "the fund query of part of perpetual swap trading pairs failed during the settlement";
  3. Error code "1079" indicates that "the position query of current perpetual swap trading pair failed during the settlement";
  4. Error code "1080" indicates that "the position query of part of perpetual swap trading pairs failed during the settlement";

You are recommended to read the status code from the returned message. If the above four types of status code appear, the returned data is not accurate and couldn't be used as reference.

Q2: How to query the system status of the exchange?

There are two common statuses of the exchange systems: settlement/delivery in progress; suspended for maintenance; when the system is in these two kinds of statuses, the system will return the response error code and error information when calling the related API interfaces.

a. How to judge whether the settlement/delivery has been done?

Users can judge from the value “contract_status” returned by the “Get Information of an Order” interface ( /api/v1/contract_contract_info)

or Subscribe Contract Info (no authentication): public.$symbol.contract_info

If the return parameter contract_status is 1, it means that the settlement/delivery has been done and the trading has been resumed now.

b. How to judge whether the system is suspended for maintenance or not?

Users can judge from the value “heartbeat” pushed by the “Queried if system interface is available” interface (

or the “Subscribe system status updates” interface ("topic: public.$service.heartbeat");

If the return parameter heartbeat is 1, it means that the system is available now and can be connected normally.

Market and Websocket

Q1: How often are the snapshot orderbook subscription and incremental orderbook subscription pushed?

The snapshot orderbook subscription(market.$symbol.depth.$type) is checked once every 100MS.If there is an update,it will be pushed. It will be pushed at least 1 second.The incremental orderbook subscription is checked once every 30MS.If there is an update,it will be pushed.If there is no update, it will not be pushed.

Q2: How often is the market trade subscription pushed?

The market trade subscription will be pushed when there is a transaction.

Q3: Are there historical Kline data or historical market trade data?

The historical kline data can be obtained via API interface /market/history/kline with the request params from, to (the time period cannot exceed two years). And the qty of data records cannot be exceeding 2000 in each time.

The historical trade data can be obtained by subscribing the websocket topic: market.$

or can be downloaded from download historical market data

But also, you can download that data using The demo of downloading historical market data

Q4: How to get MACD and other technical indicators on Kline?

The API does not have interfaces to get technical indicators such as MACD. You can refer to TradingView and other websites to calculate them.

Q5: What is the definition of timestamp in the document?

The timestamp in the document refers to the total number of seconds or total milliseconds from Greenwich Mean Time, January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 (Beijing Time, January 1, 1970, 08:00:00) to the present.

Q6: What is the definition of the 150 level and 20 level of MBP?

The Subscription of MBP data: market.$symbol.depth.$type.150 price level means the current bids and asks splited into 150 level by price.20 price level means the current bids and asks splited into 20 level by price.

Q7: What is the meaning of merged depth when subscribing MBP data?

The subscrpition of MBP data:market.$symbol.depth.$type:

step1 and step7 are merged by 5 decimal places.bids down,asks up. step2 and step8 are merged by 4 decimal places.bids down,asks up. step3 and step9 are merged by 3 decimal places.bids down,asks up. step4 and step10 are merged by 2 decimal places.bids down,asks up. step5 and step11 are merged by 1 decimal places.bids down,asks up. step12 and step14 are combined by single digit.bids down,asks up. step13 and step15 are combined by tens.bids down,asks up.



bids price: 100.123, 100.245. The merged bids price are 100.12, 100.24.

asks price: 100.123, 100.245 The merged asks price are 100.13, 100.25.

("Down" and "Up" are rounded up or down, if the price is down, the asks price is not rounded down, and the bids price is rounded up.)

150 price level: step0 to step5, step14, step15;

20 price level: step6 to step13;

More examples:


price: 1.123456 The merged bid price is 1.12345. The merged ask price is 1.12346.


price: 1.123456 The merged bid price is 1.12345. The merged ask price is 1.12346.


price: 1.123456 The merged bid price is 1.123456. The merged ask price is 1.123456.


price: 1.123456 The merged bid price is 1.1. The merged ask price is 1.1.

Q8:Does websocket's position channel push full data or incrementall data each time?

Subscription of position event: "positions.btc".The latest position is pushed,including the volumes, available volumes, frozen volumes.If there is no update,it will not be pushed.

Q9: Does websocket's position channel push data when the unrealized profit is updated?

Subscription of position event: "positions.btc".It will not be pushed if only unrealized profit is updated. It will be pushed only when position event is updated.

Q10: What is the difference between market detail and trade detail in WS?

Market Detail(market.$symbol.detail) is the merged market data. It will be checked every 0.5s, pushed once trade event udpates,including the OHLCV data,etc.Trade Detail(market.$ is pushed once trade event updates,including trade price, trade volume, trade direction,etc.

Q11: What is the meaning of the two ts pushed by subscription of incremental MBP ?

Subscription of incremental MBP:market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq,The outer ts is the timestamp when the market server sends the data.The inner ts is the timestamp when the orderbook is checked.

Q12: What is the difference between websocket subscription of MBP and incremental MBP? How often is the incremental MBP pushed?

market.$symbol.depth.$type is snapshot MBP data,market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq is incremental MBP data.Snapshot MBP data is checked every 100ms,pushed at least every 1s.Incremental MBP data is checked every 30ms.It will not be pushed,if MBP has no update.

Q13: How to maintain local MBP data subscribing incremental MBP:market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq?

Snapshot MBP data will be pushed for the first time, and the incremental MBP data will be pushed afterwards.

(1) Compare the incremental price with the previous full MBP data, and replace the order amount with the same price;

(2) If the price is not in the local MBP data,add the price to the local MBP data;

(3) If a price level is gone, data such as [8100, 0] will be pushed.You have to remove the same price of local MBP data;

(4) For the same websocket connection, the incremental data version is incremented; if the version is not incremented, you need to re-subscribe and re-maintain the local full MBP data;

Q14: Will the quarter contract of the delivery contract be converted to the next week contract, will it be notified or changged by WS?

If a quarterly contract such as BTC_CQ is converted to the next week contract BTC_NW, WS will not automatically notify you, you need to change the subscription to BTC_NW.

Q15: When subscribing the same topic of several contract codes, will several ws be needed?

Since Futures, Coin Margined swaps, USDT Margined Contracts are different contracts with different interface addresses, different ws will be needed.

In Futures, Coin Margined swaps, USDT Margined Contracts thereof, as long as the interface address is the same, one ws is enough.

Q16: Is it available to place/cancel an order via WS??

Currently, it is not supported.

Q17: How to subscribe order status?

a. Successfully trade: “Subscribe Match Order Data (matchOrders.$symbol)” or “Subscribe Order Data (orders.$symbol)”

b. Successfully cancel: Subscribe Account Equity Updates Data (accounts.$symbol)

Q18: What is the difference between the “Subscribe Match Order Data (matchOrders.$symbol)” and “Subscribe Order Data (orders.$symbol)”?

The pushed data of these two interfaces are different. Compared to “Subscribe Match Order Data (matchOrders.$symbol)”, there are more fields for “Subscribe Order Data (orders.$symbol)”

In general, the match order data (Subscribe Match Order Data “matchOrders.$symbol”) may be pushed faster than the settled order data (Subscribe Order Data “orders.$symbol”).

The orders of forced liquidation and netting will not be pushed in “Subscribe Match Order Data (matchOrders.$symbol)”

Q19: How often is the “Subscribe Kline Data (market.$symbol.kline.$period)” pushed?

If any transaction is completed, it will push every 500ms. If not, it will push according to the subscribe period

Q20: How to judge whether the push is delayed?

Please first synchronize the time of the server through, and the “ts” in the returned data is timestamp (ms) and the corresponding time zone is UTC+8.

The outer layer of each pushed data has a “ts”, which represents the time stamp (ms) when the server pushes the data to the client and the corresponding time zone is UTC+8.

When the data pushed arrive, the procedure will record the local time “ts”. When the local time “ts” is much later than the pushing data “ts”, you can use the following methods to improve the delay:

a. Reduce the data pushed by reducing the number of WS subscriptions.

b. Check the stability and speed of the network between procedure and the servers (please replace with the domain name used by the program)

curl -o /dev/null -s -w time_namelookup"(s)":%{time_namelookup}"\n"time_connect"(s)":%{time_connect}"\n"time_starttransfer"(s)":%{time_starttransfer}"\n"time_total"(s)":%{time_total}"\n"speed_download"(B/s)":%{speed_download}"\n"

and you will receive data as below:






If you run the above command multiple times in a row, and the results obtained each time are very different, you can: a. Select an appropriate Huobi domain name, b. Optimize or reselect the network where the program is located.

Order and Trade

Q1: What's the reason for 1004 error code?

We notice that the system is sometimes overloaded when the market suddenly turns to be highly volatile. If the system is busy recently or the following prompts appear:

{“status”: “error”, “err_code”: 1004, “err_msg”: “System busy. Please try again later.”, “ts”:}

please be patient, and do not place or cancel order repeatedly during the process to avoid repeated orders and additional pressure on system performance. In the meanwhile, it is recommended to place and cancel orders through Web and APP.

Q2: The same order ID and match ID can have multiple trades. for example: if a user take a large amount of maker orders, there will be multiple corresponding trades . How to identify these different trades ?

The field ID returned by the information interface /api/v1/contract_order_detail is a globally unique transaction identifier. if a maker order is matched multiple times, a trade will be pushed once there is a transaction matched.

Q3: What is the delay for the round trip of huobi future?

At present,it normally takes about 30-50ms from placing the order to getting the status of the order.

Q4: Why does the API return connection reset or Max retris or Timeout error?

Most of the network connectivity problems ,(such as Connection reset or network timeout ) are caused by network instability , you can use the server in AWS Tokyo C area with , which can effectively reduce network timeout errors.

Q5: How to check the order status without order_id not returned?

If the order_id couldn't be returned due to network problems, you can query the status of the order by adding the custom order number(client_order_id ).

Q6: What to do if it's diconnected after the websocket subscription of account, order and positions for a while?

When subscribing private accounts, orders and positions, the heartbeat should also be maintained regularly ,which is different from the market heartbeat format . Please refer to the "websocket Heartbeat and Authentication Interface" . if the it is disconnected ,please try to reconnect.

Q7: What is the difference between order status 1 and 2 ? what is the status 3 ?

Status 1 is the preparation for submission. status 2 is the sequential submission of internal process, which can be considered that it has been accepted by the system. Status 3 indicated that the order has been already submitted to market.

Q8: Is there an interface to get the total assets in BTC of my account ?


Q9: Why is the order filled after the order is withdrawed successfully by placing API cancellation ?

The success return of order cancellation or placement only represents that the command is excuted successfully and doesn't mean that the order has been cancelled . You can check the order status through the interface /api/v1/contract_order_info.

Q10: How long does it generally take for an API from withdrawing to cancelling successfully ?

The order cancellation command generally takes several tens of ms. The actual status of order cancellation can be obtained by invoking the interface: /api/v1/contract_order_info.

Q11: How to get historical liquidation orders?

To obtain historical liquidation orders, you can access the one of four api interfaces: Get History Orders (/api/v1/contract_hisorders), Get History Match Results (/api/v1/contract_matchresults), Query history orders via multiple fields (/api/v1/contract_hisorders_exact), Query history transactions via multiple fields (/api/v1/contract_matchresults_exact), with the return field order_source (order source) to judge. When order_source returns "risk", it means that this order is a liquidated order.

Q12: Why can't open positions?

  1. Available margin is not enough to open positions, cause we have the minimum amount requirements when open positions.
  2. The order price is out of the range of price limits.
  3. The amount exceeds the upper limit of single orders.
  4. The number of positions exceed the upper limit for an individual investor.
  5. Positions may only be closed within 10 min before settlement.(error code 1105)
  6. The positions are taken over by system.

Q13: Does Huob Futures support holding bi-directional position?

Yes, Huobi Futures supports long and short positions being held at the same time.

Q14: How to ensure the order to be rapidly filled?

At present, Huobi Futures does not support market price when placing an order. To increase the probability of a transaction, users can choose to place an order based on BBO price (opponent), optimal 5 (optimal_5), optimal 10 (optimal_10), optimal 20 (optimal_20), among which the success probability of optimal 20 is the largest, while the slippage always is the largest as well.

It is important to note that the above methods will not guarantee the order to be filled in 100%. The system will obtain the optimal N price at that moment and place the order.

Q15: How can API procedure be connected to the exchange more rapidly?

It’s recommended to use a AWS Tokyo c-zone server and the domain name “” to connect to the system.

Q16: It occurs an “abnormal service” error when transferring assets between spots and derivatives.

a. Check whether the request address is the address of Huobi:

b. Check whether the precision of the coin does not exceed 8 decimal places?

Q17: How to confirm whether the position is opened or closed successfully?

Placing an order successfully through “Place an Order” interface (/api/v1/contract_order) or “Place a batch of orders” interface (/api/v1/contract_batchorder) just means the server has received your order placing instructions rather than you have opened/closed a position successfully.

You can check the order status by filling the returned “order_id” in the “Get Information of an Order” interface (/api/v1/contract_order_info) or the “Order Details Acquisition” interface (/api/v1/contract_order_detail); If the order has been filled, the “status” value in the return parameter will turn out 6 (wholly filled)

It is important to note:

a. For “Get Information of an order” interface (/api/v1/contract_order_info), after the settlement or delivery, the system will delete all the orders in ended status (5: partially filled orders have been cancelled; 6: wholly filled; 7: cancelled);

b. There is a delay in “Order Details Acquisition” interface (/api/v1/contract_order_detail), so it is better to fill in “created_at” (order timestamp) and “order_type” (order type, fill in 1 by default). In this way, it will directly query the database, so the query results will be more timely.

Q18: Why are orders canceled by the system automatically?

The order_price_type which can be chosen are IOC, FOK and Maker (Post Only). When the order book cannot meet with the corresponding conditions, the system will cancel the orders automatically:

Post_only: If the order placed is filled with an existing order on the order book immediately, the order will be cancelled to ensure the user is always a maker.

IOC order: If the order cannot be filled immediately, the unfilled part will be cancelled at once;

FOK order: If the order cannot be filled in its entirety, it will be wholly cancelled. No partial fulfillments are allowed.

Q19: How to query the maximum amount (cont) available to open by using users’ current assets?

At present, we do not have an interface by which users can directly query the maximum amount (cont) available to open by using users’ the current asset.

Q20: Are the “order_id” and “order_id_str” the same?

The “order_id_str” is the string format of “order_id”, whose values are the same.

For the “order_id” with 18 bits, the “JSON.parse” in “nodejs” and “javascript” will be “int” by default, and mistakes will occur when analyzing. Thus, we advise using “order_id_str”.

Q21: How to get the active buying/selling quantity in transaction data?

Users can get the data via “Query The Last Trade of a Contract” (/market/trade) interface or by subscribing "sub": "market.$", thereinto

Amount refers to the trading volume (cont), which is the sum of the buying/selling volume;

Direction refers to the active trading direction.

Q22: The interval between “from” and “to” is “2000*period” when acquiring KLine data, then why the data obtained is []?

When acquiring the Kline data, the two time points “from” and “to” are contained, therefore it includes 2001 pieces of data. However, this exceeds the maximum limit 2000. Therefore, the system will return [].

Besides, the returned data will be [] as well if the interval between “from” and “to” exceeds 2 years.

Q23: How to get the latest price?

There are two methods to get the latest price:

a. Invoking the “Get KLine Data” interface and filling in any “period”, the “close” of the last data in return data will be the latest price;

b. Invoking the “Query The Last Trade of a Contract” interface, the returned “price” will be the latest price.

Q24: How to get the latest index price?

There are two methods to get the latest index price:

a. Calling the “Get Contract Index Price Information” interface (/api/v1/contract_index), the returned “index_price” will be the latest index price.

b. Calling the “Subscribe Index Kline Data” websocket (market.$symbol.index.$period), the “close” of the last Kline data in returned data will be the latest index price.

Q25: Will API upgrade affect the operation of the program?

In general, API upgrade will partly influence the ws disconnection. To avoid this, you can set up a ws-reconnect mechanism in advance; Please subscribe to the upgrade announcements for more details:

Coin-margined futures:

Coin-margined swaps:

USDT-margined contracts:

Q26: What does mean the “margin_balance” in “Query User’s Account Information” interface (api/v1/contract_account_info)?

”margin_balance” refers to the account equity

  1. margin_balance = margin_static + profit_unreal

  2. margin_balance = Account balance + profit_real + profit_unreal

Note: Account balance = margin_static - profit_real, there is only margin_static in the return data of api interface

Each of the two calculation methods above can get the margin_balance

Q27: Is the “risk_rate” (margin rate) in “Query User’s Account Information” interface (/api/v1/contract_account_info) the same as the margin rate on WEB?

Yes, it is

When the “risk_rate” is less than or equal to 0, the position will be liquidated.

Error Codes

Q1: What is the reason for 1030 error code?

If you encounter errors such as {"status":"error","err_code":1030,"err_msg":"Abnormal service. Please try again later.","ts":1588093883199},indicating that your input request parameter is not correct, please print your request body and complete URL parameters, and please check the corresponding API document interface one by one.The common example is that the volume must be an integer, and the client_order_id must be of type uint32 rather than type uint64.

Q2: What is the reason for 1048 error code?

If you encounter errors such as {'index': 1, 'err_code': 1048, 'err_msg': 'Insufficient close amount available.'}, indicating that your available position is not enough.You need to query the api api/v1/contract_position_info to get your available position.

  1. Check whether the amount (cont) of position-closing order exceeds the limit? (When there is limit order for closing a position, the quantity that available to be closed will be occupied; hence we kindly remind you to cancel these orders and try again.)

  2. Check whether direction and offset are wrong as follows:

close long: sell to close a long position (direction: sell; offset: close);

close short: buy to close a short position (direction: buy; offset: close);

Only “direction” need to be uploaded when placing a flash close order (close long: sell; close short: buy).

  1. The pending take-profit and stop-loss (tp/sl) orders and trigger orders will not occupy the quantity of the position.

Q3: What is the reason for 1032 error code?

1032 means that your request exceeds the ratelimit. The coin margined swap, future and USDT margined Contracts limit the rate separately. Please check the ratelimit in the api ratelimit instructions, and you can print the current ratelimit in the header of the API response to check whether the ratelimit is exceeded. It is recommended to increase the request interval delay to avoid exceeding the ratelimit.

How to solve problems more effectively?

When you report an API error, you need to attach your request URL, the original complete body of the request and the complete request URL parameters, and the original complete log of the server's response. If it is a websocket subscription, you need to provide the address of the subscription, the topic of the subscription, and the original complete log pushed by the server.

If it is an order-related issue, use the API order query interface /api/v1/contract_order_info to keep the complete log returned and provide your UID and order number.

Reference Data

Query information on contract insurance fund balance and estimated clawback rate

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol false string Contract Type Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...,If no data detected, system will return to all contracts by default.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "insurance_fund": 1909.852579486750035041,
            "estimated_clawback": 0
    "ts": 1604298633195

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: milesecond
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
insurance_fund true decimal Insurance Fund Balance
estimated_clawback true decimal Estimated Clawback Rate

Query history records of insurance fund balance

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string Contract Code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...



Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Milesecond
<data> Dictionary Data
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
insurance_fund true decimal Insurance Fund Balance
ts true long Timestamp, Unit: Milesecond

Query information on Tiered Adjustment Factor

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Data Value
symbol false string Contract Code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...,If no data detected, system will return to all contracts by default.



Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Milesecond
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
lever_rate true decimal Leverage
min_size true decimal Min net position limit
max_size true decimal Max net position limit
ladder true int Tier
adjust_factor true decimal Adjustment Factor

Query information on open interest

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Data Range
symbol true string Contract Code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
contract_type true string Contract Type Weekly:"this_week", Bi-weekly:"next_week", Quarterly:"quarter" Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
period true string Period Type 1 hour:"60min",4 hours:"4hour",12 hours:"12hour",1 day:"1day"
size false int Request Amount Default:48,Data Range [1,200]
amount_type true int Open interest unit 1:-cont,2:-cryptocurrenty


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "symbol": "BTC",
        "contract_type": "quarter",
        "tick": [
                "volume": "3058980.0000000000000000",
                "amount_type": 1,
                "ts": 1604296800000
                "volume": "3049899.0000000000000000",
                "amount_type": 1,
                "ts": 1604293200000
    "ts": 1604298943494

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Data Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Milesecond
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type true string Contract Type Weekly:"this_week", Bi-weekly:"next_week", Quarterly:"quarter" Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
volume true string Open Interest. Sum of both buy and sell sides
amount_type true int Open Interest Unit 1:-cont,2:- cryptocurrency
ts true long Recording Time


Query information on Tiered Margin

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value range
symbol false string symbol, if not filled in, return all symbol such as: “BTC”. “ETH”...



Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" . "error"
<data> true object array
symbol true string symbol such as: "BTC"
<list> true object array
lever_rate true int lever rate
<ladders> true object array ladders for margin
min_margin_balance true decimal min margin balance(the starting point in this ladder, included in this ladder)
max_margin_balance true decimal max margin balance(the end point in this ladder, excluded in this ladder, is next ladder's min_margin_balance)
min_margin_available true decimal min margin available(in the range of this ladder margin balance)
max_margin_available true decimal max margin available(not in the range of this ladder margin balance, is next ladder's min_margin_available)
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond

Query Top Trader Sentiment Index Function-Account

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
period true string period 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day



Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Vaue Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Milesecond
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
buy_ratio true decimal net long accounts ratio
sell_ratio true decimal net short accounts ratio
locked_ratio true decimal locked accounts ratio
ts true long Time of Respond Generation

Query Top Trader Sentiment Index Function-Position

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
period true string period 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day



Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Milesecond
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
buy_ratio true decimal Net long position ratio
sell_ratio true decimal Net short position ratio
ts true long Time of Respond Generation

Query Liquidation Order Information(New)


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range OriginalParameter
symbol true string Variety code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int trading type when “0”, request fully filled liquidated orders; when “5’, request liquidated close orders; when “6”, request liquidated open orders
start_time false long (now) – 2h Value range [((end-time) – 2h), (end-time)], maximum query window size is 2 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, query window shift should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
end_time false long now Value range [(present-90d), present], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, queriable range should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
direct false string Search direct, If the direction is NEXT, the data is returned in positive chronological order; if the direction is PREV, the data is returned in reverse chronological order next next, prev default is prev
from_id false long If the query direction is prev, from_id should be the min query_id in the last query result. If the query direction is next, from_id should be the max query_id in the last query result Search query_id to begin with


    "code": 200,
    "msg": "",
    "data": [
            "query_id": 111000,
            "contract_code": "BTC201225",
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "close",
            "volume": 26,
            "price": 19674.96,
            "created_at": 1606293144641,
            "amount": 0.132147663832607537
    "ts": 1604312615051

Response Content

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
code true int State code
msg true string The code description
ts true long Timestamp
<data> true object array
query_id true long next Query ID
symbol true string symbol
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
direction true string "buy":buy"sell": sell
offset true string "open":open "close": close
volume true decimal liquidated volume(cont)
amount true decimal liquidation amount (token)
price true decimal bankruptcy price
created_at true long liquidation time

Query historical settlement records of the platform interface

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string Token Code "BTC","ETH"...
start_time false long Start time(timestamp,unit: millisecond) Value range: [(Current time minus 90 days), Current time] ,default current time minus 90 days
end_time false long End time(timestamp,unit: millisecond) Value range: (start_time, current time],default current time
page_index false int Page, default page 1 if not filled
page_size false int Page items, default 20, shall not exceed 50 [1-50]


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "total_page": 13,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 13,
        "settlement_record": [
                "symbol": "BTC",
                "settlement_time": 1605859200000,
                "clawback_ratio": 0,
                "list": [
                        "contract_code": "BTC201120",
                        "settlement_price": 18217.62,
                        "settlement_type": "delivery"
                        "contract_code": "BTC201127",
                        "settlement_price": 18292.24,
                        "settlement_type": "settlement"
                        "contract_code": "BTC201225",
                        "settlement_price": 18490.42,
                        "settlement_type": "settlement"
                        "contract_code": "BTC210326",
                        "settlement_price": 18788.7,
                        "settlement_type": "settlement"
    "ts": 1606295834648

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Response generation time point, unit: millisecond
<data> true object array
<settlement_record> true object array
symbol true string Token Code
settlement_time true long Settlement Time(timestamp,unit: millisecond)(when the settlement_type is delivery, the time is delivery time; when the settlement_type is settlement, the time is settlement time)
clawback_ratio true decimal Clawback Ratio
<list> true object array
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
settlement_price true decimal Settlement Price(when the settlement_type is delivery, the price is delivery price; when the settlement_type is settlement, the price is settlement price;)
settlement_type true string Settlement Type “delivery”:Delivery,“settlement”:Settlement
total_page true int Total Pages
current_page true int Current Page
total_size true int Total page items

Query information on system status

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol false string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"... If no data detected, system will return to all symbols by default


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "open": 1,
            "close": 1,
            "cancel": 1,
            "transfer_in": 1,
            "transfer_out": 1,
            "master_transfer_sub": 1,
            "sub_transfer_master": 1
    "ts": 1604297099976

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: milesecond
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
open true int open order access:when “1”, then access available; when “0”, access unavailable"1"
close true int close order access:when “1”, then access available; when “0”, access unavailable "1"
cancel true int order cancellation access:when “1”, then access available; when “0”, access unavailable "1"
transfer_in true int deposit access:when “1”, then access available; when “0”, access unavailable "1"
transfer_out true int withdraw access: when “1”, then access available; when “0”, access unavailable "1"
master_transfer_sub true int transfer from master to sub account:"1" is available,“0” is unavailable
sub_transfer_master true int transfer from sub to master account:"1" is available,“0” is unavailable

Get The Estimated Settlement Price

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol false string symbol, return all without filling in "BTC" ...


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "list": [
                    "contract_type": "this_week",
                    "contract_code": "BTC210122",
                    "estimated_settlement_price": null,
                    "settlement_type": "settlement"
                    "contract_type": "next_week",
                    "contract_code": "BTC210129",
                    "estimated_settlement_price": null,
                    "settlement_type": "settlement"
                    "contract_type": "quarter",
                    "contract_code": "BTC210326",
                    "estimated_settlement_price": null,
                    "settlement_type": "settlement"
                    "contract_type": "next_quarter",
                    "contract_code": "BTC210625",
                    "estimated_settlement_price": null,
                    "settlement_type": "settlement"
    "ts": 1609749048045

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string status
<data> true object array
symbol true string symbol "BTC" ...
<list> true object array
contract_type true string contract type "next_week", "quarter", "next_quarter"
contract_code true string contract code "ETH201225" ...
estimated_settlement_price true decimal Current-period estimated settlement price /Current-period estimated delivery price (When the settlement type is "delivery", it is estimated delivery price; Otherwise, it is estimated settlement price)
settlement_type true string settlement type “delivery”,“settlement”
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit: Millisecond


Get Contract Price Limitation


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
symbol string false Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g."BTC","ETH"...
contract_type string false Contract Type ("this_week","next_week","quarter", "next_quarter")
contract_code string false BTC180914 ...

Note :

If not any parameter is filled, the interface returns the price limitation data of all currently available contracts. If the contract_code is filled in, query by the contract_code; The contract_type parameter needs to together with symbol, and can't get contract data only by contract_type


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "contract_code": "BTC201225",
            "contract_type": "quarter",
            "high_limit": 14724.88,
            "low_limit": 13057.92
    "ts": 1604296680648

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" ,"error"
symbol true string Variety code "BTC","ETH" ...
high_limit true decimal Highest Buying Price
low_limit true decimal Lowest Selling Price
contract_code true string Contract Code eg "BTC180914" ...
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week","quarter" ,"next_quarter"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Get Contract Open Interest Information


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
symbol string false Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g."BTC","ETH"...
contract_type string false Contract Type ("this_week","next_week","quarter")
contract_code string false BTC180914

Note :

If not any parameter is filled, the interface returns the price limitation data of all currently available contracts. If the contract_code is filled in, query by the contract_code; The contract_type parameter needs to together with symbol, and can't get contract data only by contract_type


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "volume": 514,
            "amount": 1.966527084511403015,
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "contract_type": "next_quarter",
            "contract_code": "BTC210625",
            "trade_amount": 1.7180308206364924794252271030821859548,
            "trade_volume": 452,
            "trade_turnover": 45200
    "ts": 1604296751272

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
symbol true string Variety code "BTC", "ETH" ...
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week","quarter", "next_quarter"
volume true decimal Position quantity(volume). Sum of both buy and sell sides
amount true decimal Position quantity(Currency). Sum of both buy and sell sides
contract_code true string Contract Code eg "BTC180914" ...
trade_amount true decimal trading volume within the last 24 hours (coin). Sum of both buy and sell sides
trade_volume true decimal trading volume within the last 24 hours (cont). Sum of both buy and sell sides
trade_turnover true decimal trading amount within the last 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Get the estimated delivery price


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
symbol string true Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g."BTC","ETH"...


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "delivery_price": 13212.3643864774624373956594
    "ts": 1604296995036

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
delivery_price true decimal estimated delivery price
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Get Contract Info


curl ""      

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Description
symbol string false Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g. "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type string false "this_week","next_week", "quarter" "next_quarter"
contract_code string false BTC180914




Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
symbol true string Product Code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week", "quarter" ,"next_quarter"
contract_size true decimal Contract Value (USD of one contract) 10, 100...
price_tick true decimal Minimum Variation of Contract Price 0.001, 0.01...
delivery_date true string Contract Delivery Date eg "20180720"
create_date true string Contract Listing Date eg "20180706"
settlement_time true string Next settlement time(timestamp,unit: millisecond)
delivery_time true string delivery time(timestamp,unit: millisecond)
contract_status true int Contract Status 0: Delisting,1: Listing,2: Pending Listing,3: Suspension,4: Suspending of Listing,5: In Settlement,6: Delivering,7: Settlement Completed,8: Delivered,9: Suspending of Trade
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond

Get Contract Index Price Information


curl "" 

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
symbol string false Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g. "BTC","ETH"...


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "index_price": 13707.26,
            "index_ts": 1604296614010
    "ts": 1604296620746

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
index_price true decimal Index Price
index_ts true long Response generation time point, unit: millisecond
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond

Maintenance with service suspended

During the maintenance of the business system, in addition to the below two interfaces(Get system status, Query whether the system is available) for users to query the system status, all “rest” interfaces of the API business will return this in a fixed manner::{"status": "maintain"}. During maintenance with service suspended,all websocket notify interfaces except subscribing system status updates((Subscribe system status updates)) can't work,and will push 1006 error code to clients.


    "status": "maintain"

for getting the infomation that system maintenance with service suspended, could by subscribing system status updates websocket interface.

Query whether the system is available

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Desc
status string "ok" or "error"...
<data> dict object
heartbeat int future 1: avaiable 0: not available(maintenance with service suspended)
swap_heartbeat int coin margined swap 1: avaiable 0: not available(maintenance with service suspended)
estimated_recovery_time long null: normal. estimated recovery time :millionseconds.
swap_estimated_recovery_time long null: normal. coin margined swap estimated recovery time millionseconds.
linear_swap_heartbeat long USDT margined Contracts 1: avaiable 0: not available(maintenance with service suspended)
linear_swap_estimated_recovery_time long null: normal. USDT margined Contracts estimated recovery time millionseconds.



Get current system timestamp




    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1578124684692

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result
ts true long current system timestamp


Get system status

This endpoint allows users to get system status, Incidents and planned maintenance.

The system status can also be obtained through email, SMS, webhook, RSS/Atom feed. Users can You can click here to subscribe. The subscription function depends on Google services. Before you subscribe, please ensure that you can access Google services normally.

curl ""

HTTP Request

Request Parameters

No parameter is available for this endpoint.


  "page": {  // Basic information of status page
    "id": "p0qjfl24znv5",  // page id
    "name": "Huobi",  // page name
    "url": "", // page url
    "time_zone": "Etc/UTC", // time zone
    "updated_at": "2020-02-07T10:25:14.717Z" // page update time
  "components": [  // System components and their status
      "id": "h028tnzw1n5l",  // component id
      "name": "Deposit", // component name
      "status": "operational", // component status
      "created_at": "2019-12-05T02:07:12.372Z",  // component create time
      "updated_at": "2020-02-07T09:27:15.563Z", // component update time
      "position": 1,
      "description": null,
      "showcase": true,
      "group_id": "gtd0nyr3pf0k",  
      "page_id": "p0qjfl24znv5", 
      "group": false,
      "only_show_if_degraded": false
  "incidents": [ // System fault incidents and their status
            "id": "rclfxz2g21ly",  // incident id
            "name": "Market data is delayed",  // incident name
            "status": "investigating",  // incident stutus
            "created_at": "2020-02-11T03:15:01.913Z",  // incident create time
            "updated_at": "2020-02-11T03:15:02.003Z",   // incident update time
            "monitoring_at": null,
            "resolved_at": null,
            "impact": "minor",  // incident impact
            "shortlink": "",
            "started_at": "2020-02-11T03:15:01.906Z",
            "page_id": "p0qjfl24znv5",
            "incident_updates": [ 
                    "id": "dwfsk5ttyvtb",   
                    "status": "investigating",   
                    "body": "Market data is delayed", 
                    "incident_id": "rclfxz2g21ly",   
                    "created_at": "2020-02-11T03:15:02.000Z",    
                    "updated_at": "2020-02-11T03:15:02.000Z",  
                    "display_at": "2020-02-11T03:15:02.000Z",   
                    "affected_components": [  
                            "code": "nctwm9tghxh6",  
                            "name": "Market data",  
                            "old_status": "operational",  
                            "new_status": "degraded_performance"  
                    "deliver_notifications": true,
                    "custom_tweet": null,
                    "tweet_id": null
            "components": [  
                    "id": "nctwm9tghxh6",   
                    "name": "Market data",  
                    "status": "degraded_performance", 
                    "created_at": "2020-01-13T09:34:48.284Z", 
                    "updated_at": "2020-02-11T03:15:01.951Z", 
                    "position": 8,
                    "description": null,
                    "showcase": false,
                    "group_id": null,
                    "page_id": "p0qjfl24znv5",
                    "group": false,
                    "only_show_if_degraded": false
      "scheduled_maintenances": [  // System scheduled maintenance events and their status
            "id": "k7g299zl765l", // incident id
            "name": "Schedule maintenance", // incident name
            "status": "scheduled", // incident status
            "created_at": "2020-02-11T03:16:31.481Z",  // incident create time
            "updated_at": "2020-02-11T03:16:31.530Z",  // incident update time
            "monitoring_at": null,
            "resolved_at": null,
            "impact": "maintenance",  // incident impact
            "shortlink": "",
            "started_at": "2020-02-11T03:16:31.474Z",
            "page_id": "p0qjfl24znv5",
            "incident_updates": [  
                    "id": "8whgr3rlbld8",  
                    "status": "scheduled", 
                    "body": "We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.", 
                    "incident_id": "k7g299zl765l",  
                    "created_at": "2020-02-11T03:16:31.527Z",  
                    "updated_at": "2020-02-11T03:16:31.527Z",  
                    "display_at": "2020-02-11T03:16:31.527Z",  
                    "affected_components": [  
                            "code": "h028tnzw1n5l",  
                            "name": "Deposit And Withdraw - Deposit",  
                            "old_status": "operational",  
                            "new_status": "operational" 
                    "deliver_notifications": true,
                    "custom_tweet": null,
                    "tweet_id": null
            "components": [  
                    "id": "h028tnzw1n5l",  
                    "name": "Deposit", 
                    "status": "operational", 
                    "created_at": "2019-12-05T02:07:12.372Z",  
                    "updated_at": "2020-02-10T12:34:52.970Z",  
                    "position": 1,
                    "description": null,
                    "showcase": false,
                    "group_id": "gtd0nyr3pf0k",
                    "page_id": "p0qjfl24znv5",
                    "group": false,
                    "only_show_if_degraded": false
            "scheduled_for": "2020-02-15T00:00:00.000Z",  // scheduled maintenance start time
            "scheduled_until": "2020-02-15T01:00:00.000Z"  // scheduled maintenance end time
    "status": {  // The overall current status of the system
        "indicator": "minor",   // system indicator
        "description": "Partially Degraded Service"  // system description

Response Content

Field Data Type Description
page basic information of status page
{id string page id
name string page name
url string page url
time_zone string time zone
updated_at} string page update time
components System components and their status
[{id string component id
name string component name, including Order submission, Order cancellation, Deposit etc.
status string component status, value range: operational, degraded_performance, partial_outage, major_outage, under maintenance
created_at string component create time
updated_at string component update time
.......}] for details of other fields, please refer to the return example
incidents System fault incident and their status. If there is no fault at present, it will return to null
[{id string incident id
name string incident name
status string incident staus, value range: investigating, identified, monitoring, resolved
created_at string incident creat time
updated_at string incident update time
.......}] for details of other fields, please refer to the return example
scheduled_maintenances System scheduled maintenance incident and status. If there is no scheduled maintenance at present, it will return to null
[{id string incident id
name string incident name
status string incident staus, value range: scheduled, in progress, verifying, completed
created_at string incident creat time
updated_at string incident update time
scheduled_for string scheduled maintenance start time
scheduled_until string scheduled maintenance end time
.......}] for details of other fields, please refer to the return example
status The overall current status of the system
{indicator string system indicator, value range: none, minor, major, critical, maintenance
description} string system description, value range: All Systems Operational, Minor Service Outager, Partial System Outage, Partially Degraded Service, Service Under Maintenance

Future Market Data interface

Get Market Depth


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
symbol string true Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
type string true Get depth data within step 150, use step0, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5, step14, step15(merged depth data 0-5,14-15);when step is 0,depth data will not be merged; Get depth data within step 20, use step6, step7, step8, step9, step10, step11, step12, step13(merged depth data 7-13); when step is 6, depth data will not be merged.



Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Data Type Desc Value Range
ch true string Data belonged channel,Format: market.period
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond
mrid true long Order ID
id true long tick ID
asks false array Sell,[price(Ask price), vol(Ask orders (cont.) )], price in ascending sequence
bids false array Buy,[price(Bid price), vol(Bid orders(Cont.))], Price in descending sequence
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
version true long version ID
ch true string Data channel, Format: market.period

Get Market BBO Data

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol false string symbol, if not filled in, return all such as "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”, "BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”, "BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported, e.g.: BTC200220



    "status": "ok",
    "ticks": [
            "symbol": "BTC_CQ",
            "ask": [
            "bid": [
            "mrid": 219674,
            "ts": 1616745068985
    "ts": 1616745078403

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" , "error"
<ticks> true object array
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
mrid true long Match ID, unique identification
ask false array [Ask 1 price, Ask 1 qty (cont)]
bid false array [Bid 1 price, Bid 1 qty (cont)]
ts true long The system detects the orderbook time point, unit: milliseconds
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Get Kline Data


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string Contract Name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
period true string Kline Type 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 1hour,4hour,1day, 1mon
size false int Acquisition Quantity [1,2000]
from false long start timestamp seconds.
to false long end timestamp seconds



    "ch": "market.BTC_NQ.kline.5min",
    "data": [
            "amount": 4.30994018951037,
            "close": 14103.1,
            "count": 39,
            "high": 14110,
            "id": 1604297400,
            "low": 14098.29,
            "open": 14098.75,
            "vol": 608
            "amount": 0.19851299586596685,
            "close": 14104.87,
            "count": 1,
            "high": 14104.87,
            "id": 1604297700,
            "low": 14104.87,
            "open": 14104.87,
            "vol": 28
    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1604297729928

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Data Type Desc Value Range
ch true string Data belonged channel,Format: market.period
<data> true object Kline Data
id true int kline id,the same as kline timestamp, kline start timestamp
vol true decimal volume. Sum of both buy and sell sides
count true decimal count. Sum of both buy and sell sides
open true decimal open price
close true decimal close price
low true decimal lowest price
high true decimal highest price
amount true decimal amount based on coins. Sum of both buy and sell sides
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Get Kline Data of Mark Price

Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”, "BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”, "BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
period true string kline period 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day, 1week,1mon
size true int kline size [1,2000]


    "ch": "market.BTC_CQ.mark_price.5min",
    "data": [
            "amount": "0",
            "close": "45853.29",
            "count": "0",
            "high": "45936.25",
            "id": 1628652300,
            "low": "45853.05",
            "open": "45931.25",
            "vol": "0"
            "amount": "0",
            "close": "45862.49",
            "count": "0",
            "high": "45862.49",
            "id": 1628652600,
            "low": "45851.31",
            "open": "45852.5",
            "vol": "0"
    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1628652647728

Returning Parameter:

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
ch true string channel
<data> true object array
id true long kline id
vol true string trade vol(cont), value is 0
count true string trade count, value is 0
open true string open price
close true string close price
low true string low price
high true string high price
amount true string trade amount(coin), value is 0
status true string status "ok" , "error"
ts true number Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Get Market Data Overview


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string Contract Name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)


    "ch": "market.BTC_NQ.detail.merged",
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "amount": "4478.2911316482577028620799060719867257944",
        "ask": [
        "bid": [
        "close": "14114",
        "count": 18805,
        "high": "14299.99",
        "id": 1604298319,
        "low": "14028.78",
        "open": "14229.47",
        "ts": 1604298319019,
        "vol": "633708"
    "ts": 1604298319019

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Data Type Desc Value Range
ch true string Data belonged channel,format: market.$symbol.detail.merged
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
tick true object Kline Data
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
<tick> kline data (Start at 00:00(UTC+8) of the day)
id true long kline id,the same as kline timestamp
vol true string Trade Volume(Cont.). from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
count true int Order Quantity. from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
open true string Open Price
close true string Clos Price, the price in the last kline is the latest order price
low true string Low Price
high true string High Price
amount true string Trade Amount(Coin), trade amount(coin)=sum(order quantity of a single order * face value of the coin/order price). from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
ask true object Sell,[price(Ask price), vol(Ask orders (cont.) )], price in ascending sequence
bid true object Buy,[price(Bid price), vol(Bid orders(Cont.))], Price in descending sequence

Get a Batch of Market Data Overview(V2)

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol false string Contract Name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)



    "status": "ok",
    "ticks": [
            "id": 1650792244,
            "ts": 1650792244792,
            "ask": [
            "bid": [
            "symbol": "BTC_CQ",
            "open": "39878.01",
            "close": "39849.27",
            "low": "39416.79",
            "high": "40103.11",
            "amount": "2786.4746103477839423822794961288088470112",
            "count": 12501,
            "vol": "110847600",
            "number_of": "1108476"
    "ts": 1650792244792

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string status "ok" , "error"
<ticks> true object array
symbol true string symbol "BTC_CW","BTC_NW","BTC_CQ","BTC_NQ"
id true long the id of kline
amount true string amount(coin), from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
ask true array [ask one price, ask one vol(cont)]
bid true array [bid one price], bid one vol(cont)]
open true string open price
close true string close price
count true decimal trade count ,from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
high true string high price
low true string low price
vol true string Transaction amount, from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
number_of true string number of(cont), from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
ts true long timestamp
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit:Millisecond

Query The Last Trade of a Contract


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol false string Contract Name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.. e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)


    "ch": "market.*.trade.detail",
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "data": [
                "amount": "4",
                "quantity": "0.0129032258064516129032258064516129032",
                "ts": 1613998847438,
                "id": 50710000,
                "price": "31000",
                "direction": "buy",
                "symbol": "BTC_NQ"
        "id": 1614068483482,
        "ts": 1614068483482
    "ts": 1614068483482

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
ch true string Data belonged channel,Format: market.$
status true string "ok","error"
ts true long Sending time
id true long Unique Order Id(symbol level)
ts true long Latest Creation Time
id true long Unique Transaction Id(symbol level)
price true string Price
amount true string Quantity(Cont.). Sum of both buy and sell sides
direction true string The direction to buy or sell is the direction of the taker (active transaction)
ts true long Order Creation Time
quantity true string trading quantity(coin)
symbol true string symbol

Query a Batch of Trade Records of a Contract


curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Data Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string Contract Name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.. e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
size true int Number of Trading Records Acquisition [1, 2000]


    "ch": "",
    "data": [
            "data": [
                    "amount": 12,
                    "direction": "buy",
                    "id": 1137660361550000,
                    "price": 14119.84,
                    "ts": 1604298530920,
                    "quantity": 0.0154
            "id": 113766036155,
            "ts": 1604298530920
            "data": [
                    "amount": 4,
                    "direction": "sell",
                    "id": 1137660376740000,
                    "price": 14123.14,
                    "ts": 1604298531331,
                    "quantity": 0.00134
            "id": 113766037674,
            "ts": 1604298531331
    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1604298553734

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
ch true string Data belonged channel,Format: market.$
status true string "ok","error"
ts true long Sending time
id true long Unique Order Id(symbol level)
ts true long Latest Creation Time
id true long Unique Transaction Id(symbol level)
price true decimal Price
amount true decimal Quantity(Cont.). Sum of both buy and sell sides
direction true string The direction to buy or sell is the direction of the taker (active transaction)
ts true long Order Creation Time
quantity true decimal trading quantity(coin)


Query Index Kline Data


curl ""

request parameters

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string index symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g."BTC-USD","ETH-USD"...
period true string kline type 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day, 1mon
size true integer data size [1,2000]

Response Example:

    "ch": "market.BTC-USD.index.60min",
    "data": [
            "amount": 0,
            "close": 13703.4175,
            "count": 0,
            "high": 13720.84,
            "id": 1604293200,
            "low": 13658.245,
            "open": 13709.6175,
            "vol": 0
            "amount": 0,
            "close": 13751.6,
            "count": 0,
            "high": 13771.21,
            "id": 1604296800,
            "low": 13693.16,
            "open": 13703.365,
            "vol": 0
    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1604299755097

response parameters:

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
ch true string data channel eg: market.period
<data> object
id true decimal index kline id,the same as kline timestamp, kline start timestamp
vol true decimal Trade Volume(Cont.) The value is 0
count true decimal Order Quantity The value is 0
open true decimal Opening Index Price
close true decimal Closing Index Price, the price in the last kline is the latest order price
low true decimal Lowest Index Price
high true decimal Highest Index Price
amount true decimal Trade Amount(Coin), The value is 0. )
status true string process status "ok" , "error"
ts true long timestamp of the response of the server unit:millionseconds

Query Basis Data


curl ""

request parameters

Parameter name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”.
period true string kline period 1min,5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day,1mon
basis_price_type false string use basis price type to calculate the basis data Using open price default open price:"open",close price:"close",highest price:"high",lowest price:"low",avg=(high price +low price)/2:"average"
size true integer data size [1,2000]

Response example:

    "ch": "",
    "data": [
            "basis": "-2.1850000000013097",
            "basis_rate": "-0.00015880531885174013",
            "contract_price": "13756.8",
            "id": 1604299500,
            "index_price": "13758.985"
            "basis": "-4.235000000000582",
            "basis_rate": "-0.00030799697602973224",
            "contract_price": "13745.9",
            "id": 1604299800,
            "index_price": "13750.135"
    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1604299816352

response parameters

parameter name Required Type Desc Value Range
ch true string theme
status true string status
<data> true object
id true long unique id
contract_price true string contract last price
index_price true string index price
basis true string basis=contract_price - index_price
basis_rate true string basis_rate=basis/index_price
ts true long the timestamp of generation


2000 size at most per request ;

The basis data of Next Quarterly Contract is available after 2020/6/15 14:00:00.

Future Account Interface

Query Asset Valuation

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Parameter Type Description Value Range
valuation_asset false string The valuation according to the certain fiat currency. If not fill in, default as BTC "BTC","USD","CNY","EUR","GBP","VND","HKD","TWD","MYR","SGD","KRW","RUB","TRY"


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "valuation_asset": "CNY",
            "balance": "295098.370590947021036643"
    "ts": 1614044220841

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Parameter Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handles for the request
<data> true object array
valuation_asset true string The valuation according to the certain fiat currency "BTC","USD","CNY","EUR","GBP","VND","HKD","TWD","MYR","SGD","KRW","RUB","TRY"
balance true string Asset Valuation
ts true long timestamp

Query User’s Account Information


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol false string Variety code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...if default, return to all types defaulted


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "margin_balance": 453.151955780787465997,
            "margin_position": 0,
            "margin_frozen": 0,
            "margin_available": 453.151955780787465997,
            "profit_real": 16.35635155751274032,
            "profit_unreal": 0,
            "risk_rate": null,
            "withdraw_available": 436.795604223274725677,
            "liquidation_price": null,
            "lever_rate": 10,
            "adjust_factor": 0.2,
            "margin_static": 453.151955780787465997
    "ts": 1604300060777

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
symbol true string Variety code "BTC","ETH"...
margin_balance true decimal Account rights
margin_position true decimal Position Margin
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
margin_available true decimal Available margin
profit_real true decimal Realized profit
profit_unreal true decimal Unrealized profit
risk_rate true decimal risk rate
liquidation_price true decimal Estimated liquidation price
withdraw_available true decimal Available withdrawal
lever_rate true decimal Leverage Rate
adjust_factor true decimal Adjustment Factor
margin_static true decimal Static Margin
ts long long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Query User’s Position Information


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol false string Variety code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...if default, return to all types defaulted


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "contract_code": "ADA201225",
            "contract_type": "quarter",
            "volume": 1,
            "available": 1,
            "frozen": 0,
            "cost_open": 0.0991,
            "cost_hold": 0.0991,
            "profit_unreal": 0,
            "profit_rate": 0,
            "lever_rate": 10,
            "position_margin": 10.090817356205852674,
            "direction": "sell",
            "profit": 0,
            "last_price": 0.0991
    "ts": 1604301441639

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
symbol true string Variety code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week", "next_week", "quarter", "next_quarter"
volume true decimal Position quantity
available true decimal Available position can be closed
frozen true decimal frozen
cost_open true decimal Opening average price
cost_hold true decimal Average price of position
profit_unreal true decimal Unrealized profit and loss
profit_rate true decimal Profit rate
profit true decimal profit
position_margin true decimal Position margin
lever_rate true int Leverage rate
direction true string transaction direction of positions "buy":long "sell":short
last_price true decimal Latest price
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond


Set a Batch of Sub-Account Trading Permissions

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
sub_uid true string sub-account uid (multiple uids are separated by ",", and one time 10 sub uid at most)
sub_auth true int sub auth, 1:enable, 0:disable



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [
                "sub_uid": "1234567",
                "err_code": 1010,
                "err_msg": "Account doesnt exist."
        "successes": "123456789"
    "ts": 1612490081318

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" . "error"
<data> true
<errors> true object array
sub_uid true string the list of sub uid which failed
err_code true int error code
err_msg true string error msg
successes true string the list of sub uid which successes
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond

Query assets information of all sub-accounts under the master account

Request Parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Default value Value range
symbol false string type code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"... ,if blank, it will return all contract types by default


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "sub_uid": 123456789,
            "list": [
                    "symbol": "ADA",
                    "margin_balance": 50,
                    "liquidation_price": null,
                    "risk_rate": null
    "ts": 1604301647427

Return parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Value range
status true string the handling result of requests "ok" , "error"
ts true long the create time point of response, unit: ms
sub_uid true long sub-account UID
symbol true string type code "BTC","ETH"...
margin_balance true decimal account equity
liquidation_price true decimal estimated liquidation price
risk_rate true decimal margin rate


Only return data for activated contract sub-account (i.e. sub-accounts that have gained contract trading permission).

Query a Batch of Sub-Account's Assets Information

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol false string symbol "BTC","ETH"... ,if not filled, return all
page_index false int page index, if not filled in as 1st
page_size false int if not filled in as 20,50 at most



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "total_page": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 2,
        "sub_list": [
                "sub_uid": 123456789,
                "account_info_list": [
                        "symbol": "BCH",
                        "margin_balance": 0,
                        "liquidation_price": null,
                        "risk_rate": null
                "sub_uid": 12345678,
                "account_info_list": [
                        "symbol": "BCH",
                        "margin_balance": 0,
                        "liquidation_price": null,
                        "risk_rate": null
    "ts": 1612490180078

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" . "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond
<data> true object
<sub_list> true object array
sub_uid true long sub uid
<account_info_list> true object array
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
margin_balance true decimal margin balance
liquidation_price true decimal liquidation price
risk_rate true decimal risk rate
current_page true int current page
total_page true int total page
total_size true int total size

Query a single sub-account's assets information

Request Parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Default value Value range
symbol false string type code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...,if blank, it will return all contract types by default
sub_uid true long sub-account UID


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "margin_balance": 50,
            "margin_position": 0,
            "margin_frozen": 0,
            "margin_available": 50,
            "profit_real": 0,
            "profit_unreal": 0,
            "risk_rate": null,
            "withdraw_available": 50,
            "liquidation_price": null,
            "lever_rate": 5,
            "adjust_factor": 0.1,
            "margin_static": 50
    "ts": 1604301730723

Return parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Value range
status true string the handling result of requests "ok" , "error"
ts true long the create time point of response, unit: ms
symbol true string type code "BTC","ETH"...when the$symbol value is "*", it will subscribe all contract types
margin_balance true decimal account equity
margin_position true decimal position margin (the margin used by current positions)
margin_frozen true decimal frozen margin
margin_available true decimal available margin
profit_real true decimal realized profits and losses
profit_unreal true decimal unrealized profits and losses
risk_rate true decimal margin rate
liquidation_price true decimal estimated liquidation price
withdraw_available true decimal available transfer amount
lever_rate true decimal leverage ratios
adjust_factor true decimal Adjustment Factor
margin_static true decimal Static Margin


Only query account information for activated contract sub-account (i.e. sub-accounts that have gained contract trading permission);

No data return for sub-accounts which has logged in hbdm but have not gained trading permission/activated.

Query a single sub-account's position information

Request Parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Default value Value range
symbol false string type code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...,if blank, it will return all contract types by default
sub_uid true long sub-account UID


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "contract_code": "ADA201225",
            "contract_type": "quarter",
            "volume": 1,
            "available": 1,
            "frozen": 0,
            "cost_open": 0.0991,
            "cost_hold": 0.0991,
            "profit_unreal": -0.04686106551835051,
            "profit_rate": -0.002321965796434265,
            "lever_rate": 5,
            "position_margin": 20.191006925515375451,
            "direction": "buy",
            "profit": -0.04686106551835051,
            "last_price": 0.099054
    "ts": 1604302891178

Return parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Value range
status true string the handling result of requests "ok" , "error"
ts true long the create time point of response, unit: ms
symbol true string type code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type true string contract type Weekly:"this_week", Biweekly:"next_week", Quarterly:"quarter", Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
volume true decimal open interest
available true decimal available positions to close
frozen true decimal amount of frozen positions
cost_open true decimal average price of open positions
cost_hold true decimal average price of positions
profit_unreal true decimal unrealized profits and losses
profit_rate true decimal profit rate
profit true decimal profits
position_margin true decimal position margin
lever_rate true int leverage ratios
direction true string transaction direction of positions "buy":long "sell":short
last_price true decimal Latest price

Query account financial records(New)


    "type": "3,4,5,6,7,8",
    "symbol": "BTC",
    "start_time": 1660119810000,
    "end_time": 1660274746031,
    "direct": "next"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range OriginalParameter
start_time false long (now) – 48h Value range [((end-time) – 48h), (end-time)], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, query window shift should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
end_time false long now Value range [(present-90d), present], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, queriable range should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
direct false string Search direct, If the direction is NEXT, the data is returned in positive chronological order; if the direction is PREV, the data is returned in reverse chronological order next next, prev default is prev
from_id false long If the query direction is prev, from_id should be the min query_id in the last query result. If the query direction is next, from_id should be the max query_id in the last query result Search query_id to begin with
symbol true string contract code Case-Insenstive.e.g. "BTC-USD" contract_code
type true string if not fill this parameter, it will query all types [please use "," to seperate multiple types] 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master;


    "code": 200,
    "msg": "",
    "data": [
            "query_id": 111000,
            "contract_code": "BTC-USD",
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "close",
            "volume": 173,
            "price": 17102.9,
            "created_at": 1606381842485,
            "amount": 1.011524361365616357
    "ts": 1604312615051

Response Content

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
code true int State code
msg true string The code description
ts true long Timestamp
<data> true object array
id true long
ts true long create time
symbol true string asset
contract_code true string contract code "BTC-USD"
type true int transaction Type 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 30:Funding fee-income; 31:Funding fee-expenditure; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master; 38:transfer from other margin account; 39:transfer to another margin account;
amount true decimal amount

Query financial records via multiple fields(New)


    "type": "3,4,5,6,7,8",
    "symbol": "BTC",
    "start_time": 1660119810000,
    "end_time": 1660274746031,
    "direct": "next",
    "from_id": 1110

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range OriginalParameter
start_time false long Query start time, query by data creation time (now) – 48h Value range [((end-time) – 48h), (end-time)], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, query window shift should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
end_time false long Query end time, query data by creation time now Value range [(present-90d), present], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, queriable range should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
direct false string Search direct, If the direction is NEXT, the data is returned in positive chronological order; if the direction is PREV, the data is returned in reverse chronological order next next, prev default is prev
from_id false long If the query direction is prev, from_id should be the min query_id in the last query result. If the query direction is next, from_id should be the max query_id in the last query result Search query_id to begin with
symbol true string contract code Case-Insenstive.e.g. "BTC-USD" contract_code
type true string if not fill this parameter, it will query all types [please use "," to seperate multiple types] 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master;


    "code": 200,
    "msg": "",
    "data": [
            "query_id": 111000,
            "contract_code": "BTC-USD",
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "close",
            "volume": 173,
            "price": 17102.9,
            "created_at": 1606381842485,
            "amount": 1.011524361365616357
    "ts": 1604312615051

Response Content

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
code true int State code
msg true string The code description
ts true long Timestamp
<data> true object array
id true long
ts true long create time
symbol true string asset "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code true string contract code "BTC200919"
type true int transaction Type 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 30:Funding fee-income; 31:Funding fee-expenditure; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master; 38:transfer from other margin account; 39:transfer to another margin account;
amount true decimal amount

Query user’s settlement records

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string contract symbol "BTC","ETH"...
start_time false long start time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) Value Range: [(current time - 90 days), current time] ,default current day - 90 days
end_time false long end time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) Value Range: (start_time, current time],default current time
page_index false int Page 1st page by default without given instruction
page_size false int page size Page 20 by default without given instruction, ,no more than 50



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "total_page": 13,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 13,
        "settlement_records": [
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "margin_balance_init": 436.415907066107795161,
                "margin_balance": 436.795604223274725677,
                "settlement_profit_real": 0.379697157166930517,
                "settlement_time": 1604044800130,
                "clawback": 0,
                "delivery_fee": 0,
                "offset_profitloss": 13.25977319159553892,
                "fee": -0.565357129977092573,
                "fee_asset": "ADA",
                "positions": [
                        "symbol": "ADA",
                        "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                        "direction": "buy",
                        "volume": 2,
                        "cost_open": 0.098,
                        "cost_hold_pre": 0.098,
                        "cost_hold": 0.092423,
                        "settlement_profit_unreal": -12.31471890445151583,
                        "settlement_price": 0.092423,
                        "settlement_type": "settlement"
    "ts": 1604305358564

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result
<data> true object
<settlement_records> true object array
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
margin_balance_init true decimal Initial account equity for this term
margin_balance true decimal Account equity after settlement for this term
settlement_profit_real true decimal Realized PnL for this term
settlement_time true long Settlement time for this term; delivery time if at the delivery.
clawback true decimal Clawback for this term
delivery_fee true decimal Delivery fee for this term(total fee of long and short positions), the field has value only when the positions are at the delivery
offset_profitloss true decimal Current term PnL of positions closed
fee true decimal Transaction fee for this term
fee_asset true string Transaction Fee Coin
<positions> true object array
symbol true string Coin Code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC200619" ...
direction true string Position Direction [buy : sell ]
volume true decimal Position volume before the settlement of this term(cont)
cost_open true decimal Open price
cost_hold_pre true decimal Average position price before the settlement of this term
cost_hold true decimal Average position price after the settlement of this term
settlement_profit_unreal true decimal Unrealized PnL for this term
settlement_price true decimal Settlement price for this term; delivery price if at the delivery.
settlement_type true string Settlement Type settlement: settlement;delivery: delivery;
total_page true int Total Pages
current_page true int Current Page
total_size true int Total Size
ts true long Timestamp


Query contract information on order limit

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol false string contract code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...,If no data detected, system will return to all contracts by default
order_price_type true string Order Type "limit": Limit Order,"opponent":BBO,"lightning": Flash Close,"optimal_5": Optimal top 5 price,"optimal_10":Optimal top 10 price,"optimal_20":Optimal top 20 price,"fok":FOK order,"ioc":ioc order,"opponent_ioc":IOC order using the BBO price,"lightning_ioc":lightning IOC,"optimal_5_ioc":optimal_5 IOC,"optimal_10_ioc":optimal_10 IOC, "optimal_20_ioc":optimal_20 IOC, "opponent_fok":FOK order using the BBO price,"lightning_fok":lightning FOK,"optimal_5_fok":optimal_5 FOK,"optimal_10_fok":optimal_10 FOK,"optimal_20_fok":optimal_20 FOK


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "order_price_type": "limit",
        "list": [
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "types": [
                        "contract_type": "this_week",
                        "open_limit": 6000,
                        "close_limit": 12000
                        "contract_type": "next_week",
                        "open_limit": 6000,
                        "close_limit": 12000
                        "contract_type": "quarter",
                        "open_limit": 6000,
                        "close_limit": 12000
                        "contract_type": "next_quarter",
                        "open_limit": 6000,
                        "close_limit": 12000
    "ts": 1604306946036

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range Í
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
order_price_type true string Order Type "limit": Limit Order,"opponent":BBO,"lightning": Flash Close,"optimal_5": Optimal top 5 price,"optimal_10":Optimal top 10 price,"optimal_20":Optimal top 20 price,"fok":FOK order,"ioc":ioc order
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type true string Contract Type Weekly:"this_week", Bi-weekly:"next_week", Quarterly:"quarter". Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
open_limit true long Max open order limit
close_limit true long Max close order limit

Query information on contract trading fee

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol false string Contract Code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...,If no data detected, system will return to all contract by default


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "open_maker_fee": "0.0002",
            "open_taker_fee": "0.0004",
            "close_maker_fee": "0.0002",
            "close_taker_fee": "0.0004",
            "delivery_fee": "0.0005",
            "fee_asset": "ADA"
    "ts": 1604307012954

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
open_maker_fee true string Open maker order fee, decimal
open_taker_fee true string Open taker order fee, decimal
close_maker_fee true string Close maker order fee, decimal
close_taker_fee true string Close taker order fee, decimal
delivery_fee true string delivery fee, decimal
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee "BTC","ETH"...

Query information on Transfer Limit

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol false string Contract Code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...,If no data detected, system will return to all contracts by default.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "transfer_in_max_each": 1500000000,
            "transfer_in_min_each": 16,
            "transfer_out_max_each": 150000000,
            "transfer_out_min_each": 0.000001,
            "transfer_in_max_daily": 15000000000,
            "transfer_out_max_daily": 3000000000,
            "net_transfer_in_max_daily": 7500000000,
            "net_transfer_out_max_daily": 1500000000
    "ts": 1604307084954

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Milesecond
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
transfer_in_max_each true decimal Max limit of a single deposit
transfer_in_min_each true decimal Min limit of a single deposit
transfer_out_max_each true decimal Max limit of a single withdrawal
transfer_out_min_each true decimal Min limit of a single withdrawal
transfer_in_max_daily true decimal Max daily limit of total deposits
transfer_out_max_daily true decimal Max daily limit of totally withdrawals
net_transfer_in_max_daily true decimal Max daily limit of net total deposits
net_transfer_out_max_daily true decimal Max daily limit of net total withdrawals

Query information on position limit

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol false string Contract Code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...,If no data detected, system will return to all contracts by default.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "list": [
                    "contract_type": "this_week",
                    "buy_limit": 60000,
                    "sell_limit": 60000
                    "contract_type": "next_week",
                    "buy_limit": 60000,
                    "sell_limit": 60000
                    "contract_type": "quarter",
                    "buy_limit": 60000,
                    "sell_limit": 60000
                    "contract_type": "next_quarter",
                    "buy_limit": 60000,
                    "sell_limit": 60000
                    "contract_type": "all",
                    "buy_limit": 240000,
                    "sell_limit": 240000
    "ts": 1604307195501

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Responding Generation, Unit: milesecond
symbol true string Contract Code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type true string Contract Type Weekly :"this_week", Bi-weekly:"next_week", Quarterly:"quarter", Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
buy_limit true decimal Max long position limit, Unit: Cont
sell_limit true decimal Max short position limit, Unit: Cont

Query Assets And Positions


field Required type desc range
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"....


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "margin_balance": 405.226124145843792312,
            "margin_position": 10.300252356182726476,
            "margin_frozen": 0,
            "margin_available": 394.925871789661065836,
            "profit_real": 16.336169922800328615,
            "profit_unreal": 2.09434999976873802,
            "risk_rate": 39.141378262699244579,
            "withdraw_available": 386.795604223274725677,
            "liquidation_price": null,
            "lever_rate": 10,
            "adjust_factor": 0.2,
            "margin_static": 403.131774146075054292,
            "positions": [
                    "symbol": "ADA",
                    "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                    "contract_type": "quarter",
                    "volume": 1,
                    "available": 1,
                    "frozen": 0,
                    "cost_open": 0.0991,
                    "cost_hold": 0.0991,
                    "profit_unreal": 2.09434999976873802,
                    "profit_rate": 0.20755008497708193,
                    "lever_rate": 10,
                    "position_margin": 10.300252356182726476,
                    "direction": "sell",
                    "profit": 2.09434999976873802,
                    "last_price": 0.097085
    "ts": 1604307305267


attr type Required desc Value Range
status string true Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
ts long true Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
<data> object array true
symbol string true contract type
margin_balance decimal true Balance Margin
margin_position decimal true Postion Margin
margin_frozen decimal true Frozen Margin
margin_available decimal true Available Margin
profit_real decimal true Realized Profit
profit_unreal decimal true Unreadlized Profit
risk_rate decimal true risk rate
withdraw_available decimal true Available Withdraw
liquidation_price decimal true Estimated Liquidation Price
lever_rate decimal true Leverage Rate
adjust_factor decimal true Adjustment Factor
margin_static decimal true Static Margin
symbol string true Variety Code
contract_code string true Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type string true Contract Type "this_week", "next_week", "quarter" "next_quarter"
volume decimal true Position Quantity
available decimal true Available position quatity can be closed
frozen decimal true forzen postion Quantity
cost_open decimal true Opening Average Price
cost_hold decimal true Average position price
profit_unreal decimal true Unrealized profit
profit_rate decimal true Profit Rate
profit decimal true Profit
position_margin decimal true Position Margin
lever_rate int true Leverage Rate
direction string true transaction direction of positions "buy":long "sell":short
last_price decimal true Last Price

Transfer between master and sub account


    "sub_uid": "123456789",
    "symbol": "BTC",
    "amount": "123",
    "type": "master_to_sub"


attr required type desc Value Range
sub_uid true long uid of sub account
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
amount true decimal transfer amount
type true string transfer type "master_to_sub" or "sub_to_master"
client_order_id false long Clients fill and maintain themselves. [1, 9223372036854775807]



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "order_id": "772874532490125313"
    "ts": 1604309247876


attr required type desc Value Range
status true string status "ok" , "error"
ts true long response timestamp,millionseconds
<data> true object
order_id true string order id
client_order_id false long the client ID that is filled in when the order is placed, if it’s not filled, it won’t be returned

Get transfer records between master and sub account


attr required type desc Value Range
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
transfer_type false string All by default【multiple types need to be joined with ';'】 34:transfer to sub account 35:transfer from sub account
create_date true int days days need to be less than or equal to 90
page_index false int 1 by default
page_size false int 20 by default.less than or equal to 50. [1-50]


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "total_page": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 2,
        "transfer_record": [
                "id": 3657499070,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "transfer_type": 34,
                "amount": -1,
                "ts": 1604309247860,
                "sub_uid": "123456789",
                "sub_account_name": "tom"
                "id": 3657420904,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "transfer_type": 34,
                "amount": -50,
                "ts": 1604301623314,
                "sub_uid": "123456789",
                "sub_account_name": "tom"
    "ts": 1604309883224


attr required type desc Value Range
status true string respone status "ok" , "error"
ts true long response millionseconds.
<data> true object
<transfer_record> true object array
id true long transfer id
ts true long create timestamp
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
sub_uid true string subaccount uid
sub_account_name true string subaccount name
transfer_type true int transfer type transfer from subaccount:35,transfer to subaccount:34
amount true decimal amount
total_page true int total page
current_page true int current page
total_size true int total size

Query user's API indicator disable information

request body



  "status": "ok",
      "is_disable": 1,  
      "order_price_types": "limit,post_only,FOK,IOC", 
      "disable_interval": 5,
      "recovery_time": 1,
           "orders_threshold": 150,
           "orders": 150,
           "invalid_cancel_orders": 150,
           "cancel_ratio_threshold": 0.98,
           "cancel_ratio": 0.98,
           "is_trigger": 1,
           "is_active": 1
      } ,
           "disables_threshold": 3,
           "disables": 3,
           "is_trigger": 1,
           "is_active": 1
 "ts": 158797866555


attr required type desc Value Range
status true string response status "ok" , "error"
ts true long response millionseconds
<data> true array object
is_disable true long 1:is disabled,0:isn't disabled
order_price_types true string order price types,such as:“limit,post_only,FOK,IOC”
disable_reason true string disable reason "COR":(Cancel Order Ratio),“TDN”:(Total Disable Number)
disable_interval true long disable millionseconds
recovery_time true long recovery millionseconds
<COR> true dict object (Cancel Order Ratio)
orders_threshold true long orders threshold
orders true long total pending orders
invalid_cancel_orders true long numbers of invalid cancel orders
cancel_ratio_threshold true decimal cancel ratio threshold
cancel_ratio true decimal cancel ratio
is_trigger true int 1: triggered,0: not triggered
is_active true int 1: active,0:not active
</COR> true dict object
<TDN> true dict object Total Disable Number
disables_threshold true long disable threshold
disables true long total disable number
is_trigger true long 1:triggered,0:not triggered
is_active true long
</TDN> true dict object

Query Available Leverage Rate

request body

attr required type desc Value Range
symbol false string case-insensitive "BTC" , "ETH"


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "available_level_rate": "1,2,3,5,10,20,30,50,75"
    "ts": 1604312615051


attr required type desc Value Range
status true string response status "ok" , "error"
ts true long response millionseconds
<data> true array object
symbol false string case-insensitive "BTC" , "ETH"
available_level_rate true string available level rate,splited by ',' "1,5,10"

Future Trade Interface

Place an Order



    "contract_code": "bch210326",
    "direction": "buy",
    "volume": 1,
    "tp_trigger_price": 450,
    "tp_order_price": 450,
    "tp_order_price_type": "optimal_5",
    "sl_trigger_price": "330",
    "sl_order_price": "330",
    "sl_order_price_type": "optimal_5"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
symbol string false Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type string false Contract Type ("this_week": "next_week": "quarter": "next_quarter")
contract_code string false BTC180914
client_order_id long false Clients fill and maintain themselves. the value must be in [1, 9223372036854775807]
price decimal false Price
volume long true Numbers of orders (volume)
direction string true Transaction direction
offset string true "open", "close"
lever_rate int true Leverage rate [if“Open”is multiple orders in 10 rate, there will be not multiple orders in 20 rate. Using Leverage greater than 20 times requires prior approval of high-leverage agreement for the first time. ]
order_price_type string true "limit”: Limit Order "opponent":BBO "post_only": Post-Only Order, No order limit but position limit for post-only orders.,optimal_5: Optimal , optimal_10: Optimal 10, optimal_20:Optimal 20,ioc: IOC Order,,fok:FOK Order. "opponent_ioc":IOC order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_ioc":optimal_5 IOC,"optimal_10_ioc":optimal_10 IOC,"optimal_20_ioc":optimal_20 IOC, "opponent_fok":FOK order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_fok":optimal_5 FOK,"optimal_10_fok":optimal_10 FOK,"optimal_20_fok":optimal_20 FOK
tp_trigger_price decimal false Trigger price of take-profit order
tp_order_price decimal false Order price of take-profit order(The order price is not required to fill in for Optimal N)
tp_order_price_type string false Order type of take-profit order default is limit; limit,optimal_5,optimal_10,optimal_20
sl_trigger_price decimal false Trigger price of stop-loss order
sl_order_price decimal false Order price of stop-loss order(The order price is not required to fill in for Optimal N)
sl_order_price_type string false Order type of stop-loss order default is limit; limit,optimal_5,optimal_10,optimal_20

Note :

If there is a number in the Contract Code row,inquiry with Contract_Code.

If there is no number,inquiry by Symbol + Contract Type.

"limit","post_only","ioc" and "fok" the four order price type need price value and the other don't need.

Post-Only orders are limit orders that will never take liquidity (also called maker-only order). There are order limit and position for post-only orders which the upper limit is 500,000 for open/close orders under weekly, bi-weekly and quarterly contract respectively.

If you’re holding a position currently, the leverage you choose when placing an order should be the same as the leverage of your current positions, otherwise, the order will fail to be placed. If you need a new leverage to place an order, you should switch the leverage of current positions first by using the Switch Leverage interface.

Only open orders can support setting take profit and stop loss.

The take profit trigger price is a required field for setting a take profit order, and the stop loss trigger price is a required field for setting a stop loss order; if the trigger price field is not filled in, the corresponding take profit order or stop loss order will not be set.

Description of post_only: assure that the maker order remains as maker order, it will not be filled immediately with the use of post_only, for the match system will automatically check whether the price of the maker order is higher/lower than the opponent first price, i.e. higher than bid price 1 or lower than the ask price 1. If yes, the maker order will placed on the orderbook, if not, the maker order will be cancelled.

open long: direction - buy、offset - open

close long: direction -sell、offset - close

open short: direction -sell、offset - open

close short: direction -buy、offset - close

No need to transfer BBO order price(ask 1 and bid 1) parameter, optimal_5: top 5 optimal BBO price, optimal_10:top 10 optimal BBO price, optimal_20:top 20 optimal BBO price (No need to transfer price data) ,limit": limit order, "post_only": maker order only (price data transfer is needed),IOC :Immediate-Or-Cancel Order,FOK:Fill-Or-Kill Order.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "order_id": 773119326353580033,
        "order_id_str": "773119326353580033"
    "ts": 1604367611267

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
client_order_id true int the client ID that is filled in when the order is placed, if it’s not filled, it won’t be returned
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond


Place a Batch of Orders



    "orders_data": [
            "contract_code": "bch210326",
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "open",
            "price": "360",
            "lever_rate": 75,
            "volume": 1,
            "order_price_type": "opponent",
            "tp_trigger_price": 450,
            "tp_order_price": 450,
            "tp_order_price_type": "optimal_5",
            "sl_trigger_price": "330",
            "sl_order_price": "330",
            "sl_order_price_type": "optimal_5"
            "contract_code": "bch210326",
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "open",
            "price": "360",
            "lever_rate": 75,
            "volume": 1,
            "order_price_type": "post_only",
            "tp_trigger_price": 450,
            "tp_order_price": 450,
            "tp_order_price_type": "optimal_5",
            "sl_trigger_price": "330",
            "sl_order_price": "330",
            "sl_order_price_type": "optimal_5"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
orders_data List<Object> 10 orders most.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Desc
symbol string false Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type string false Contract Type: "this_week": "next_week": "quarter": "next_quarter"
contract_code string false BTC180914
client_order_id long false Clients fill and maintain themselves. the value must be in [1, 9223372036854775807]
price decimal false Price
volume long true Numbers of orders (volume)
direction string true Transaction direction
offset string true "open": "close"
leverRate int true Leverage rate [if “Open” is multiple orders in 10 rate, there will be not multiple orders in 20 rate.Using Leverage greater than 20 times requires prior approval of high-leverage agreement for the first time. ]
orderPriceType string true "limit”: Limit Order "opponent":BBO "post_only": Post-Only Order, No order limit but position limit for post-only orders.,optimal_5: Optimal , optimal_10: Optimal 10, optimal_20:Optimal 20 ,ioc: IOC Order,,fok:FOK Order ,"opponent_ioc":IOC order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_ioc":optimal_5 IOC,"optimal_10_ioc":optimal_10 IOC,"optimal_20_ioc":optimal_20 IOC, "opponent_fok":FOK order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_fok":optimal_5 FOK,"optimal_10_fok":optimal_10 FOK,"optimal_20_fok":optimal_20 FOK
tp_trigger_price decimal false Trigger price of take-profit order
tp_order_price decimal false Order price of take-profit order(The order price is not required to fill in for Optimal N)
tp_order_price_type string false Order type of take-profit order default is limit; limit,optimal_5,optimal_10,optimal_20
sl_trigger_price decimal false Trigger price of stop-loss order
sl_order_price decimal false Order price of stop-loss order(The order price is not required to fill in for Optimal N)
sl_order_price_type string false Order type of stop-loss order default is limit; limit,optimal_5,optimal_10,optimal_20

Note :

If there is a number in the Contract Code row,inquiry with Contract_Code.

If there is no number,inquiry by Symbol + Contract Type.

"limit","post_only","ioc" and "fok" the four order price type need price value and the other don't need.

Description of post_only: assure that the maker order remains as maker order, it will not be filled immediately with the use of post_only, for the match system will automatically check whether the price of the maker order is higher/lower than the opponent first price, i.e. higher than bid price 1 or lower than the ask price 1. If yes, the maker order will placed on the orderbook, if not, the maker order will be cancelled.

If you’re holding a position currently, the leverage you choose when placing an order should be the same as the leverage of your current positions, otherwise, the order will fail to be placed. If you need a new leverage to place an order, you should switch the leverage of current positions first by using the Switch Leverage interface.

Only open orders can support setting take profit and stop loss.

The take profit trigger price is a required field for setting a take profit order, and the stop loss trigger price is a required field for setting a stop loss order; if the trigger price field is not filled in, the corresponding take profit order or stop loss order will not be set.

No need to transfer BBO order price(ask 1 and bid 1) parameter, optimal_5: top 5 optimal BBO price, optimal_10:top 10 optimal BBO price, optimal_20:top 20 optimal BBO price (No need to transfer price data) ,limit": limit order, "post_only": maker order only (price data transfer is needed),IOC :Immediate-Or-Cancel Order,FOK:Fill-Or-Kill Order


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [
                "index": 1,
                "err_code": 1037,
                "err_msg": "The leverage is invalid. Please contact the customer service."
        "success": [
                "order_id": 773120304138219520,
                "index": 2,
                "order_id_str": "773120304138219520"
    "ts": 1604367844388

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
index true int order Index
err_code true int Error code
err_msg true string Error information
index true int order Index
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
client_order_id true long the client ID that is filled in when the order is placed, if it’s not filled, it won’t be returned
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond


The return order_id is 18 bits, it will make mistake when nodejs and JavaScript analysed 18 bits. Because the Json.parse in nodejs and JavaScript is int by default. so the number over 18 bits need be parsed by jaso-bigint package.

Cancel an Order


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
order_id false(more detail see the note) string Order ID(different IDs are separated by ",", maximum 10 orders can be withdrew at one time)
client_order_id false(more detail see the note) string Client order ID (different IDs are separated by ",", maximum 10 orders can be withdrew at one time)
symbol true string Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.."BTC","ETH"...

Note :

Both order_id and client_order_id can be used for order withdrawl,one of them needed at one time,if both of them are set,the default will be order id。

The return data from Cancel An Order Interface only means that order cancelation designation is executed successfully. To check cancelation result, please check your order status at Get Information Of An Order interface.

client_order_id, order status query is available for orders placed within 24 hours; Otherwise, clients cannot check orders placed beyond 24 hours.

Response: result of multiple order withdraws (successful withdrew order ID, failed withdrew order ID)

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [
                "order_id": "769206471845261312",
                "err_code": 1061,
                "err_msg": "This order doesnt exist."
        "successes": "773120304138219520"
    "ts": 1604367997451

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
order_id true string Order ID
err_code true int Error code
err_msg true string Error information
successes true string Successfully withdrew list of order_id or client_order_id
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Cancel All Orders




Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
symbol true string Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..Variety code,eg "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code false string contract_code
contract_type false string contract_type
direction false string Transaction direction(if not filled in means all) ["buy" , "sell"]
offset false string offset direction(if not filled in means all) ["open" , "close"]


  1. Send symbol to cancel all the contracts of that kind of symbol, e.g. send “BTC” to cancel all BTC weekly, biweekly and quarterly contracts.

  2. Send contract_code to cancel the contracts of that code.

  3. Send symbol+contract_type to cancel the certain contracts under the symbol of that contract_type, e.g. send “BTC” and “this week”, then the BTC weekly contracts will be cancelled.

  4. You can fill in only one of direction and offset to cancel the orders. (such as direction=buy, all buy orders will be cancelled, including "open" and "close" offset)

Response:result of multiple order withdrawls (successful withdrew order ID, failed withdrew order ID)

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [],
        "successes": "773120045672095744,773120045684678656"
    "ts": 1604369127577

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
order_id true string Order ID
err_code true int failed order error messageError code
err_msg true string failed order information
successes true string Successful order
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Switch Leverage


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string Variety code "BTC","ETH"...
lever_rate true int Leverage to switch.[Using Leverage greater than 20 times requires prior approval of high-leverage agreement for the first time. ]



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "symbol": "ada",
        "lever_rate": 20
    "ts": 1604369902689

    "status": "error",
    "err_code": 1037,
    "err_msg": "The leverage is invalid. Please contact the customer service.",
    "ts": 1604369954194

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string status: ok,error
<data> false object
symbol false string Variety code
lever_rate false int Switched leverage
err_code false int error code
err_msg false string error msg
ts true long Timestamp

Place Flash Close Order

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol false string Contract Code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
contract_type false string Contract Type “this_week”:Weekly,“next_week”:Bi-weekly,“quarter”:Quarterly ,Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
contract_code false string Contract Code BTC190903
volume true long Order Quantity(volume)
direction true string “buy”:Open,“sell”:Close
client_order_id false long Client order ID [1, 9223372036854775807]
order_price_type false string order price type "lightning" by default. "lightning_fok": lightning FOK type,"lightning_ioc": lightning IOC type



  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "order_id": 633766664829804544,
    "order_id_str": "633766664829804544",
    "client_order_id": 9086
     "ts": 158797866555

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" :Order placed successfully, "error":Order failed
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Milesecond
<data> Dictionary
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
client_order_id false long user’s own order ID


    "status": "error",
    "err_code": 1048,
    "err_msg": "Insufficient close amount available.",
    "ts": 1604372431440

Get Information of an Order


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
order_id false(Please see the notes) string Order ID(different IDs are separated by ",", maximum 50 orders can be withdrew at one time)
client_order_id false(Please see the notes) string Client order ID Order ID(different IDs are separated by ",", maximum 50 orders can be withdrew at one time)
symbol true string Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.."BTC","ETH"...

Note :

When getting information on order cancellation via get order information interface, users can only query last 4-hour data

At least one of order_id and client_order_id must be filled in

Both order_id and client_order_id can be used to query, and only one of them can be filled in at the same time. If two are filled in, only order_id is effect to query. After daily settlement or delivery on Friday, the orders in the end state (5:partially filled orders have been cancelled, 6:all filled orders, 7:have been cancelled) will be deleted.

client_order_id,order status query is available for orders placed within 24 hours; Otherwise, clients cannot check orders placed beyond 24 hours.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "contract_code": "ADA201225",
            "contract_type": "quarter",
            "volume": 1,
            "price": 0.0933,
            "order_price_type": "post_only",
            "order_type": 1,
            "direction": "sell",
            "offset": "open",
            "lever_rate": 10,
            "order_id": 773119326353580033,
            "client_order_id": null,
            "created_at": 1604367611263,
            "trade_volume": 1,
            "trade_turnover": 10,
            "fee": -0.021436227224008574,
            "trade_avg_price": 0.0933,
            "margin_frozen": 0,
            "profit": 0,
            "status": 6,
            "order_source": "api",
            "order_id_str": "773119326353580033",
            "fee_asset": "ADA",
            "liquidation_type": "0",
            "canceled_at": 0,
            "is_tpsl": 0,
            "real_profit": 0
    "ts": 1604370179844

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
symbol true string Variety code
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week", "next_week", "quarter","next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
volume true decimal Numbers of order
price true decimal Price committed
order_price_type true string "limit", "opponent","post_only" Position limit will be applied to post_only while order limit will not.
direction true string Transaction direction
offset true string "open": "close"
lever_rate true int Leverage rate 1,5,10,20
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
order_type true int Order type: 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
client_order_id true long Client order ID
created_at true long Creation time
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
fee true decimal Service fee
trade_avg_price true decimal Transaction average price
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
profit true decimal profit when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
status true int status: 1. Ready to submit the orders; 2. Ready to submit the orders; 3. Have sumbmitted the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling.
order_source true string Order source(system、web、api、m、risk、settlement、ios、android、windows、mac、trigger、tpsl)
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee "BTC","ETH"...
canceled_at true long Cancellation time
liquidation_type true string 0:Not Forced Liquidation Type,1:Netting Type, 2: Partial Takeover,3:All Takeover
is_tpsl true int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
ts true long Timestamp


Order Details Acquisition


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
symbol true string Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
order_id true long Order ID
created_at true long Timestamp
order_type true int Order type: 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
page_index false int Page number, default 1st page
page_size false int Default 20,no more than 50


When getting information on order cancellation via query order detail interface, users who type in parameters “created_at” and “order_type” can query last 6-hour data, while users who don’t type in parameters “created_at” and “order_type” can only query last 2-hour data.

The return order_id is 18 bits, it will make mistake when nodejs and JavaScript analysed 18 bits. Because the Json.parse in nodejs and JavaScript is int by default. so the number over 18 bits need be parsed by jason-bigint package.

created_at should use timestamp of long type as 13 bits (include Millisecond), if send the accurate timestamp for "created_at", query performance will be improved.

eg. the timestamp "2019/10/18 10:26:22" can be changed:1571365582123.It can also directly obtain the timestamp(ts) from the returned ordering interface(contract_order) to query the corresponding orders.

Please note that created_at can't be "0"


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "symbol": "ADA",
        "contract_code": "ADA201225",
        "contract_type": "quarter",
        "instrument_price": 0,
        "final_interest": 0,
        "adjust_value": 0,
        "lever_rate": 10,
        "direction": "sell",
        "offset": "open",
        "volume": 1,
        "price": 0.0933,
        "created_at": 1604367611263,
        "canceled_at": 0,
        "order_source": "api",
        "order_price_type": "post_only",
        "margin_frozen": 0,
        "profit": 0,
        "trades": [
                "trade_id": 113887800667,
                "trade_price": 0.0933,
                "trade_volume": 1,
                "trade_turnover": 10,
                "trade_fee": -0.021436227224008574,
                "created_at": 1604368087894,
                "role": "maker",
                "profit": 0,
                "real_profit": 0,
                "id": "113887800667-773119326353580033-1"
        "total_page": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 1,
        "liquidation_type": "0",
        "fee_asset": "ADA",
        "order_id": 773119326353580033,
        "order_id_str": "773119326353580033",
        "client_order_id": null,
        "order_type": "1",
        "status": 6,
        "trade_avg_price": 0.0933,
        "trade_turnover": 10,
        "trade_volume": 1,
        "fee": -0.021436227224008574,
        "is_tpsl": 0,
        "real_profit": 0
    "ts": 1604370259827

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
symbol true string Variety code
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week","quarter","next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
lever_rate true int Leverage Rate 1,5,10,20
direction true string Transaction direction
offset true string "open": "close"
volume true decimal Number of Order
price true decimal Price committed
created_at true long Creation time
canceled_at true long Cancellation time
order_source true string Order Source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger. tpsl
order_price_type true string order price type "limit", "opponent","post_only" Position limit will be applied to post_only while order limit will not.
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
profit true decimal total profit or loss of order when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
order_type true int Order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
client_order_id true long Client order ID
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
fee true decimal Service fee
trade_avg_price true decimal Transaction average price
status true int status 1. Ready to submit the orders; 2. Ready to submit the orders; 3. Have sumbmitted the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling.
total_page true int Page in total
current_page true int Current Page
total_size true int Total Size
instrument_price true decimal Liquidation price
final_interest true decimal Account Balance After Liquidation
adjust_value true decimal Adjustment Factor of Liquidating Order
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee "BTC","ETH"...
liquidation_type true string liquidation type 0:Not Forced Liquidation Type,1:Netting Type, 2: Partial Takeover,3:All Takeover
is_tpsl true int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
real_profit true decimal total real profit of order (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
id true string the global unique id of the trade.
trade_id true long In this interface, trade_id is the same with match_id of /api/v1/contract_matchresults. trade_id is the result of sets of order execution and trade confirmation. NOTE: trade_id is not unique, which includes all trade records of a taker order and N maker orders. If the taker order matches with N maker orders, it will create N trades with same trade_id.
trade_price true decimal Match Price
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction price
trade_fee true decimal Transaction Service fee
role true string taker or maker
created_at true long Creation time
profit true decimal profit or loss of the transaction (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
real_profit true decimal real profit of the transaction (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
</data >
ts true long Timestamp


Query Open Orders


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string Variety code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
page_index false int Page, default 1st page 1
page_size false int Default 20,no more than 50 20 [1-50]
sort_by false string sort fields(descending) created_at “created_at”descending order by order created at, "update_time": descending order by order update time
trade_type false int trade type(Default:all) 0 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "volume": 1,
                "price": 0.0925,
                "order_price_type": "post_only",
                "order_type": 1,
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "close",
                "lever_rate": 20,
                "order_id": 773131315209248768,
                "client_order_id": null,
                "created_at": 1604370469629,
                "trade_volume": 0,
                "trade_turnover": 0,
                "fee": 0,
                "trade_avg_price": null,
                "margin_frozen": 0,
                "profit": 0,
                "status": 3,
                "order_source": "web",
                "order_id_str": "773131315209248768",
                "fee_asset": "ADA",
                "liquidation_type": null,
                "canceled_at": null,
                "is_tpsl": 0,
                "update_time": 1606975980467,
                "real_profit": 0
        "total_page": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 1
    "ts": 1604370488518

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result
symbol true string Variety code
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week","quarter","next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
volume true decimal Number of Order
price true decimal Price committed
order_price_type true string order price type "limit", "opponent","post_only" Position limit will be applied to post_only while order limit will not.
order_type true int Order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
direction true string Transaction direction
offset true string "open": "close"
lever_rate true int Leverage Rate 1\5\10\20
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
client_order_id true long Client order ID
created_at true long Order Creation time
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
fee true decimal Service fee
trade_avg_price true decimal Transaction average price
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
profit true decimal profit when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
status true int status 1. Ready to submit the orders; 2. Ready to submit the orders; 3. Have sumbmitted the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling.
order_source true string Order Source ( system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger. tpsl)
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee "BTC","ETH"...
is_tpsl true int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
update_time true Long order update time ,millesecond timestamp
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
total_page true int Total Pages
current_page true int Current Page
total_size true int Total Size
ts true long Timestamp


Get History Orders(New)


    "contract": "BTC-USD",
    "trade_type": 0,
    "symbol": "BTC",
    "type": 1,
    "status": "0",
    "start_time": 1660119810000,
    "end_time": 1660274746031,
    "direct": "next",
    "from_id": 1110,
    "limit": 10

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range OriginalParameter
symbol true string Variety code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int trading type 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long,5: sell liquidation,6: buy liquidation,7:Delivery long,8: Delivery short 11:reduce positions to close long,12:reduce positions to close short
type true int Type 1:All Orders,2:Order in Finished Status
status true string Order Status support multiple query seperated by ',',such as '3,4,5','0': all. 3. Have sumbmitted the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled;
contract_code false string contract code "BTC180914" ... contract_code
order_type false string Order Type 1:"limit",3:"opponent",4:"lightning",5:"Trigger Order",6:"pst_only",7:"optimal_5",8:"optimal_10",9:"optimal_20",10:"fok":FOK order,11:"ioc":ioc order
start_time false long (now) – 48h Value range [((end-time) – 48h), (end-time)], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, query window shift should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
end_time false long now Value range [(present-90d), present], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, queriable range should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
direct false string Search direct, If the direction is NEXT, the data is returned in positive chronological order; if the direction is PREV, the data is returned in reverse chronological order next next, prev default is prev
from_id false long If the query direction is prev, from_id should be the min query_id in the last query result. If the query direction is next, from_id should be the max query_id in the last query result Search query_id to begin with


"code": 200,
"msg": "",
"data": [
"query_id": 111000,
"order_id": 773131315209248768,
"contract_code": "ADA201225",
"symbol": "ADA",
"lever_rate": 20,
"direction": "buy",
"offset": "close",
"volume": 1,
"price": 0.0925,
"create_date": 1604370469629,
"update_time": 1604370469629,
"order_source": "web",
"order_price_type": 6,
"order_type": 1,
"margin_frozen": 0,
"profit": 0,
"contract_type": "quarter",
"trade_volume": 0,
"trade_turnover": 0,
"fee": 0,
"trade_avg_price": 0,
"status": 3,
"order_id_str": "773131315209248768",
"fee_asset": "ADA",
"liquidation_type": "0",
"is_tpsl": "0",
"real_profit": 0
"ts": 1604312615051

Response Content

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
code true int State code
msg true string The code description
ts true long Timestamp
<data> true object array
query_id true long next Query ID
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
symbol true string Variety code
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week","quarter","next_quarter"
lever_rate true int Leverage Rate 1,5,10,20
direction true string Transaction direction
offset true string offset direction 【open : close】
volume true decimal Number of Order
price true decimal Price committed
create_date true long Creation time
update_time true long order update time,millesecond timestamp
order_source true string Order Source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger. tpsl
order_price_type true string order price types 1:limit,2:market,3:opponent,4:lightning,5:trigger,6:post_only ,7:optimal_5 ,8:optimal_10 ,9:optimal_20,10:FOK ,11:IOC ,12:opponent_ioc,13:lightning_ioc,14:optimal_5_ioc,15:optimal_10_ioc,16:optimal_20_ioc,17:opponent_fok,18:lightning_fok,19:optimal_5_fok,40:optimal_10_fok,41:optimal_20_fok .
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
profit true decimal profit when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
fee true decimal Service fee
trade_avg_price true decimal Transaction average price
status true int order status 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling.
order_type true int Order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee ("BTC","ETH"...)
liquidation_type true string liquidation type 0:Not Forced Liquidation Type,1:Netting Type, 2: Partial Takeover,3:All Takeover
is_tpsl true int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)

Query History Orders via Multiple fields(New)


    "contract": "BTC-USD",
    "trade_type": 0,
    "status": 0,
    "type": 1,
    "price_type": "opponent",
    "start_time": 1660119810000,
    "end_time": 1660274746031,
    "direct": "next"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range OriginalParameter
symbol true string Variety code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int trading type 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long,5: sell liquidation,6: buy liquidation,7:Delivery long,8: Delivery short 11:reduce positions to close long,12:reduce positions to close short
type true int Type 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long,5: sell liquidation,6: buy liquidation,7:Delivery long,8: Delivery short 11:reduce positions to close long,12:reduce positions to close short
status true string Order Status support multiple query seperated by ',',such as '3,4,5','0': all. 3. Have sumbmitted the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled;
contract_code false string contract code "BTC180914" ... contract_code
order_type false string Order Type 1:"limit",3:"opponent",4:"lightning",5:"Trigger Order",6:"pst_only",7:"optimal_5",8:"optimal_10",9:"optimal_20",10:"fok":FOK order,11:"ioc":ioc order
start_time false long (now) – 48h Value range [((end-time) – 48h), (end-time)], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, query window shift should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
end_time false long now Value range [(present-90d), present], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days, queriable range should be within past 2 hours for cancelled order
direct false string Search direct, If the direction is NEXT, the data is returned in positive chronological order; if the direction is PREV, the data is returned in reverse chronological order next next, prev default is prev
from_id false long If the query direction is prev, from_id should be the min query_id in the last query result. If the query direction is next, from_id should be the max query_id in the last query result Search query_id to begin with


    "code": 200,
    "msg": "",
    "data": [
            "query_id": 111000,
            "order_id": 770434885714452480,
            "contract_code": "THETA-USD",
            "symbol": "THETA",
            "lever_rate": 20,
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "close",
            "volume": 10.000000000000000000,
            "price": 0.660000000000000000,
            "create_date": 1603727590740,
            "order_source": "android",
            "order_price_type": "post_only",
            "order_type": 1,
            "margin_frozen": 0,
            "profit": 1.080395069022201400,
            "trade_volume": 10.000000000000000000,
            "trade_turnover": 100.000000000000000000,
            "fee": -0.030303030303030303,
            "trade_avg_price": 0.66000,
            "status": 6,
            "order_id_str": "770434885714452480",
            "fee_asset": "THETA",
            "liquidation_type": "0",
            "is_tpsl": 0,
            "real_profit": 0
    "ts": 1604312615051

Response Content

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
code true int State code
msg true string The code description
ts true long Timestamp
<data> true object array
query_id true long next Query ID
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
symbol true string Variety code
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week","quarter","next_quarter"
lever_rate true int Leverage Rate 1,5,10,20
direction true string Transaction direction 【buy : sell】
offset true string offset direction 【open : close】
volume true decimal Number of Order
price true decimal Price committed
create_date true long Creation time
update_time true long order update time,millesecond timestamp
order_source true string Order Source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger. tpsl
order_price_type true string order price types 1:limit,2:market,3:opponent,4:lightning,5:trigger,6:post_only ,7:optimal_5 ,8:optimal_10 ,9:optimal_20,10:FOK ,11:IOC ,12:opponent_ioc,13:lightning_ioc,14:optimal_5_ioc,15:optimal_10_ioc,16:optimal_20_ioc,17:opponent_fok,18:lightning_fok,19:optimal_5_fok,40:optimal_10_fok,41:optimal_20_fok .
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
profit true decimal profit when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
fee true decimal Service fee
trade_avg_price true decimal Transaction average price
status true int order status 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling.
order_type true int Order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee ("BTC","ETH"...)
liquidation_type true string liquidation type 0:Not Forced Liquidation Type,1:Netting Type, 2: Partial Takeover,3:All Takeover
is_tpsl true int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)

Get History Match Results(New)


    "contract": "BTC-USD",
    "trade_type": 0,
    "symbol": "BTC",
    "start_time": 1660119810000,
    "end_time": 1660274746031,
    "direct": "next",
    "from_id": 1110

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range OriginalParameter
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
contract true string contract code contract_code
trade_type true int Transaction type 0:All; 1: Open long; 2: Open short; 3: Close short; 4: Close long; 5: Liquidate long positions; 6: Liquidate short positions
start_time false long Query start time, query by data creation time
end_time false long Query end time, query data by creation time now Value range [(present-90d), present], maximum query window size is 48 hours, query window shift should be within past 90 days
direct false string Search direct, If the direction is NEXT, the data is returned in positive chronological order; if the direction is PREV, the data is returned in reverse chronological order next next, prev
from_id false long If the query direction is prev, from_id should be the min(the last entry)query_id in the last query result. If the query direction is next, from_id should be the max (the first entry)query_id in the last query result Search query_id to begin with


    "code": 200,
    "msg": "",
    "data": [
            "query_id": 111000,
            "match_id": 113891764710,
            "order_id": 773135295142658048,
            "symbol": "ADA",
            "contract_type": "quarter",
            "contract_code": "ADA201225",
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "open",
            "trade_volume": 1,
            "trade_price": 0.092,
            "trade_turnover": 10,
            "trade_fee": -0.021739130434782608,
            "offset_profitloss": 0,
            "create_date": 1604371703183,
            "role": "Maker",
            "order_source": "web",
            "order_id_str": "773135295142658048",
            "fee_asset": "ADA",
            "real_profit": 0,
            "id": "113891764710-773135295142658048-1"
    "ts": 1604312615051

Response Content

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
code true int State code
msg true string The code description
ts true long Timestamp
<data> true object array
query_id true long query id, can use as next request's from_id
id true string the global unique ID of the trade.
match_id true long match_id is the same with trade_id of the websocket subscriptions: orders.$symbol and matchOrders.$symbol.match_id is the result of sets of order execution and trade confirmation. NOTE: match_id is not unique, which includes all trade records of a taker order and N maker orders. If the taker order matches with N maker orders, it will create N trades with same match_id.
order_id true long order ID
order_id_str true string order ID
symbol true string contract type code
contract_type true string contract type deliver on this Friday then "this_week"; deliver on next Friday then "next_week"; for quarterly contract then "quarter", Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
direction true string ransaction direction 【buy : sell"】
offset true string offset direction "open": open positions; "close": close positions
trade_volume true decimal the number of traded contract with unit of lot
trade_price true decimal the price at which orders get filled
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
create_date true long the time when orders get filled
offset_profitloss true decimal profits and losses generated from closing positions(calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_fee true decimal fees charged by platform
role true string taker or maker
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee ("BTC","ETH"...)
order_source true string Order Source system、web、api、m、risk、settlement、ios、android、windows、mac、trigger、tpsl
ts true long timestamp

Query history transactions via multiple fields(New)

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string Variety code "BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int Transaction type 0:All; 1: Open long; 2: Open short; 3: Close short; 4: Close long; 5: Liquidate long positions; 6: Liquidate short positions
contract_code false string Contract Code
start_time false long start time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
end_time false long end time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
from_id false long Query start id(uses query_id of returned data)
size false int number of data it will be the default value of 20; the number should ≤50
direct false string Query direction prev ;next ;Default value:prev


Query cases are as below (special cases are not included):

start_time end_time from_id size direct Query Result
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 50 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 10 days ago.The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from front to back from 10 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from 60 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from 5 days ago. query 20 data from front to back from 5 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from front to back from 20 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time 1000 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the first line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time 1000 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the last line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "trades": [
                "query_id": 2424420723,
                "match_id": 113891764710,
                "order_id": 773135295142658048,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "open",
                "trade_volume": 1,
                "trade_price": 0.092,
                "trade_turnover": 10,
                "trade_fee": -0.021739130434782608,
                "offset_profitloss": 0,
                "create_date": 1604371703183,
                "role": "Maker",
                "order_source": "web",
                "order_id_str": "773135295142658048",
                "fee_asset": "ADA",
                "real_profit": 0,
                "id": "113891764710-773135295142658048-1"
        "remain_size": 15,
        "next_id": 2424413094
    "ts": 1604372202243

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string request handling result
<data> true object
<trades> true object array
id true string the global unique ID of the trade.
query_id true long Query id, which can be used as the from_id field for the next query request.
match_id true long match_id is the same with trade_id of the websocket subscriptions: orders.$symbol and matchOrders.$symbol.match_id is the result of sets of order execution and trade confirmation. NOTE: match_id is not unique, which includes all trade records of a taker order and N maker orders. If the taker order matches with N maker orders, it will create N trades with same match_id.
order_id true long order ID
order_id_str true string order ID
symbol true string Variety code
contract_type true string contract type “this_week”:Weekly,“next_week”:Bi-weekly,“quarter”:Quarterly ,Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
direction true string Transaction direction [Buy (buy), Sell(sell)]
offset true string "open": "close" [Open(open), Close(lose)]
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_price true decimal the price at which orders get filled
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
create_date true long Creation time
offset_profitloss true decimal profits and losses generated from closing positions(calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_fee true decimal fees charged by platform
role true string taker or maker
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee ("BTC","ETH"...)
order_source true string Order Source system、web、api、m、risk、settlement、ios、android、windows、mac、trigger、tpsl
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
ts true long timestamp


Contract Strategy Order Interface

Place Trigger Order




Params Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol false string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
contract_type false string contract type “this_week”,“next_week”,“quarter”,"next_quarter"
contract_code false string contract code BTC190903
trigger_type true string trigger: ge Equal to or Greater than;le Less than or Equal to
trigger_price true Decimal Trigger Price
order_price false Decimal Order Price
order_price_type false order price type: "limit" by default;"optimal_5", "optimal_10","optimal_20"
volume true long volume
direction true string buy sell
offset true string open close
lever_rate true int Long leverage shall be equal to short leverage.[Using Leverage greater than 20 times requires prior approval of high-leverage agreement for the first time. ]



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "order_id": 28312412,
        "order_id_str": "28312412"
    "ts": 1604372634548

Response Desc

field type Required Desc
status string true status: ok,error
err_code int false error code
err_msg string false error message
<data> List false list info
order_id long true order id.
order_id_str string true order id str
ts long true timestamp

Cancel Trigger Order

request params

field type Required desc
symbol string true Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.BTC,LTC...
order_id string true order id. multiple orderids need to be joined by ",".Max number of order ids is 10 once.



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [
                "order_id": "28312406",
                "err_code": 1061,
                "err_msg": "This order doesnt exist."
        "successes": "28312412"
    "ts": 1604372746401


field Required type desc value range
status true string response status "ok" , "error"
successes true string successful orders
order_id true string order id
err_code true int error code
err_msg true string error messages
ts true long response timestamp millseconds

Cancel All Trigger Orders


field type Required desc
symbol string true Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.BTC、LTC...
contract_code string false contract code,"BTC180914" ...
contract_type string false contract type "this_week" "next_week" "quarter" "next_quarter"
direction string false Transaction direction(if not filled in means all) ["buy" , "sell"]
offset string false offset direction(if not filled in means all) ["open" , "close"]



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [],
        "successes": "28312413,28312414"
    "ts": 1604373863946

response params

field Required type desc value range
status true string status "ok" , "error"
order_id true string order id
err_code true int error code
err_msg true string error message
successes true string successful orders
ts true long response timestamp in millseconds

Query Trigger Order Open Orders

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Description
symbol string true Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.BTC,LTC...
contract_code string false Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..contract code
page_index int false page number,default page 1 if no given instruction
page_size int false default 20 if no given instruction,no more than 50
trade_type int false trade type(Default:all) 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "trigger_type": "le",
                "volume": 1,
                "order_type": 1,
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "open",
                "lever_rate": 20,
                "order_id": 28312415,
                "order_id_str": "28312415",
                "order_source": "api",
                "trigger_price": 0.0895,
                "order_price": 0.0895,
                "created_at": 1604374041289,
                "order_price_type": "limit",
                "status": 2
        "total_page": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 1
    "ts": 1604374215911

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Description Value Range
status string true Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
<data> object true Returned data
total_page int true total page
current_page int true current page
total_size int true total size
symbol string true Cryptocurrency
contract_code string true contract code
contract_type string true contract type
trigger_type string true trigger type gegreat than or equal to;leless than or equal to
volume decimal true trigger order volume
order_type int true Transaction Type 1. Place orders 2. cancel orders
direction string true order direction [buy,sell]
offset string true offset direction [open,close]
lever_rate int true Leverage 1,5,10,20
order_id long true trigger order ID
order_id_str string true the order ID with string
order_source string true order source ( system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger)
trigger_price decimal true trigger price
order_price decimal true the preset price by the client
created_at long true order creation time
order_price_type string true order price type "limit": limit order,"optimal_5":optimal 5,"optimal_10":optimal 10,"optimal_20":optimal 20
status int true order status 1:ready to submit、2:submited、3:order accepted、7:wrong order、8:canceled orders but not found、9:canceling order、10:failed'
ts true long Time stamp of response, Unit: millisecond

Query Trigger Order History

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string Cryptocurrency Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
contract_code false string Contract Code EOS190118
trade_type true int Transaction type 0: All ,1: Open Long,2: Close Short,3: Open Short,4: Close Long;the system will transfer these parameters into offset and direction and query the requested data. Please note that no data can be requested with parameter out of this range.
status true string Order Status data divided with several commas, trigger orders ready to be submitted:0: All (All filled orders),4: Trigger orders successfully submitted,5: Trigger orders failed being submitted, 6: Trigger orders cancelled
create_date true int Date any positive integer available. Requesting data beyond 90 will not be supported, otherwise, system will return trigger history data within the last 90 days by default.
page_index false int Page, 1st page by default without given instruction 1
page_size false int Page 20 by default without given instruction, ,no more than 50 20 [1-50]
sort_by false string sort fields(descending) created_at "created_at":descending order by order creation time, "update_time": descending order by order update time



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "trigger_type": "le",
                "volume": 1,
                "order_type": 1,
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "open",
                "lever_rate": 20,
                "order_id": 28312415,
                "order_id_str": "28312415",
                "relation_order_id": "773147284987842560",
                "order_price_type": "limit",
                "status": 4,
                "order_source": "api",
                "trigger_price": 0.0895,
                "triggered_price": 0.089497,
                "order_price": 0.0895,
                "created_at": 1604374041289,
                "update_time": 1603874287699,
                "triggered_at": 1604374277082,
                "order_insert_at": 1604374277124,
                "canceled_at": 0,
                "fail_code": null,
                "fail_reason": null
        "total_page": 4,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 4
    "ts": 1604374349086

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Desc Value Range
status string true Request Processing Result "ok" , "error"
<data> object true Return data
total_page int true Total page
current_page int true Current page
total_size int true Total Size
symbol string true Cryptocurrency
contract_code string true Contract Code
contract_type string true Contract Type
trigger_type string true trigger ge Equal to or Greater than;le Less than or Equal to
volume decimal true Numbers of order placed
order_type int true Transaction type 1、Place orders 2、Cancel orders
direction string true order direction [Buy (buy), Sell(sell)]
offset string true offset direction [Open(open), Close(lose)]
lever_rate int true leverage 1,5,10,20
order_id int true Trigger order ID
order_id_str string true the order ID with string
relation_order_id string true Relation order ID is the string related to the limit orders. The value is -1 before the trigger orders executed.
order_price_type string true order type "limit" Limit order price,"optimal_5": Optimal 5 price level,"optimal_10":Optimal 10 price level,"optimal_20": the Optimal 20 price level
status int true Order status (4:Orders accepted、5: Orders failing being placed、6: Orders canceled )
order_source string true Order source ( system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger)
trigger_price decimal true trigger price
triggered_price decimal true the price when trigger orders executed
order_price decimal true the order price preset by the client
created_at long true the order creation time
triggered_at long true the execution time when orders getting triggered.
order_insert_at long true the time when the triggered orders filled successfully.
canceled_at long true Order cancelation time
fail_code int true the error code when the triggered orders failed to be filled
fail_reason string true the error message with failure reason when triggered orders failed to filled.
ts long true Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Set a Take-profit and Stop-loss Order for an Existing Position


    "contract_code": "BTC210326",
    "direction": "sell",
    "volume": 1,
    "tp_trigger_price": 35000,
    "tp_order_price": 35000,
    "tp_order_price_type": "optimal_5",
    "sl_trigger_price": "29000",
    "sl_order_price": "29000",
    "sl_order_price_type": "optimal_5"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol false string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type false string contract type “this_week”,“next_week”,“quarter”,“next_quarter”
contract_code false string contract code BTC190903
direction true string direction "buy", "sell"
volume true decimal Numbers of orders (volume)
tp_trigger_price false decimal Trigger price of take-profit order
tp_order_price false decimal Order price of take-profit order(The order price is not required to fill in for Optimal N)
tp_order_price_type false string Order type of take-profit order default is limit; limit,optimal_5,optimal_10,optimal_20
sl_trigger_price false decimal Trigger price of stop-loss order
sl_order_price false decimal Order price of stop-loss order(The order price is not required to fill in for Optimal N)
sl_order_price_type false string Order type of stop-loss order default is limit; limit,optimal_5,optimal_10,optimal_20



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "tp_order": {
            "order_id": 796083080824655872,
            "order_id_str": "796083080824655872"
        "sl_order": {
            "order_id": 796083080824655873,
            "order_id_str": "796083080824655873"
    "ts": 1609842596990

Error Response

    "status": "error",
    "err_code": 1066,
    "err_msg": "contract_code cannot be empty.",
    "ts": 1604369954194

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string status "ok" , "error"
ts true long time stamp
<data> false object Returned data when order is placed successfully, and will not be returned when order fails to be placed.
<tp_order> true object Order placing result of take-profit order
order_id true long order id
order_id_str true string order id (string)
<sl_order> true object Order placing result of stop-loss order
order_id true long order id
order_id_str true string order id (string)
err_code false int error code(only when order fails to be placed)
err_msg false string error message(only when order fails to be placed)


Cancel a Take-profit and Stop-loss Order

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
order_id true string order ID(different IDs are separated by ",", maximum 10 orders can be withdrew at one time)



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [
                "order_id": "796085144275423232",
                "err_code": 1061,
                "err_msg": "This order doesnt exist."
        "successes": "796085144275423233"
    "ts": 1609843174529

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string status "ok", "error"
<data> true object dictionary
<errors> true object dictionary
order_id true string order id
err_code false long error code
err_msg false string error message
successes true string successes orders
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit: Millisecond

Cancel all Take-profit and Stop-loss Orders

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol false string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code false string contract code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type false string contract type "this_week", "next_week", "quarter",“next_quarter”
direction false string Transaction direction(if not filled in means all) ["buy" , "sell"]



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [],
        "successes": "796083080824655872,796083080824655873,796084255502405632,796084255502405633"
    "ts": 1609843284024

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string status "ok", "error"
<data> true object dictionary
<errors> true object dictionary
order_id true string order id
err_code false long error code
err_msg false string error message
successes true string successes orders
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit: Millisecond

Query Open Take-profit and Stop-loss Orders

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code false string contract code "BTC180914" ...
page_index false int page index. 1 by default
page_size false int page size.20 by default. 50 at most [1-50]
trade_type false int trade type(Default:all) 0:all,3: buy short,4: sell long


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "symbol": "BTC",
                "contract_code": "BTC210326",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "volume": 1,
                "order_type": 1,
                "direction": "sell",
                "order_id": 796097507233927168,
                "order_id_str": "796097507233927168",
                "order_source": "api",
                "trigger_type": "ge",
                "trigger_price": 35000,
                "order_price": 0,
                "created_at": 1609846036501,
                "order_price_type": "optimal_5",
                "status": 2,
                "tpsl_order_type": "tp",
                "source_order_id": null,
                "relation_tpsl_order_id": "796097507233927169"
        "total_page": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 2
    "ts": 1609846316344

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string status "ok", "error"
<data> true object dictionary
total_page true int total page
total_size true int total size
current_page true int current page
<orders> true object array
symbol true string symbol
contract_type true string contract type "this_week", "next_week", "quarter",“next_quarter”
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
volume true decimal Numbers of orders (volume)
order_type true int Order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order
tpsl_order_type true string Order type(take-profit order/stop-loss order) “tp”:take-profit order;"sl"stop-loss order
direction true string direction "buy", "sell"
order_id true long order id(take-profit order/stop-loss order)
order_id_str true string order id in string(take-profit order/stop-loss order)
order_source true string order source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger
trigger_type true string trigger type ge, le
trigger_price true decimal trigger price
created_at true long created time
order_price_type true string order price type limit, optimal_5, optimal_10, optimal_20
order_price true decimal order price
status true int status: 1.Not Activated, 2.Ready to submit the orders, 3.Submitting the orders, 4.Submit the orders success, 5.Submit the orders failed, 6.Orders cancelled, 8.Cancelled order not found, 9.Orders cancelling, 10.Failed, 11.Expired
source_order_id true string Order id of source limit order (the field will have a value only when the order placed is a take-profit and stop-loss order; it is used to indicate that a certain limit order that triggered current take-profit and stop-loss order.)
relation_tpsl_order_id true string related take-profit and stop loss order id(The field will have a value when users set take-profit and stop loss order stimulatenously, otherwise, the value will be "-1".)
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit: Millisecond

Query Take-profit and Stop-loss History Orders

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code true string contract code,"BTC-USD" ...
status true string status Multiple orders are separated by English commas, and the status of stop-profit and stop-loss orders is: 0:all(representing all orders in the end state), 4:Have sumbmitted the orders, 5:orders failed, 6:orders canceled, 11:expired
create_date true long days any positive integer available. Requesting data beyond 90 will not be supported, otherwise, system will return trigger history data within the last 90 days by default.
page_index false int page index. 1 by default
page_size false int page size.20 by default. 50 at most [1-50]
sort_by false string for sortting, descende order by created_at when without value "created_at": descending order by order created at, "update_time": descending order by order update time


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "symbol": "BTC",
                "contract_code": "BTC210326",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "volume": 1,
                "order_type": 1,
                "tpsl_order_type": "sl",
                "direction": "sell",
                "order_id": 796085144275423233,
                "order_id_str": "796085144275423233",
                "order_source": "api",
                "trigger_type": "le",
                "trigger_price": 29000,
                "order_price": 0,
                "created_at": 1609843088942,
                "order_price_type": "optimal_5",
                "status": 6,
                "source_order_id": null,
                "relation_tpsl_order_id": "796085144275423232",
                "canceled_at": 1609843174692,
                "fail_code": null,
                "fail_reason": null,
                "triggered_price": null,
                "relation_order_id": "-1",
                "update_time": 1609843200693
        "total_page": 6,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 6
    "ts": 1609846686146

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string status "ok", "error"
<data> true object dictionary
total_page true int total page
total_size true int total size
current_page true int current page
<orders> true object array
symbol true string symbol
contract_type true string contract type "this_week", "next_week", "quarter",“next_quarter”
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
volume true decimal volume
order_type true int order type 1.Quotation, 2.Cancelled order
tpsl_order_type true string tpsl order type “tp”:Take-profit order, "sl":Stop-loss order
direction true string direction "buy", "sell"
order_id true long order id(take-profit order/stop-loss order)
order_id_str true string order id in string(take-profit order/stop-loss order)
order_source true string order source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger
order_price true decimal order price
trigger_type true string trigger type ge:greater or equal, le:less or equal
trigger_price true decimal trigger price
created_at true long created time
order_price_type true string order price type "limit",optimal_5,optimal_10,optimal_20
status true int status 1.Not Activated, 2.Ready to submit the orders, 3.Submitting the orders, 4.Submit the orders success, 5.Submit the orders failed, 6.Orders cancelled, 8.Cancelled order not found, 9.Orders cancelling, 10.Failed, 11.Expired
source_order_id true string Order id of source limit order (the field will have a value only when the order placed is a take-profit and stop-loss order; it is used to indicate that a certain limit order that triggered current take-profit and stop-loss order.)
relation_tpsl_order_id true string related take-profit and stop loss order id(The field will have a value when users set take-profit and stop loss order stimulatenously, otherwise, the value will be "-1".)
canceled_at true long canceled time
fail_code true int fail code when triggered
fail_reason true string fail reason when triggered
triggered_price true decimal triggered price
relation_order_id true string Relation order ID is the string related to the limit orders, The value is -1 before the trigger orders executed.
update_time true long update time, unit: Millisecond
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit: Millisecond

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
order_id true long order id


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "symbol": "BTC",
        "contract_code": "BTC210326",
        "contract_type": "quarter",
        "volume": 1,
        "price": 30000,
        "order_price_type": "post_only",
        "direction": "buy",
        "offset": "open",
        "lever_rate": 75,
        "order_id": 796097782841643008,
        "order_id_str": "796097782841643008",
        "client_order_id": null,
        "created_at": 1609846102202,
        "trade_volume": 0,
        "trade_turnover": 0,
        "fee": 0,
        "trade_avg_price": null,
        "margin_frozen": 0.000044444444444444,
        "profit": 0,
        "status": 3,
        "order_type": 1,
        "order_source": "api",
        "fee_asset": "BTC",
        "canceled_at": 0,
        "tpsl_order_info": [
                "volume": 1,
                "direction": "sell",
                "tpsl_order_type": "tp",
                "order_id": 796097782845837312,
                "order_id_str": "796097782845837312",
                "trigger_type": "ge",
                "trigger_price": 31000,
                "order_price": 0,
                "created_at": 1609846102212,
                "order_price_type": "optimal_5",
                "relation_tpsl_order_id": "796097782845837313",
                "status": 1,
                "canceled_at": 0,
                "fail_code": null,
                "fail_reason": null,
                "triggered_price": null,
                "relation_order_id": "-1"
                "volume": 1,
                "direction": "sell",
                "tpsl_order_type": "sl",
                "order_id": 796097782845837313,
                "order_id_str": "796097782845837313",
                "trigger_type": "le",
                "trigger_price": 29100,
                "order_price": 0,
                "created_at": 1609846102212,
                "order_price_type": "optimal_5",
                "relation_tpsl_order_id": "796097782845837312",
                "status": 1,
                "canceled_at": 0,
                "fail_code": null,
                "fail_reason": null,
                "triggered_price": null,
                "relation_order_id": "-1"
    "ts": 1609847008041

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string status "ok", "error"
<data> true object dictionary
symbol true string symbol
contract_type true string contract type "this_week", "next_week", "quarter", “next_quarter”
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
volume true decimal Numbers of orders (volume)
price true decimal price
order_price_type true string order price type "limit":Limit,"opponent":opponent,"post_only":Post-Only Order, No order limit but position limit for post-only orders.,"lightning":lightning, "optimal_5":optimal 5,"optimal_10":optimal 10,"optimal_20":optimal 20,"fok":FOK Order,"ioc":IOC Order, "opponent_ioc": opponent ioc,"lightning_ioc": lightning ioc,"optimal_5_ioc": optimal_5 ioc,"optimal_10_ioc": optimal_10 ioc,"optimal_20_ioc": optimal_20 ioc,"opponent_fok": opponent fok,"lightning_fok": lightning fok,"optimal_5_fok": optimal_5 fok,"optimal_10_fok": optimal_10 fok,"optimal_20_fok": optimal_20 fok
direction true string direction "buy","sell"
offset true string offset "open", "close"
lever_rate true int lever rate
order_id true long order id
order_id_str true string order id in string
client_order_id true long client order id
created_at true long created at
trade_volume true decimal trade volume
trade_turnover true decimal trade turnover
fee true decimal fee
trade_avg_price true decimal trade avg price
margin_frozen true decimal margin frozen
profit true decimal profit when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
status true int status 1. Ready to submit the orders; 2. Ready to submit the orders; 3. Have sumbmitted the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling
order_type true int order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
order_source true string order source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger
fee_asset true string fee asset ("BTC","ETH"...)
canceled_at true long canceled at
<tpsl_order_info> true object array related take-profit and stop loss order info
volume true decimal Numbers of orders (volume)
tpsl_order_type true string Order type(take-profit order/stop-loss order) “tp”:take-profit order;"sl"stop-loss order
direction true string direction "buy", "sell"
order_id true long order id(take-profit order/stop-loss order)
order_id_str true string order id in string(take-profit order/stop-loss order)
trigger_type true string trigger type: ge, le
trigger_price true decimal trigger price
created_at true long created time
order_price_type true string order price type limit, optimal_5, optimal_10, optimal_20
order_price true decimal order price
status true int status 1.Not Activated, 2.Ready to submit the orders, 3.Submitting the orders, 4.Submit the orders success, 5.Submit the orders failed, 6.Orders cancelled, 8.Cancelled order not found, 9.Orders cancelling, 10.Failed, 11.Expired. 12. Not Activated-Expired
relation_tpsl_order_id true string related take-profit and stop loss order id(The field will have a value when users set take-profit and stop loss order stimulatenously, otherwise, the value will be "-1".)
canceled_at true long canceled time
fail_code true int fail code when triggered
fail_reason true string fail reason when triggered
triggered_price true decimal triggered price
relation_order_id true string Relation order ID is the string related to the limit orders, The value is -1 before the trigger orders executed.
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit: Millisecond

Place a Trailing Order

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol false string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_type false string contract type this_week, next_week, quarter, next_quarter
contract_code false string contract code BTC190903
direction true string direction buy, sell
offset true string offset open, close
lever_rate false int lever rate, is required when open position, is optional when close position
volume true decimal volume(cont)
callback_rate true decimal callback rate Such as: 0.01 means 1%. And must be not less than 0.001 (0.1%)
active price true decimal active price
order_price_type true string order price type optimal_5, optimal_10, optimal_20, formula_price



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "order_id": 825041038916751360,
        "order_id_str": "825041038916751360"
    "ts": 1616746712203

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" , "error"
ts true long timestamp
<data> true object the returned data which is successful
order_id true long trailing order id[Globally Unique]
order_id_str true string trailing order id in string format

Cancel a Trailing Order

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
order_id true string User's trailing order id (multiple order IDs are separated by ",", a maximum of 10 orders are allowed to be withdrawn at a time)



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [
                "order_id": "825041038916751361",
                "err_code": 1061,
                "err_msg": "This order doesnt exist."
        "successes": "825041038916751360"
    "ts": 1616746795262

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" :success, "error": failed
<data> true object dictionary
<errors> true object dictionary
order_id true string trailing order id[Globally Unique]
err_code false long error code
err_msg false string error msg
successes true string the orders that are success
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Cancel All Trailing Orders

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code false string contract code "BTC180914" ...
contract_type false string contract type this_week, next_week, quarter, next_quarter
direction false string direction(if not filled in, means all) buy, sell
offset false string offset (if not filled in, means all) open, close



    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "errors": [],
        "successes": "825041902725271552,825042030290833408,825042223069433856"
    "ts": 1616747043604

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" :success, "error": failed
<data> true object dictionary
<errors> true object dictionary
order_id true string trailing order id[Globally Unique]
err_code false long error code
err_msg false string error msg
successes true string the orders that are success
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Current unfilled trailing order acquisition

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code false string contract code,"BTC180914" ...
trade_type false int trade type(if not filled in, means all) 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long
page_index false int page index, if not filled in as 1st
page_size false int if not filled in as 20, and no more than 50



Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" :success, "error": failed
<data> true object dictionary
total_page true int total page
total_size true int total size
current_page true int current page
<orders> true object array
symbol true string symbol
contract_type true string contract type this_week, next_week, quarter,next_quarter
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
volume true decimal volume
order_type true int order type: 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order
direction true string direction buy, sell
offset true string offset open, close
lever_rate true int lever rate
order_id true long trailing order id
order_id_str true string trailing order id in string format
order_source true string order source
created_at true long created at
order_price_type true string order price type optimal_5, optimal_10, optimal_20, formula_price
status true int order status 2.Ready to submit the orders, 4.Submit the orders success, 5.Submit the orders failed, 6.Orders cancelled
callback_rate true decimal callback rate such as: 0.01 means 1%
active price true decimal active price
is_active true int Is the active price activated? 1: activated; 0: not activated
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Get History Trailing Orders

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code false string contract code,"BTC180914" ...
status true string order status Multiple separated by English commas, Trailing Order status: 0:all(representing all orders in the end state), 4.Submit the orders success, 5.Submit the orders failed, 6.Orders cancelled
trade_type true int trade type 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long
create_date true long days any positive integer available. Requesting data beyond 90 will not be supported, otherwise, system will return trigger history data within the last 90 days by default.
page_index false int page index, if not filled in as 1st
page_size false int if not filled in as 20, and no more than 50
sort_by false string sort fields(descending), if not filled in, sort by created_at descending "create_date":descending order by order create date , "update_time": descending order by order update time



Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string the result of server handling to request "ok" :success, "error": failed
<data> true object dictionary
total_page true int total page
total_size true int total size
current_page true int current page
<orders> true object array
symbol true string symbol
contract_type true string contract type this_week, next_week, quarter,next_quarter
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
volume true decimal volume
order_type true int order type: 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order
direction true string direction buy, sell
offset true string offset open, close
lever_rate true int lever rate
order_id true long trailing order id
order_id_str true string trailing order id in string format
order_source true string order source
created_at true long created at
update_time true long update time, unit: millisecond
order_price_type true string order price type optimal_5, optimal_10, optimal_20, formula_price
status true int order status 2.Ready to submit the orders, 4.Submit the orders success, 5.Submit the orders failed, 6.Orders cancelled
canceled_at true long canceled at
fail_code true int error code when place limit price order
fail_reason true string error reason when place limit price order
callback_rate true decimal callback rate such as: 0.01 means 1%
active price true decimal active price
is_active true int Is the active price activated? 1: activated; 0: not activated
market_limit_price true decimal lowest/highest market price (use the lowest price when buy. use the highest when sell)
formula_price true decimal formula price(the lowest (highest) market price* (1 ± callback rate))
real_volume true decimal real volume
triggered_price true decimal triggered price
relation_order_id true string relation_order_id is the string related to the limit orders, The value is -1 before the trigger orders executed.
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Future Transferring Interface

Transfer margin between Spot account and Future account



This interface is used to transfer assets between Spot account and Future account.

The type is “pro-to-futures” when transferring assets from Spot account to Future; “futures-to-pro” when transferring from Future account to Spot account.

API rate limit for this interface is 1 times/second.

Transferring margin between Spot account and Future account Interface, sets 8 decimal places for transferring amount of all coins.

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
currency true string currency. Case insensitive e.g. btc, BTC
amount true Decimal Transferring amount
type true string type of the transfer Transfer from Future account to Spot account: “futures-to-pro” Transfer from Spot account to Future account: "pro-to-futures"


    "status": "ok",
    "data": 179697972

> Error response:

    "status": "error",
    "data": null,
    "err-code": "base-currency-error",
    "err-msg": "The current coin does not exist."

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Response status ok, error
data true long Transfer ID If status="error", data will be null.
err-code true string Error code
err-msg true string Error code description

Error Code Table

err-code err-msg Comments
base-msg Other errors, please refer to err-msg list below for details。
base-currency-error The currency is invalid
frequent-invoke the operation is too frequent. Please try again later
banned-by-blacklist Blacklist restriction
dw-insufficient-balance Insufficient balance. You can only transfer {0} at most.
dw-account-transfer-unavailable account transfer unavailable
dw-account-transfer-error account transfer error
dw-account-transfer-failed Failed to transfer. Please try again later.
dw-account-transfer-failed-account-abnormality Account abnormality, failed to transfer。Please try again later.

Error message when err-code is ‘base-msg’.

err-msg Comments
Unable to transfer in currently. Please contact customer service.
Unable to transfer out currently. Please contact customer service.
Abnormal contracts status. Can’t transfer.
Sub-account doesn't own the permissions to transfer in. Please contact customer service.
Sub-account doesn't own the permissions to transfer out. Please contact customer service.
The sub-account does not have transfer permissions. Please login main account to authorize.
Insufficient amount available. Insufficient amount of Future Contract Account
The single transfer-out amount must be no less than {0}{1}.
The single transfer-out amount must be no more than {0}{1}.
The single transfer-in amount must be no less than {0}{1}.
The single transfer-in amount must be no more than {0}{1}.
Your accumulative transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer out for the time being.
Your accumulative transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer in for the time being.
Your accumulative net transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer out for the time being.
Your accumulative net transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum, {0}{1}. You can't transfer in for the time being.
The platform's accumulative transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer out for the time being.
The platform's accumulative transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer in for the time being.
The platform's accumulative net transfer-out amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer out for the time being.
The platform's accumulative net transfer-in amount is over the daily maximum. You can't transfer in for the time being.
Transfer failed. Please try again later or contact customer service.
Abnormal service, transfer failed. Please try again later.
You don’t have access permission as you have not opened contracts trading.
This contract type doesn't exist.

Future WebSocket Reference

API List

Permission Content Type Request Method Type Description Authentication Required
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.kline.$period sub Subscribe Kline data No
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.kline.$period req Request Kline Data Nos
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.depth.$type sub Subscribe Market Depth Data No
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq sub Subscribe Incremental Market Depth Data No
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.bbo sub Subscribe BBO Data No
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.detail sub Subscribe Market Detail Data No
Read Market Data Interface market.$ req Request Trade Detail Data No
Read Market Data Interface market.$ sub Subscribe Trade Detail Data No
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.mark_price.$period sub Subscribe Kline Data of Mark Price No
Read Market Data Interface market.$symbol.mark_price.$period req Request Kline Data of Mark Price interface NO
Read System Status Interface public.$service.heartbeat sub Subscription system status updates No
Trade Trade Interface orders.$symbol sub Subscribe Order Data Yes
Trade Trade Interface matchOrders.$symbol sub Subscribe Order Data Yes
Read Account Interface accounts.$symbol sub Subscribe asset change Information of a given coin Yes
Read Account Interface positions.$symbol sub Subscribe position change Information of a given coin Yes
Read Account Interface trigger_order.$symbol sub Subscribe trigger orders updates Yes
Read Trade Interface public.$symbol.liquidation_orders sub Subscribe liquidation Order information of a given coin Yes

Huobi Future WebSocket Subscription Address

Market Data Request and Subscription: wss://

Order Push Subscription: wss://

Index Kline Data and Basis Data Subscription: wss://

System status updates subscription :wss://

If the url: can't be accessed, please use the url below:

Market Data Request and Subscription Address: wss://;

Order Push Subscription:wss://

Index Kline Data and Basis Data Subscription: wss://

System status updates subscription :wss://

If you have further queries about Huobi Future order push subscription, please refer to Demo


If you can't connect "", please use "" for debug purpose. If your server is deployed in AWS, we recommend using "".

API Rate Limit Illustration

There is rate limit for both public and private interfaces. More details are laid out as below:

(1) For restful interfaces:all products(futures, coin margined swap, usdt margined Contracts) 800 times/second for one IP at most

(2) The rate limit for “req” request is 50 times/s at most. No limit for “sub” request as the data will be pushed by server voluntarily.

Note: The rate limit of WS order push and RESTFUL private interface are separated from each other with no relations.

Response the following strings for “Header” via API

WebSocket Heartbeat and Authentication Interface

Market Heartbeat

WebSocket API supports two-way heartbeat. Both Server and Client can send ping message, which the opposite side can return with pong message.

{"ping": 18212558000}

{"pong": 18212558000}

Note: Once the WebSocket Client and WebSocket Server get connected, the server will send a heartbeat every 5 seconds (the frequency might change). The connection will get disconnected automatically if the WebSocket Client ignores the heartbeat message for 5 times. The server will remain connection if the WebSocket Client responds one “ping” value within the latest 2 heartbeat messages.

Order Push Heartbeat

WebSocket API supports one-way heartbeat. The Server initiates ping message and the Client will return pong message. The Server sends back a heartbeat:


"op": "ping",

"ts": "1492420473058"



"op": "pong",

"ts": "1492420473058"




"op": "pong"

"ts": "1492420473027",

"err-code": 2011,

"err-msg": “detailed error message”



"op": "close", // indicate Websocket Server disconnected automatically

"ts": long // The local timestamp of Server push



"op": "error", // indicate that receive illegal Op or internal error

"ts": long// The local timestamp of Server push


Order Push Address



If you can't connect "", please use "" for debug purpose. If your server is deployed in AWS, we recommend using "".

Please note that the WS request connection should not go over 30 normally.

Data Compression

All response data from WebSocket server are compressed into GZIP format. Clients have to decompress them for further use.

Illustration of Request(req and rep) Data

-All request data has fixed format. Please note that Huobi Future API document will only focus on data illustration in non-fixed format.

Request data format is laid out as below:

  "op": string, // Required; Client requests operator name (Server will returns the same value), For detailed operator name list, please refer to the appendix
  "cid": string, // Optional;Request unique ID( Client generate a unique ID which server will return the same value)
  // Others required/ Optional string

All responses push data will be returned in fixed format,Huobi Future API document will only focus on data illustration, Response data format is laid out as below;

  "op": string, // Required; Clients request operator name
  "cid": string, // optional; Client requests unique ID
  "ts": long, // required; Server responds local timestamp
  "err-code": integer, // required; return error code, “0” means successfully responded, others means error. For detailed return error code list, please refer to appendix
  "err-msg": string, only responds error message when error occurs, detailed error information. 
  "data": object // optional; return data object, request valid data after error removed 

Push Data Format is laid out as below:

  "op": "string", // required;Server pushes operator name, For detailed operator type list, please refer to appendix
  "ts": long, // required; Server pushes local timestamp
  "data": object // required;返return data object

Server voluntarily disconnects connection

During making connection and authentication, server will disconnect connection automatically when error occurs. Before disconnecting, server will send notification below,


`"op": "close", // represents server disconnect connection voluntarily

`"ts": long // Server pushes local timestamp


Server return error code but remain connection

After authentication, if clients encountered internal error or request data out from Operator List, WebSocket server will return error message. But server will remain connection


"op": "error", // means server receive data out from Operator List or clients got internal error

"ts": long// Server pushes local timestamp



Clients can create Access Key and Secret Key on Huobi which Access Key is the API access key kept by the client. The Secret Key is used to sign the request (available only for request). To apply/change API key, please go to “Account-API Management” on Huobi Futures. Make name for the API Key and click “create” to finish. It’s optional to bind IP address to the API Key.

For the Trade WebSocket interface, server have to do authentication for topics require authentication before making connection.

Note: These two keys are closely related to account security and should not be disclosed to others at any time.

Authentication Format Example:


"op": "auth",

"type": "api",

"AccessKeyId": "e2xxxxxx-99xxxxxx-84xxxxxx-7xxxx",

"SignatureMethod": "HmacSHA256",

"SignatureVersion": "2",

"Timestamp": "2017-05-11T15:19:30",

"Signature": "4F65x5A2bLyMWVQj3Aqp+B4w+ivaA7n5Oi2SuYtCJ9o=",


Illustration on Authentication Format Data

Field type Description
op string required; Operator type, Requested authentication operator type is auth
type string required; Signature method sign via API means API interface signature, sign via ticket means terminal signature
cid string Optional; Client requests the unique ID
AccessKeyId string required if users use API signature; API Access key is the API AccessKey you applied.
SignatureMethod string required if users use API signature; Signature method, user computes signature basing on the protocol of hash ,the API uses HmacSHA256
SignatureVersion string required if the users use API signature; the signature protocol version, the API uses 2
Timestamp string required if users use API signature; timestamp, the time you request(UTC timezone) this value can help to avoid request data interception by the third party for example :2017-05-11T16:22:06 (UTC time zone)
Signature string required if the users use API signature; signature, the value computed is ensure valid authentication without being tampered
ticket string required if users use ticket signature ; return when logged in


Signature Illustration:

Example on Signature Computing Process:,




Signature Computing, transmit the two parameters below into cryptographic hash: strings needed to be computed, API SecretKey. Get the signature computing result and get it encoded with Base 64 code standard.

Add computed value into the Signature parameter in API request. Please note the computed value SHOULD NOT be encoded into URL cdoe.

Authentication Response Format Illustration

Field type description
op string required; Operator type, Authentication response type is auth
type string required; Return data according to the requested parameters
cid string optional; Return data when “cid” string requested
err-code integer 0 means successfully response, others means response failure成功返回 0 , For detailed Response code(Err-Code), please refer to appendix
err-msg string optional, response detailed error code when error occurs
ts long server responds timestamp
user-id string client ID

Example of A Success Authentication Response

  "op": "auth",
  "ts": 1489474081631,
  "err-code": 0,
  "data": {
    "user-id": "12345678"

Example of Authentication Response with Error

"op": "auth",
"ts": 1489474081631, 
"err-code": xxxx, 
"err-msg" : "Error details "

WebSocket Market Interface

Subscribe Kline data

To subscribe Kline data, clients have to connect WebSocket API server and send subscribe request with the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.kline.$period",

"id": "id generate by client"


Example of a successful subscription request:

    "sub": "market.BTC_CQ.kline.1min",
    "id": "id1"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.kline.$period,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party

sub Subscribe Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string Pairs Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..E.G.: "BTC_CW" stands for BTC weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC Bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC quarterly contract."BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
period true string Kline Period Case-Senstive.Only lowercase is supported. 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day,1week, 1mon

After subscription, clients can receive updates upon any change. Example:



Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description
ch true string Request Parameter
ts true long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond
id true long kline id,the same as kline timestamp, kline start timestamp
mrid true long Order ID
vol true decimal Trade Volume(Cont.). Sum of both buy and sell sides
count true decimal Order Quantity. Sum of both buy and sell sides
open true decimal Open Price
close true decimal Clos Price, the price in the last kline is the latest order price
low true decimal Low Price
high true decimal High Price
amount true decimal Trade Amount(Coin), trade amount(coin)=sum(order quantity of a single order * face value of the coin/order price). Sum of both buy and sell sides

Request Kline data

To request Kline data, clients have to make connection to WebSocket API Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"req": "market.$symbol.kline.$period",

"id": "id generated by client",

"from": " type: long, the time from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00, unit: s",

"to": "type: long, the time from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00, unit: s , the 'to' value should be larger than 'from' value"


Example of Kline Data Subscription Request:

    "req": "market.BTC_CQ.kline.1min",
    "id": "id4",
    "from": 1571000000,
    "to": 1573106298

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
req true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.kline.$period,For parameter details please check req Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party
from true long Start Time
to true long End Time

req Subscribe Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string Pairs Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..E.g.: "BTC_CW" stands for BTC weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC quarterly contract."BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly).
period false string Kline Period Case-Senstive.Only lowercase is supported.1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day,1week, 1mon


If between time range [t1, t5], there are t1-t5 Klines in quantity.

from: t1, to: t5, return [t1, t5].

from: t5, to: t1, which t5 > t1, return [].

from: t5, return [t5].

from: t3, return [t3, t5].

to: t5, return [t1, t5].

from: t which t3 < t <t4, return [t4, t5].

to: t which t3 < t <t4, return [t1, t3].

from: t1 and to: t2, should satisfy 1325347200 < t1 < t2 < 2524579200.

Clients can request 2000 Klines at most in one request

Example of a successful return data:


Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description
rep true string Request Parameter
status true string status
id true string Request ID
wsid true long wsid
id true long kline id,the same as kline timestamp, kline start timestamp
vol true decimal Trade Volume(Cont.). Sum of both buy and sell sides
count true decimal Order quantity. Sum of both buy and sell sides
open true decimal Open Price
close true decimal Clos Price, the price in the latest Kline is the last order price
low true decimal Low Price
high true decimal High Price
amount true decimal Trade Amount(Coin), trade amount(coins)=sum(order quantity of a single order * face value of the coin/order price). Sum of both buy and sell sides

Subscribe Market Depth Data

To subscribe market depth data, clients have to make connection to WebSocket API Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.depth.$type",

"id": "id generated by client"


Example of a successful request :

    "sub": "market.BTC_CQ.depth.step0",
    "id": "id5"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.depth.$type,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party

sub Subscribe Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string Pairs Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..E.g.: "BTC_CW" stands for BTC weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC quarterly contract."BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
type true string Depth Type Get depth data within step 150, use step0, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5, step14, step15(merged depth data 0-5, 14-15);when step is 0,depth data will not be merged; Get depth data within step 20, use step6, step7, step8, step9, step10, step11, step12, step13(merged depth data 7-13); when step is 6, depth data will not be merged.


Depth precision
step1、step7 0.00001
step2、step8 0.0001
step3、step9 0.001
step4、step10 0.01
step5、step11 0.1
step14、step12 1
step15、step13 10

Clients can receive data if there is any update upon market depth. Example:


Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
ch true string Data channel, Format: market.period
mrid true long Order ID
id true ling tick ID
asks false object Sell,[price(Ask price), vol(Ask orders (cont.) )], price in ascending sequence
bids false object Buy,[price(Bid price), vol(Bid orders(Cont.))], Price in descending sequence
ts true long Timestamp for depth generation; generated once every 100ms, unit: millisecond
version true long version ID
ch true string Data channel, Format: market.period

Subscribe Incremental Market Depth Data

To subscribe incremental market depth data, clients have to make connection to WebSocket API Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq",


"id": "id generated by client"


Example of a successful request

  "sub": "market.btc_cw.depth.size_20.high_freq",
  "id": "id generated by client"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party
data_type false string data type. snapshot by default. incremental: incremental data.snapshot: full data.

sub Request Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string Pairs Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.. E.g.: "BTC_CW" stands for BTC weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC quarterly contract."BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
size true integer Depth size. 20: stands for 20 unmerged data. 150:stands for 150 unmerged data.

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
ts true int Timestamp of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
ch true string Data channel, Format:market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq
mrid true long Order ID
id true long tick ID
asks true object Sell,[price(Ask price), vol(Ask orders (cont.) )], price in ascending sequence
bids true object Buy,[price(Bid price), vol(Bid orders(Cont.))], Price in descending sequence
ts true int Timepoint for system detecting orderbook, unit: millisecond
version true long version ID,auto increment ID.
event true string event type: update or snapshot
ch true string Data channel, Format: market.$symbol.depth.size_${size}.high_freq


Response example:


Subscribe Market BBO Data

To subscribe market BBO data, clients have to make connection to WebSocket API Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.bbo",

"id": "id generated by client"


Example of a successful request

  "sub": "market.$symbol.bbo",
  "id": "id generated by client"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.bbo,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string Pairs Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.. E.g.: "BTC190412" stands for BTC contract with the the delivery date of 20190412, "BTC_CW" stands for BTC weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC quarterly contract."BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)



Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
ts true int Timestamp of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
ch true string Data channel, Format:market.$symbol.bbo
mrid true long Order ID
id true long tick ID
ask false object Best Ask Quotation,[price(Ask price), vol(Ask order (cont.) )]
bid false object Best Bid Quotation,[price(Bid price), vol(Bid order(Cont.))]
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
version true long version ID.
ch true string Data channel, Format: market.$symbol.bbo


Subscribe Market Detail Data

To subscribe market details, the clients have to make connection to WebSocket Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.detail",

"id": "id generated by client"


Example of Subscribe Market Detail Data:

     "sub": "market.BTC_CQ.detail",
     "id": "id6"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.detail,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party

sub Subscribe Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string Pairs Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..E.g.: "BTC_CW" stands for BTC Weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC Bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC Quarterly contract,"BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description
ch true string Data channel,Format: market.$symbol.detail.merged
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
id true long ID
mrid true long Order ID
open true decimal Open Price
close true decimal Clos Price, the price from the latest kline is the last order price
high true decimal High Price
low true decimal Low Price
amount true decimal Trade amount(Coins), Trade amount(Coin)=SUM(quantity(cont.)*face value/ order price. Sum of both buy and sell sides
vol true decimal Trade amount(Cont.). Sum of both buy and sell sides
count true decimal fulfilled order quantity. Sum of both buy and sell sides
ask true true object Sell,[price(Ask price), vol(Ask orders (cont.) )]
bid true true object Buy,[price(Bid price), vol(Bid orders(Cont.))]


Example of a successful return data:


Request Trade Detail Data

To request Trade detail data, Clients have to make connection to the WebSocket Server and send request data in the format below:


"req": "market.$",

"id": "id generated by client" // “id” string is optional currently. Server will return with null because client ID is not necessary


Return to the current trade detail data only

Example of requesting trade detail data:

     "req": "",
     "size": 10,
     "id": "id8"

Subscribe Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default
req true string Theme for Requesting Data; the interface is fixed at: market.$; for details of the parameter please check req Request Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party
size false int number of data; no more than 50; default 50 if not filled [1,50]

req Request Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string contract type Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..E.g.: "BTC_CW" stands for BTC weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC quarterly contract."BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)

Example of a successful return data:

            "quantity": "0.0013"
            "quantity": "0.0157"

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default
rep true string Data Channel,Format: market.$
status true string Request Status
id true string Request ID
id true long Unique Transaction Id(symbol level)
price true string Price
amount true string Trade amount(Coin), trade amount(coin)=sum(order quantity of a single order * face value of the coin/order price). Sum of both buy and sell sides
direction true string The direction to buy or sell is the direction of the taker (active transaction)
ts true long Order Creation Time
quantity true string trading quantity(coin)
ts true long server response time


Subscribe Trade Detail Data

To subscribe trade detail data, the Client has to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$",

"id": "id generated by client"


Example of a successful subscribe request:

     "sub": "",
     "id": "id7"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at:market.$,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party

sub Subscribe Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default Value Range
symbol true string contract type Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..E.g.: "BTC_CW" stands for BTC weekly contract, "BTC_NW" stands for BTC bi-weekly contract, "BTC_CQ" stands for BTC quarterly contract."BTC_NQ" stands for BTC next quarterly contract. contract code is supported too, e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Default
ch true string Data channel,format: market.$
ts true long server response time
id true long Unique Order Id(symbol level).
ts true long tick time
amount true decimal quantity(Cont.). Sum of both buy and sell sides
ts true long trade timestamp
id true long Unique Transaction Id(symbol level)
price true decimal Price
direction true string The direction to buy or sell is the direction of the taker (active transaction)
quantity true decimal trading quantity(coin)

When there is any update upon trade detail data, clients will receive notification from server. Example:

                "quantity": 0.157
                "quantity": 0.00152

WebSocket Index and Basis Interface

Subscribe Index Kline Data

To subscribe index kline data, the Client has to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.index.$period",

"id": "id generate by client"


example of the subscription of index kline data:

    "sub": "market.BTC-USD.index.1min",
    "id": "id1"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.index.$period,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party

sub Subscribe Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string index symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.."BTC-USD","ETH-USD"...
period true string kline type 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day, 1mon


results pushed by the server


Returning Parameter

parameter name Required type desc Value Range
ch true string Data channel,Format:market.$symbol.index.$period
<tick> true object array Details:tick parameters
id true string index kline id,the same as kline timestamp,kline start timestamp
vol true string Trade Volume. The value is 0.
count true decimal count. The value is 0.
open true string open index price
close true string close index price
low true string lowest index price
high true string highest index price
amount true string amount based on coins.
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Request Index Kline Data

To subscribe index kline data, the Client has to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"req": "market.$symbol.index.$period",

"id": "id generated by client",

"from": "type: long, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00",

"to": "type: long, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00 .Larger than 'from' value. ",


example of the subscription of index kline data:

    "req": "market.bct-usd.index.1min",
    "id": "id4",

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
req true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.index.$period,For parameter details please check req Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party
from true long start time, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. timestamp unit:seconds
to true long end time, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. timestamp unit:seconds. larger than 'from' value

req Subscribe Parameter Rules:

Parameter Name Mandotary Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.."BTC-USD","ETH-USD"...
period true string kline type 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day, 1mon


response example:


Returning Parameter

parameter name Required type desc Value Range
req true string Data channel,Format:market.$symbol.index.$period
status true string Request processing result "ok" , "error"
id true string ID
wsid true long wsid
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
<data> true object array Details:data parameters
id true int index kline id,the same as kline timestamp,kline start timestamp
vol true decimal Trade Volume. The value is 0.
count true decimal count. The value is 0.
open true decimal open index price
close true decimal close index price
low true decimal lowest index price
high true decimal highest index price
amount true decimal amount based on coins.

Subscribe Basis Data

To subscribe basis data, the Client has to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.basis.$period.$basis_price_type",

"id": "id generate by client"


example of the subscription of basis data:

    "sub": "",
    "id": "id1"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
sub true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.basis.$period.$basis_price_type,For parameter details please check sub Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party

sub Subscribe Parameter Rules:

Parameter Name Mandotary Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”.
period true string kline period 1min,5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day,1mon
basis_price_type false string use basis price type to calculate the basis data Using open price default open price:"open",close price:"close",highest price:"high",lowest price:"low",avg=(high price +low price)/2:"average"


Response Example


Returning Parameter

parameter name Required type desc Value Range
ch true string Data channel,Format:market.$symbol.basis.$period.$basis_price_type
tick true object array Details:tick parameters
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

tick Parameters

parameter name Required Type Desc Value Range
id true long unique id
contract_price true string contract last price
index_price true string index price
basis true string basis=contract_price - index_price
basis_rate true string basis_rate=basis/index_price

Request Basis Data

To subscribe basis data, the Client has to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"req": "market.$symbol.basis.$period.$basis_price_type",

"id": "id generated by client",

"from": "type: long, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00",

"to": "type: long, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00 .Larger than 'from' value. "


example of the subscription of basis data:

    "req": "",
    "id": "id4",

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc
req true string the themes that need to be subscribed; the interface is fixed at: market.$symbol.basis.$period.$basis_price_type,For parameter details please check req Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id automatically generated by the business party
from true long start time, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. timestamp unit:seconds
to true long end time, from 2017-07-28T00:00:00+08:00 to 2050-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. timestamp unit:seconds. larger than 'from' value

req Subscribe Parameter Rules:

Parameter Name Mandotary Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”.
period true string kline type 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day, 1mon
basis_price_type false string use basis price type to calculate the basis data Using open price default open price:"open",close price:"close",highest price:"high",lowest price:"low",avg=(high price +low price)/2:"average"


response example:


Returning Parameter

parameter name Required type desc Value Range
req true string Data channel,Format:market.$symbol.basis.$period.$basis_price_type
status true string Request processing result "ok" , "error"
id true string ID
wsid true long wsid
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
<tick> true object array
id true long unique id
contract_price true string contract last price
index_price true string index price
basis true string basis=contract_price - index_price
basis_rate true string basis_rate=basis/index_price

Subscribe Kline Data of Mark Price

To subscribe Kline Data of Mark Price data, clients have to make connection to WebSokcet API Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"sub": "market.$symbol.mark_price.$period",

"id": "id generate by client"


Example of a successful request:

    "sub": "market.BTC_CW.mark_price.1min",
    "id": "id1"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default
sub true string the topic subscribed is fixed at: market.$symbol.mark_price.$period, and more details to see Subscribe Parameter Rules
id false string id

Subscribe Parameter Rules

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”, "BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”, "BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
period true string kline period 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day, 1week, 1mon

After subscription, clients can receive updates upon any change. Example


Returning Parameter:

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
ch true string channel
<tick> true object array
id true long kline id
vol true string trade vol(cont), value is 0
count true string trade count, value is 0
open true string open price
close true string close price
low true string low price
high true string high price
amount true string trade amount(coin), value is 0
ts true number Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond

Request Kline Data of Mark Price interface

To request Kline Data of Mark Price data, clients have to make connection to WebSokcet API Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"req": "market.$symbol.mark_price.$period",

"id": "id generated by client",

"from": "type: long Unit: Second",

"to": "type: long Unit: Second, must been greater than from",


Example of a successful request:

    "req": "market.BTC_CW.mark_price.1imin",
    "id": "id4",

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default
req true string the topic subscribed is fixed at: market.$symbol.mark_price.$period, and more details to see Request Parameter Rules
id false string id
from true long start time, Unit: Second
to true long end time, Unit: Second, must been greater than from

Request Parameter Rules:

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”, "BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”, "BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)
period true string kline period 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min,4hour,1day, 1week, 1mon


Example of the response


Returning Parameter:

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
rep true string channel
status true string status "ok" , "error"
id true string as same as request id
wsid true long wsid
ts true number Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
<data> true object array
id true long kline id
vol true string trade vol(cont), value is 0
count true string trade count, value is 0
open true string open price
close true string close price
low true string low price
high true string high price
amount true string trade amount(coin), value is 0


Orders and Accounts WebSocket Interfaces

Subscribe Order Data(sub)

To subscribe order data, Clients have to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:

Subscribe Request Format


“op”: “sub”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,

“topic": "orders.$symbol”


Example of a successful subscribe request:

  "op": "sub",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr",
  "topic": "orders.btc"

Data format illustration of orders subscription

Field Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,required subscribe value is sub
cid string Optional; ID Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Topic name format: orders.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. e.g.:"BTC,ETH"


Illustration on detailed data format of orders Notification

            "real_profit": 0,
    "is_tpsl": 0,
    "real_profit": 0

Format Illustration on return data of order push

Filed Name Type Description
op string Required;Operator Name,Order push value is notify ;
topic string Required; Order push topic
uid string account uid
ts long Server responses timestamp
symbol string Coin
contract_type string Contract Type
contract_code string Contract Code
volume decimal Order quantity
price decimal Order price
order_price_type string Order price type "limit":Limit,"opponent":opponent,"post_only":Post-Only Order, No order limit but position limit for post-only orders.,"lightning":lightning, "optimal_5":optimal 5,"optimal_10":optimal 10,"optimal_20":optimal 20,"fok":FOK Order,"ioc":IOC Order, "opponent_ioc": opponent ioc,"lightning_ioc": lightning ioc,"optimal_5_ioc": optimal_5 ioc,"optimal_10_ioc": optimal_10 ioc,"optimal_20_ioc":optimal_20 ioc,"opponent_fok": opponent fok,"lightning_fok":lightning fok,"optimal_5_fok":optimal_5 fok,"optimal_10_fok":optimal_10 fok,"optimal_20_fok":optimal_20 fok
direction string "buy" Long "sell": Short
offset string "open": Open "close": Close
status int Order status(1. Placing orders to order book; 2 Placing orders to order book; 3. Placed to order book 4. Partially filled; 5 partially filled but cancelled by client; 6. Fully filled; 7. Cancelled;)
lever_rate int Leverage
order_id long Order ID
order_id_str string Order ID
client_order_id long Client ID
order_source string Order source(system、web、api、m、risk、settlement、ios、android、windows、mac、trigger、tpsl)
order_type int Order type 1Requested orders; 2. Cancelled orders; 3. Liquidated orders; 4. Delivered orders
created_at long order creation time
canceled_at long order canceled time
trade_volume decimal trade volume(volume)
trade_turnover decimal Turnover
fee decimal Fees
trade_avg_price decimal Average order price
margin_frozen decimal Frozen Margin
profit decimal total profit or loss of order when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
fee_asset string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee
liquidation_type string 0:Not Forced Liquidation Type,1:Netting Type, 2: Partial Takeover,3:All Takeover
is_tpsl int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
real_profit decimal total real profit of order (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
id string the global unique id of the trade.。
trade_id long In this interface, trade_id is the same with match_id of /api/v1/contract_matchresults. trade_id is the result of sets of order execution and trade confirmation. NOTE: trade_id is not unique, which includes all trade records of a taker order and N maker orders. If the taker order matches with N maker orders, it will create N trades with same trade_id.
trade_volume decimal trade volume
trade_price decimal trade price
trade_fee decimal trading fees
trade_turnover decimal turnover
created_at long trade creation time
role string taker or maker
profit decimal profit or loss of the transaction (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
real_profit decimal real profit of the transaction (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
fee_asset string fee asset

Unsubscribe Order Data(unsub)

To unsubscribe order data, the clients have to make connection to the server and send unsubscribe request in the format below:

Format of Unsubscribe order data


“op”: “unsub”,

“topic": "orders.$symbol”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,


Example of a successful unsubscribe request:

  "op": "unsub",
  "topic": "orders.btc",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"

Format illustration of unsubscribe order data

Filed Type Description
op string Required;Operator Name,value for unsubscribe is unsub;
cid string Optional; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Unsubscribe topic name: orders.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g: "BTC,ETH" ; when $symbol value is *, it stands for unsubscribing the data of all coins;

Rules on Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Subscribe(sub) Unsubscribe( unsub) ) Rule
orders.* orders.* Allowed
orders.symbol1 orders.* Not Allowed
orders.symbol1 orders.symbol1 Allowed
orders.symbol1 orders.symbol2 Not Allowed
orders.* orders.symbol1 Not Allowed

Subscribe Match Order Data(sub)

To subscribe order data, Clients have to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:

Subscribe Request Format


“op”: “sub”,

"cid": "cid”,

“topic": "matchOrders.$symbol”


sub example:

  "op": "sub",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr",
  "topic": "matchOrders.btc"

Format of subscribe match order data

attr type desc
op string Required; Operator Name,required subscribe value is sub
cid string Optional; ID Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Topic name format: matchOrders.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. e.g.:"BTC,ETH"

Illustration on detailed data format of orders Notification



    "is_tpsl": 0

format of order data pushed

Parameter Name Type Desc
op string notify;
topic string topic
uid string account uid
ts long Time of Respond Generation
symbol string symbol
contract_type string contract type
contract_code string contract code
status int 1. Ready to submit the orders; 2. Ready to submit the orders; 3. Have sumbmitted the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled;
order_id bigint order id
order_id_str string order id
client_order_id long the client ID that is filled in when the order is placed
order_type int Order type: 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
trade_volume decimal total filled volume of the order
volume decimal total volume of the order
is_tpsl int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
id string the global unique id of the trade.
trade_id long In this interface, trade_id is the same with match_id of /api/v1/contract_matchresults. trade_id is the result of sets of order execution and trade confirmation. NOTE: trade_id is not unique, which includes all trade records of a taker order and N maker orders. If the taker order matches with N maker orders, it will create N trades with same trade_id.
trade_volume decimal trade volume
trade_price decimal trade price
trade_turnover decimal trade turnover
created_at long created at
role string taker or maker
direction string direction "buy" or "sell"
offset string offset: "open" or "close"
lever_rate int lever rate
price decimal trigger price
created_at long created at
order_source string order source ( system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger. tpsl)
order_price_type string order price type: "limit":Limit,"opponent":opponent,"post_only":Post-Only Order, No order limit but position limit for post-only orders.,"lightning":lightning, "optimal_5":optimal 5,"optimal_10":optimal 10,"optimal_20":optimal 20,"fok":FOK Order,"ioc":IOC Order, "opponent_ioc": opponent ioc,"lightning_ioc": lightning ioc,"optimal_5_ioc": optimal_5 ioc,"optimal_10_ioc": optimal_10 ioc,"optimal_20_ioc":optimal_20 ioc,"opponent_fok": opponent fok,"lightning_fok":lightning fok,"optimal_5_fok":optimal_5 fok,"optimal_10_fok":optimal_10 fok,"optimal_20_fok":optimal_20 fok

Unsubscribe Match Order Data(unsub)

To unsubscribe order data, the clients have to make connection to the server and send unsubscribe request in the format below:

Format of Unsubscribe order data


“op”: “unsub”,

“topic": "matchOrders.$symbol”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,


Example of a successful unsubscribe request:

  "op": "unsub",
  "topic": "matchOrders.btc",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"

Format illustration of unsubscribe order data

Filed Type Description
op string Required;Operator Name,value for unsubscribe is unsub;
cid string Optional; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Unsubscribe topic name: matchOrders.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g: "BTC,ETH" ; when $symbol value is *, it stands for unsubscribing the data of all coins;

Rules on Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Subscribe(sub) Unsubscribe( unsub) ) Rule
matchOrders.* matchOrders.* allowed
matchOrders.symbol1 matchOrders.* Not Allowed
matchOrders.symbol1 matchOrders.symbol1 allowed
matchOrders.symbol1 matchOrders.symbol2 Not Allowed
matchOrders.* matchOrders.symbol1 Not Allowed

Subscribe Account Equity Updates Data(sub)

To subscribe accounts equity data updates, the client has to make connection to the server and send subscribe request in the format below:

Request Format for Subscribe Account Equity Updates Data


"op": "sub",

"cid": "id generated by client”,

“topic": "accounts.$symbol”


Example of a successful subscribe request:

  "op": "sub",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr",
  "topic": "accounts.btc"

Format illustration on request subscribe account equity updates data

Field Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,Subscribe value is sub
cid string Optional; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Topic name format: accounts.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. e.g.:"BTC,ETH"

When there is any balance change, the Server will send a notification with the return parameter. For example:


Format Illustration of Notification

Field Name Type Description
op string notify;
topic string topic
uid string account uid
ts long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
event string notification on account asset change such as commit order(, fulfill order(order.match)(excluding liquidated order and settled orders), settlement and delivery(settlement), fulfill liquidation order(order.liquidation)(including voluntarily fulfilled liquidation order and the fulfilled liquidation order taken over by system ) , cancel order(order.cancel), asset transfer(contract.transfer) (including withdraw and deposit), system (contract.system), other asset change(other), switch leverages(switch_lever_rate), initial margin(init)
symbol string Coins. When the $symbol value is “*”, it stands for subscribing data of all coins
margin_balance decimal Account Equity
margin_static decimal Static Equity
margin_position decimal Position Margi(the margin for holding currenty positions)
margin_frozen decimal Frozen Margin
margin_available decimal Available Margin
profit_real decimal Realized Profits&Losses
profit_unreal decimal Unrealized Profits&Losses
risk_rate decimal Margin Ratio
liquidation_price decimal Liquidation Price
withdraw_available decimal Assets available to withdraw
lever_rate decimal Leverage
adjust_factor decimal Adjustment Factor


Unsubscribe Account Equity Updates Data (ubsub)

To unsubscribe account equity updates data, the client has to make connection to the server and send unsubscribe request in the format below:

Request Format of Unsubscribe Account Equity Updates Data


“op”: “unsub”,

“topic": "accounts.$symbol”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,


Example of a successful subscription request

  "op": "unsub",
  "topic": "accounts.btc",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"

Format Illustration on Unsubscribe Account Equity Updates

Filed Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,Subscribe value is unsub;
cid string Optional; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Unsubscribe topic name: accounts.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g: "BTC,ETH" ; when $symbol value is *, it stands for unsubscribing the data of all coins;

Rules on Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Subscribe(sub) Unsubscribe(unsub) Rule
accounts.* accounts.* Allowed
accounts.symbol1 accounts.* Allowed
accounts.symbol1 accounts.symbol1 Allowed
accounts.symbol1 accounts.symbol2 Not Allowed
accounts.* accounts.symbol1 Not Allowed

Subscribe Position Updates(sub)

To subscribe position updates data, the client has to make connection to the server and send subscribe request in the format below:

Subscribe Request Format


“op”: “sub”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,

“topic": "positions.$symbol”


Example of a successful subscribe request:

  "op": "sub",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr",
  "topic": "positions.btc"

Format Illustration of Subscribe Position Updates

Filed Name Type Description
op string Required;Operator Name,Subscribe value is sub
cid string Optional ; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Topic name format: positions.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. e.g.:"BTC,ETH"

When there is any position update, the server will send notification with return parameter. For example:


Return Parameter Illustration

Filed Name Type Description
op string notify;
topic string topic
uid string account uid
ts long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
event string Related events of position change notification, such as order creation and position closing (order.close), order filled (order.match) (except for liquidation, settlement and delivery), settlement and delivery (settlement), order liquidation (order.liquidation), order cancellation (order.cancel),switch leverage(switch_lever_rate), initial positions (init), triggered by system periodic push (snapshot).
symbol string Coin, when $symbol value is *, it stands for subscribing the data of all coins
contract_code string Contract Code
contract_type string Contract Type, Weekly contract: "this_week", Bi-weeklycontract: "next_week", Quarterly Contract: "quarter", Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"“delivered”
volume decimal Open Interest
available decimal Positions available to close
frozen decimal Frozen Margin
cost_open decimal Open price
cost_hold decimal Position Price
profit_unreal decimal Unrealized Profits&Losses
profit_rate decimal Profit/Losses Ratio
profit decimal Profits/Losses
position_margin decimal Position Margin
lever_rate decimal Leverage
direction string transaction direction of positions "buy":long "sell":short
last_price decimal Last Price


Unsubscribe Position Updates Data(unsub)

To unsubscribe, the client has to make connection to the server and send unsubscribe request in the format below:

Request Format of Unsubscribe Position Updates


“op”: “unsub”,

“topic": "positions.$symbol”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,


Example of a successful unsubscribe request:

  "op": "unsub",
  "topic": "positions.btc",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"

Format Illustration of Unsubscribe Position Updates

Field Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,Subscribe value is unsub;
cid string Optional; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Unsubscribe topic name: positions.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g: "BTC,ETH" ; when $symbol value is *, it stands for unsubscribing the data of all coins;

Rules on Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Subscribe(sub) Unsubscribe(unsub) Rule
positions.* positions.* Allowed
positions.symbol1 positions.* Allowed
positions.symbol1 positions.symbol1 Allowed
positions.symbol1 positions.symbol2 Not Allowed
positions.* positions.symbol1 Not Allowed

Subscribe Liquidation Order Data(No authentication) (sub)

Subscription Request Format of Liquidation order data


“op”: “sub”,

“topic": "public.$symbol.liquidation_orders”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,


Example of a successful subscription request:

  "op": "sub",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr",
  "topic": "public.BTC.liquidation_orders"

Data format illustration of orders subscription

Field Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,required subscribe value is sub
cid string Optional; ID Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Topic name format: public.$symbol.liquidation_orders. symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. e.g:"BTC"

Return Parameter

Field Name Type Description
op string value:"notify"
topic string topic subscribed
ts long Time of Respond Generation,Unit:Millisecond
<data> array object
symbol string Coin
contract_code string contract code
direction string Long or short
offset string Open or close
volume decimal liquidated volume(cont)
amount decimal liquidation amount (token)
price decimal bankruptcy price
created_at long Order Creation Time

When there commences any liquidation order, the server will send notification with return parameter. For example:

            "contract_code": "BTC201225",
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "direction": "buy",
            "offset": "close",
            "volume": 26,
            "price": 19674.96,
            "created_at": 1606293144641,
            "amount": 0.132147663832607537

Unsubscribe Liquidation Order Data(no authentication)(unsub)

Unsubscribe Request Format


“op”: “unsub”,

“topic": "public.$symbol.liquidation_orders”,

"cid": "id generated by client”,


Example of a successful unsubscribe request :

  "op": "unsub",
  "topic": "public.BTC.liquidation_orders",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"

Data format illustration of orders subscription

Field Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,required subscribe value is sub
cid string Optional; ID Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Unsubscribe topic name: public.$symbol.liquidation_orders; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g: "BTC,ETH" ; when $symbol value is *, it stands for unsubscribing the data of all coins;

Rules on Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Subscribe(sub) Unsubscribe(unsub) Rule
public.*.liquidation_orders public.*.liquidation_orders Allowed
public.symbol1.liquidation_orders public.*.liquidation_orders Allowed
public.symbol1.liquidation_orders public.symbol1.liquidation_orders Allowed
public.symbol1.liquidation_orders public.symbol2.liquidation_orders Not Allowed
public.*.liquidation_orders public.symbol1.liquidation_orders Not Allowed

Subscribe Contract Info (no authentication)(sub)

To subscribe contract info, the client has to make connection to the server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"op": "sub",

"cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr",

"topic": "public.$symbol.contract_info"


Example of a successful request:

  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "public.btc.contract_info",
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"

Data format illustration of orders subscription

Field Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,required subscribe value is sub
cid string Optional; ID Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Topic name format: public.$symbol.contract_info.; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported. e.g:"BTC,ETH"

Response example:

            "delivery_time": "1610091600000",
            "settlement_time": "1608968400000",
            "delivery_time": "1610091600000",
            "settlement_time": "1608968400000",
            "delivery_time": "1610091600000",
            "settlement_time": "1608968400000",
            "delivery_time": "1610091600000",
            "settlement_time": "1608968400000",

Response data fields

Field Name Type Description Value Range
op string value: "notify";
topic string topic subscribed
ts long timestamp of server response.unit: millionseconds
event string event "init", "update", "snapshot"
<data> object array
symbol string symbol,"BTC","ETH"...
contract_code string contract code "EOS200113"
contract_type string contract type "this_week","next_week", "quarter", "next_quarter", Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
contract_size decimal Contract Value (USD of one contract). such as 10,100 10, 100...
price_tick decimal Minimum Variation of Contract Price 0.001, 0.01...
delivery_date string delivery date such as "20200327"
create_date string Contract Listing Date such as "20180706"
settlement_time long Next settlement time(timestamp,unit: millisecond)
delivery_time long delivery time(timestamp,unit: millisecond)
contract_status int contract status 0: Delisting,1: Listing,2: Pending Listing,3: Suspension,4: Suspending of Listing,5: In Settlement,6: Delivering,7: Settlement Completed,8: Delivered, 9 Suspending of Trade


Unsubscribe Contract Info Data(no authentication)(unsub)

To unsubscribe contract info data, the client has to make connection to the server and send subscribe request in the format below:

request format of unsubscribing contract info


"op": "unsub",

"topic": "public.$symbol.contract_info",

"cid": "id generated by client",


example of unsubscribing contract info::

  "op": "unsub",                     
  "topic": "public.BTC.contract_info",   
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"          

request field desc of unsubscrbing contract info

field datatype desc
op string Required; Operator Name,subscribe value is unsub;
cid string Optional; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Unsubscribe topic name: public.$symbol.contract_info; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g: "BTC,ETH" ; when $symbol value is *, it stands for unsubscribing the data of all coins;

Data format of subscription and unsubscription of contract info

subscribe(sub) unsubscribe(unsub) rules
public.*.contract_info pubic.*.contract_info Allowed
public.symbol1.contract_info public.*.contract_info Allowed
public.symbol1.contract_info public.symbol1.contract_info Allowed
public.symbol1.contract_info public.symbol2.contract_info Not Allowed
public.*.contract_info public.symbol1.contract_info Not Allowed

Subscribe trigger orders updates

To subscribe basis data, the Client has to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:


"op": "sub",

"cid": "id generated by client",

"topic": "trigger_order.$symbol"



  "op": "sub",                     
  "topic": "trigger_order.BTC",   
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"          

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Mandotary Type Desc Value Range
op true string Required; Operator Name,required subscribe value is sub
cid false string Optional; ID Client requests unique ID
topic true string Required;format: trigger_order.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g.:"BTC,ETH" ;when $symbol value is *, it stands for subscribing the data of all coins;

Return example:


Format Illustration on return data of order push:

Parameter Name Mandotary Type Desc Value Range
op true string Required;Operator Name,Order push value is notify
topic true string Required; Order push topic
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
uid true string account uid
event true string Event notification description trigger order placed successfully(order),trigger order canceled successfully(cancel),order triggered successfully(trigger_success),order failed to be triggered(trigger_fail)
<data> true object array
symbol true string Variety code
contract_type true string contract type Weekly:"this_week", Bi-weekly:"next_week", Quarterly:"quarter" Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter":“next_quarter”
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
trigger_type true string trigger type gegreat than or equal to;leless than or equal to
volume true decimal trigger order volume
order_type true int Transaction Type 1. Place orders
direction true string order direction [buy,sell]
offset true string offset direction [open,close]
lever_rate true int Leverage
order_id true long trigger order ID
order_id_str true string the order ID with string
relation_order_id true string Relation order ID is the string related to the limit orders , The value is -1 before the trigger orders executed.
order_price_type true string Order price type "limit": limit order,"optimal_5":optimal 5,"optimal_10":optimal 10,"optimal_20":optimal 20
status true int order status 2. Ready to submit the orders; 4. Orders partially matched; 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched;
order_source true string Order Source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger
trigger_price true decimal trigger price
triggered_price true decimal the price when trigger orders executed
order_price true decimal the preset price by the client
created_at true long order creation time
triggered_at true long the execution time when orders getting triggered
order_insert_at true long the time when the triggered orders filled successfully
canceled_at true long Order cancelation time
fail_code true int the error code when the triggered orders failed to be filled
fail_reason true string the error message with failure reason when triggered orders failed to filled


Unsubscribe trigger orders updates(unsub)

To subscribe basis data, the Client has to make connection to the Server and send subscribe request in the format below:

Format of Unsubscribe order data


"op": "unsub",

"topic": "trigger_order.$symbol",

"cid": "id generated by client",


Example of a successful unsubscribe request:

  "op": "unsub",                     
  "topic": "trigger_order.*",   
  "cid": "40sG903yz80oDFWr"          

Format illustration of unsubscribe order data

Field Name Type Description
op string Required; Operator Name,subscribe value is unsub;
cid string Optional; Client requests unique ID
topic string Required;Unsubscribe topic name: trigger_order.$symbol; symbol is case-insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g: "BTC,ETH" ; when $symbol value is *, it stands for unsubscribing the data of all coins;

Rules on Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Subscribe(sub) Unsubscribe( unsub) Rule
trigger_order.* trigger_order.* allowed
trigger_order.symbol1 trigger_order.* allowed
trigger_order.symbol1 trigger_order.symbol1 allowed
trigger_order.symbol1 trigger_order.symbol2 Not Allowed
trigger_order.* trigger_order.symbol1 Not Allowed

WebSocket interface for system status updates

Subscribe system status updates

After successfully establishing a connection with the WebSocket API, users could send data in the following format to the server to request data:


"op": "sub",

"cid": "id generated by client",

"topic": "public.$service.heartbeat"


Example on using parameters to request data:

    "op": "sub",
    "cid": "id generated by client",
    "topic": "public.futures.heartbeat"

Request Parameter:

Name Required Type Desc Value Range
op true string The fixed value of subscription is sub
cid false string Client requests a unique ID
topic true string Subscription topic name is required (public.$service.heartbeat), Subscribe system status information of a certain business

subscription parameter description:

Name Required Type Desc Value Range
service true string Business Code futures

Return Parameter Example:

    "op": "notify",
    "topic": "public.futures.heartbeat",
    "event": "init",
        "heartbeat": 0,
        "estimated_recovery_time": 1408076414000

Return Parameter Rules

Name Required Type Desc Value Range
op true string Operation name, the fixed value of push is notify;
topic true string Push topic
event true string Description on notification related event The initial system status information returned by a successful subscription (init), triggered by system status change (update)
ts true long Server response timestamp
heartbeat true int System Status 1 is available, 0 is not available(maintenance with service suspended)
estimated_recovery_time true long Estimated system recovery time, unit: millisecond When the system status is available, return NULL



Operator Type(OP)

Type Description
ping Server sends heatbeat with a Ping
pong Clients responds heatbeat with a Pong
auth Authentication
sub Subscribe Message
unsub Unsubscribe Message
notify Server pushes subscribe message

Topic Type

Type applicative operator type Description
orders.$symbol sub,ubsub Subscribe/unsubscribe the order data of a given pair; when the $symbol value is *, it stands for subscribing/unsubscribing the data of all pairs

Response code(Err-Code)

Return Error Code Return description
0 Request successfully.
2001 Invalid authentication.
2002 Authentication required.
2003 Authentication failed.
2004 Number of visits exceeds limit.
2005 Connection has been authenticated.
2007 You don’t have access permission as you have not opened contracts trading.
2010 Topic error.
2011 Contract doesn't exist.
2012 Topic not subscribed.
2013 Authentication type doesn't exist.
2014 Repeated subscription.
2020 This contract does not support cross margin mode.
2021 Illegal parameter margin_account.
2030 Exceeds connection limit of single user.
2040 Missing required parameter.

Will be offline

Get a Batch of Market Data Overview

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol false string Contract Name Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported..e.g. "BTC_CW" represents BTC “This Week”,"BTC_NW" represents BTC “Next Week”,"BTC_CQ" represents BTC “Quarter”."BTC_NQ" represents BTC “Next Quarter”. Contract code is supported to query data. e.g.: "BTC200918"(weekly), "BTC200925"(Bi-weekly),"BTC201225"(quarterly),"BTC210326"(next quarterly)




Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string status "ok" , "error"
<ticks> true object array
symbol true string symbol "BTC_CW","BTC_NW","BTC_CQ","BTC_NQ"
id true long the id of kline
amount true string amount(coin), from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
ask true array [ask one price, ask one vol(cont)]
bid true array [bid one price], bid one vol(cont)]
open true string open price
close true string close price
count true decimal trade count ,from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
high true string high price
low true string low price
vol true string trade vol, from nowtime - 24 hours. Sum of both buy and sell sides
ts true long timestamp
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit:Millisecond

Get History Match Results


Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int trasanction types 0:All; 1: Open long; 2: Open short; 3: Close short; 4: Close long; 5: Liquidate long positions; 6: Liquidate short positions
create_date true int date any positive integer available. Requesting data beyond 90 will not be supported, otherwise, system will return trigger history data within the last 90 days by default.
contract_code false string contract code
page_index false int page; if not enter, it will be the default value of the 1st page. 1
page_size false int if not enter, it will be the default value of 20; the number should ≤50 20 [1-50]


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "trades": [
                "match_id": 113891764710,
                "order_id": 773135295142658048,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "open",
                "trade_volume": 1,
                "trade_price": 0.092,
                "trade_turnover": 10,
                "trade_fee": -0.021739130434782608,
                "offset_profitloss": 0,
                "create_date": 1604371703183,
                "role": "Maker",
                "order_source": "web",
                "order_id_str": "773135295142658048",
                "fee_asset": "ADA",
                "real_profit": 0,
                "id": "113891764710-773135295142658048-1"
        "total_page": 16,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 16
    "ts": 1604371918571

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string request handling result
id true string the global unique ID of the trade.
match_id true long match_id is the same with trade_id of the websocket subscriptions: orders.$symbol and matchOrders.$symbol.match_id is the result of sets of order execution and trade confirmation. NOTE: match_id is not unique, which includes all trade records of a taker order and N maker orders. If the taker order matches with N maker orders, it will create N trades with same match_id.
order_id true long order ID
order_id_str true string order ID
symbol true string contract type code
order_source true string Order Source system、web、api、m、risk、settlement、ios、android、windows、mac、trigger、tpsl
contract_type true string contract type deliver on this Friday then "this_week"; deliver on next Friday then "next_week"; for quarterly contract then "quarter", Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
direction true string "buy": to bid/ go long; "sell": to ask/ go short.
offset true string "open": open positions; "close": close positions
trade_volume true decimal the number of traded contract with unit of lot
trade_price true decimal the price at which orders get filled
trade_turnover true decimal the number of total traded amout with number of USD
create_date true long the time when orders get filled
offset_profitloss true decimal profits and losses generated from closing positions(calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_fee true decimal fees charged by platform
role true string taker or maker
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee "BTC","ETH"...
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
total_page true int total pages
current_page true int current page
total_size true int total size of the list
ts true long timestamp


Query history transactions via multiple fields

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string Variety code "BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int Transaction type 0:All; 1: Open long; 2: Open short; 3: Close short; 4: Close long; 5: Liquidate long positions; 6: Liquidate short positions
contract_code false string Contract Code
start_time false long start time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
end_time false long end time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
from_id false long Query start id(uses query_id of returned data)
size false int number of data it will be the default value of 20; the number should ≤50
direct false string Query direction prev ;next ;Default value:prev


Query cases are as below (special cases are not included):

start_time end_time from_id size direct Query Result
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 50 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 10 days ago.The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from front to back from 10 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from 60 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from 5 days ago. query 20 data from front to back from 5 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from front to back from 20 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time 1000 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the first line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time 1000 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the last line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "trades": [
                "query_id": 2424420723,
                "match_id": 113891764710,
                "order_id": 773135295142658048,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "open",
                "trade_volume": 1,
                "trade_price": 0.092,
                "trade_turnover": 10,
                "trade_fee": -0.021739130434782608,
                "offset_profitloss": 0,
                "create_date": 1604371703183,
                "role": "Maker",
                "order_source": "web",
                "order_id_str": "773135295142658048",
                "fee_asset": "ADA",
                "real_profit": 0,
                "id": "113891764710-773135295142658048-1"
        "remain_size": 15,
        "next_id": 2424413094
    "ts": 1604372202243

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string request handling result
<data> true object
<trades> true object array
id true string the global unique ID of the trade.
query_id true long Query id, which can be used as the from_id field for the next query request.
match_id true long match_id is the same with trade_id of the websocket subscriptions: orders.$symbol and matchOrders.$symbol.match_id is the result of sets of order execution and trade confirmation. NOTE: match_id is not unique, which includes all trade records of a taker order and N maker orders. If the taker order matches with N maker orders, it will create N trades with same match_id.
order_id true long order ID
order_id_str true string order ID
symbol true string Variety code
contract_type true string contract type “this_week”:Weekly,“next_week”:Bi-weekly,“quarter”:Quarterly ,Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
direction true string Transaction direction [Buy (buy), Sell(sell)]
offset true string "open": "close" [Open(open), Close(lose)]
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_price true decimal the price at which orders get filled
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
create_date true long Creation time
offset_profitloss true decimal profits and losses generated from closing positions(calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_fee true decimal fees charged by platform
role true string taker or maker
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee ("BTC","ETH"...)
order_source true string Order Source system、web、api、m、risk、settlement、ios、android、windows、mac、trigger、tpsl
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
remain_size true int Remaining data number(the number of data that has not been queried due to the limitation of data number in the time range)
next_id true long query_id for next data (only has value when query result exceeds data number limits)
ts true long timestamp


Get History Orders



    "symbol": "BTC",
    "trade_type": 0,
    "type": 1,
    "status": "0,3,4,5",
    "create_date": 1,
    "page_index": 1,
    "page_size": 20,
    "contract_code": "BTC180914",
    "order_type": "limit"

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string Variety code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int Transaction type 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long,5: sell liquidation,6: buy liquidation,7:Delivery long,8: Delivery short 11:reduce positions to close long,12:reduce positions to close short
type true int Type 1:All Orders,2:Order in Finished Status
status true string Order Status support multiple query seperated by ',',such as '5,6,7','0': all. 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled;
create_date true int Date any positive integer available. Requesting data beyond 90 will not be supported, otherwise, system will return trigger history data within the last 90 days by default.
page_index false int Page, default 1st page 1
page_size false int Default 20,no more than 50 20 [1-50]
contract_code false string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
order_type false string Order Type 1:"limit",3:"opponent",4:"lightning",5:"Trigger Order",6:"pst_only",7:"optimal_5",8:"optimal_10",9:"optimal_20",10:"fok":FOK order,11:"ioc":ioc order
sort_by false string sort fields(descending) create_date "create_date":descending order by order create date , "update_time": descending order by order update time


All via API interface submited price limit orders that had been cancelled will only be kept for 2 hours.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "order_id": 773131315209248768,
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "lever_rate": 20,
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "close",
                "volume": 1,
                "price": 0.0925,
                "create_date": 1604370469629,
                "update_time": 1603704221118,
                "order_source": "web",
                "order_price_type": 6,
                "order_type": 1,
                "margin_frozen": 0,
                "profit": 0,
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "trade_volume": 0,
                "trade_turnover": 0,
                "fee": 0,
                "trade_avg_price": 0,
                "status": 3,
                "order_id_str": "773131315209248768",
                "fee_asset": "ADA",
                "liquidation_type": "0",
                "is_tpsl": 0,
                "real_profit": 0
        "total_page": 19,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 19
    "ts": 1604370617322

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
symbol true string Variety code
contract_type true string Contract Type "this_week","next_week","quarter","next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
lever_rate true int Leverage Rate 1,5,10,20
direction true string Transaction direction
offset true string "open": "close"
volume true decimal Number of Order
price true decimal Price committed
create_date true long Creation time
update_time true long order update time,millesecond timestamp
order_source true string Order Source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger. tpsl
order_price_type true int order price type 1:limit,2:market,3:opponent,4:lightning,5:trigger,6:post_only ,7:optimal_5 ,8:optimal_10 ,9:optimal_20,10:FOK ,11:IOC ,12:opponent_ioc,13:lightning_ioc,14:optimal_5_ioc,15:optimal_10_ioc,16:optimal_20_ioc,17:opponent_fok,18:lightning_fok,19:optimal_5_fok,40:optimal_10_fok,41:optimal_20_fok .
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
profit true decimal profit when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
fee true decimal Service fee
trade_avg_price true decimal Transaction average price
status true int status 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling.
order_type true string Order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee "BTC","ETH"...
liquidation_type true string liquidation_type 0:Not Forced Liquidation Type,1:Netting Type, 2: Partial Takeover,3:All Takeover
is_tpsl true int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
total_page true int Total Pages
current_page true int Current Page
total_size true int Total Size
ts true long Timestamp


Query Liquidation Order Information

curl ""

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Default Value Range
symbol true string symbol Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported."BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int trading types when “0”, request fully filled liquidated orders; when “5’, request liquidated close orders; when “6”, request liquidated open orders
create_date true int date 7,90( 7 days or 90 days)
page_index false int page, system sets page 1 by default without further instruction
page_size false int system sets page 20 by default without further instruction. Max page size is 50.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "contract_code": "BTC201225",
                "symbol": "BTC",
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "close",
                "volume": 26,
                "price": 19674.96,
                "created_at": 1606293144641,
                "amount": 0.132147663832607537
        "total_page": 114,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 2264
    "ts": 1604299610722

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result
symbol true string symbol
contract_code true string contract code "BTC180914" ...
direction true string "buy":buy"sell": sell
offset true string "open":open "close": close
volume true decimal liquidated volume(cont)
amount true decimal liquidation amount (token)
price true decimal bankruptcy price
created_at true long liquidation time
total_page true int total page
current_page true int current page
total_size true int total size
ts true long timestamp

Query account financial records

Request Parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Value range
symbol true string contract type code Case-Insenstive.Both uppercase and lowercase are supported.e.g. "BTC","ETH"...
type false string if not fill this parameter, it will query all types 【please use "," to seperate multiple types】 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master;
create_date false int any positive integer available. Requesting data beyond 90 will not be supported, otherwise, system will return trigger history data within the last 90 days by default.
page_index false int which page, default value is "1st page" when not fill this parameter
page_size false int the default value is "20" when not fill this parameter, should ≤50


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "total_page": 15,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_size": 15,
        "financial_record": [
                "id": 3662498355,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "type": 8,
                "amount": -0.074766355140186915,
                "ts": 1605014144415,
                "contract_code": "ADA201225"
    "ts": 1604306015124

Return parameters

Parameter name Must fill or not Type Description Value range
status true string processing result of requests "ok" , "error"
ts true long response create time point,unit:ms
<data> dicitionary type
id true long Financial record ID (contract code unqiue)
ts true long create time
symbol true string contract type code "BTC","ETH"...
type true int transaction type 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master;
amount true decimal amount
contract_code true string contract code
total_page true int total page
current_page true int current page
total_size true int total size

Query financial records via multiple fields

Request Parameter

Parameter name Required Type Description Value range
symbol true string contract symbol "BTC","ETH"...
type false string if not fill this parameter, it will query all types 【please use "," to seperate multiple types】 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master;
start_time false long Start Time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
end_time false long End Time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
from_id false long Query start id(uses id of returned data)
size false int number of data it will be the default value of 20; the number should ≤50
direct false string Query direction prev ;next ;default value:prev


Query cases are as below (special cases are not included):

start_time end_time from_id size direct Query Result
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 50 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 10 days ago.The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from front to back from 10 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from 60 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from 5 days ago. query 20 data from front to back from 5 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from front to back from 20 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time 1000 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the first line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time 1000 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the last line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "financial_record": [
                "id": 3657420903,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "type": 34,
                "amount": -50,
                "ts": 1604301623306,
                "contract_code": "ADA"
                "id": 3657420101,
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "type": 6,
                "amount": -0.020181634712411705,
                "ts": 1604301416067,
                "contract_code": "ADA201225"
        "remain_size": 22,
        "next_id": 3657309434
    "ts": 1604305081144

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Description Value Range
status true string request handling result "ok" , "error"
ts true long Time of Respond Generation, Unit: Millisecond
<data> true object dicitionary type
<financial_record> true object array
id true long Financial record ID (contract code unqiue)
ts true long create time
symbol true string Type Code "BTC","ETH"...
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC200919"...
type true int order type 3:close long; 4:close short; 5:fees for open positions-taker; 6:fees for open positions-maker; 7:fees for close positions-taker; 8:fees for close positions-maker; 9:close long for delivery; 10:close short for delivery; 11:delivery fee; 12:close long for liquidation; 13:lose short for liquidation; 14:transfer from spot exchange to contract exchange; 15:tranfer from contract exchange to spot exchange; 16:settle unrealized PnL-long positions; 17:settle unrealized PnL-short positions; 19:clawback; 26:system; 28:activity prize rewards; 29:rebate; 34:transfer to sub; 35:transfer from sub; 36:transfer to master; 37:transfer from master;
amount true decimal amount
remain_size true int Remaining data number(the number of data that has not been queried due to the limitation of data number in the time range)
next_id true long id for next data (only has value when query result exceeds data number limits)


Query History Orders via Multiple fields

Request Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
symbol true string Contract Symbol "BTC","ETH"...
trade_type true int trading type 0:all,1: buy long,2: sell short,3: buy short,4: sell long,5: sell liquidation,6: buy liquidation,7:Delivery long,8: Delivery short 11:reduce positions to close long,12:reduce positions to close short
type true int Order Type 1:All Orders,2:Order in Finished Status
status true string Order Status support multiple query seperated by ',',such as '5,6,7','0': all. 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled;
contract_code false string Contract Code
order_price_type false string order price types "limit”: Limit Order "opponent":BBO "post_only": Post-Only Order, No order limit but position limit for post-only orders.,optimal_5: Optimal , optimal_10: Optimal 10, optimal_20:Optimal 20,ioc: IOC Order,,fok:FOK Order. "opponent_ioc":IOC order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_ioc":optimal_5 IOC,"optimal_10_ioc":optimal_10 IOC,"optimal_20_ioc":optimal_20 IOC, "opponent_fok":FOK order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_fok":optimal_5 FOK,"optimal_10_fok":optimal_10 FOK,"optimal_20_fok":optimal_20 FOK
start_time false long start time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
end_time false long end time(Timestamp,Unit: Millisecond) See Note
from_id false long Query start id(uses query_id of returned data)
size false int number of data it will be the default value of 20; the number should ≤50
direct false string Query direction prev ;next ;default value:prev


Query cases are as below (special cases are not included):

start_time end_time from_id size direct Query Result
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 50 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 prev Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from back to front from the current time. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 prev Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from back to front from 10 days ago.The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from front to back from 10 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 60 days before the current time 50 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 60 days ago and 50 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from 60 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
5 days before the current time Default current time Default 20 next Query the data within the last 5 days; query 20 data from 5 days ago. query 20 data from front to back from 5 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time Default 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago; query 20 data from front to back from 20 days ago. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
Default 10 days before the current time Default current time 1000 20 prev Query the data within the last 10 days; query 20 data from back to front from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the first line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.
20 days before the current time 10 days before the current time 1000 20 next Query data between 20 days ago and 10 days ago, query 20 data from front to back from the data with transaction id 1000 and the data with transaction id 1000 is in the last line. The data returned is in reverse order based on creation time. The newer the data, the closer to the front.


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orders": [
                "query_id": 113957564277,
                "order_id": 773135295142658048,
                "contract_code": "ADA201225",
                "symbol": "ADA",
                "lever_rate": 20,
                "direction": "buy",
                "offset": "open",
                "volume": 1,
                "price": 0.092,
                "create_date": 1604371418518,
                "order_source": "web",
                "order_price_type": "post_only",
                "order_type": 1,
                "margin_frozen": 0,
                "profit": 0,
                "contract_type": "quarter",
                "trade_volume": 1,
                "trade_turnover": 10,
                "fee": -0.021739130434782608,
                "trade_avg_price": 0.092,
                "status": 6,
                "order_id_str": "773135295142658048",
                "fee_asset": "ADA",
                "liquidation_type": "0",
                "is_tpsl": 0,
                "real_profit": 0
        "remain_size": 19,
        "next_id": 113956362239
    "ts": 1604371805794

Returning Parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Desc Value Range
status true string Request Processing Result
<data> true object
<orders> true object array
query_id true long Query id, which can be used as the from_id field for the next query request.
order_id true long Order ID
order_id_str true string Order ID
symbol true string Contract symbol
contract_type true string Contract Type “this_week”:Weekly,“next_week”:Bi-weekly,“quarter”:Quarterly ,Next Quarterly Contract: "next_quarter"
contract_code true string Contract Code "BTC180914" ...
lever_rate true int Leverage Rate
direction true string Transaction direction 【buy : sell】
offset true string offset direction 【open : close】
volume true decimal Number of Order
price true decimal Price committed
create_date true long Creation time
order_source true string Order Source system. web. api. m. risk. settlement. ios. android. windows. mac. trigger. tpsl
order_price_type true string order price types "limit”: Limit Order "opponent":BBO "post_only": Post-Only Order, No order limit but position limit for post-only orders.,optimal_5: Optimal , optimal_10: Optimal 10, optimal_20:Optimal 20,ioc: IOC Order,,fok:FOK Order. "opponent_ioc":IOC order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_ioc":optimal_5 IOC,"optimal_10_ioc":optimal_10 IOC,"optimal_20_ioc":optimal_20 IOC, "opponent_fok":FOK order using the BBO price,"optimal_5_fok":optimal_5 FOK,"optimal_10_fok":optimal_10 FOK,"optimal_20_fok":optimal_20 FOK
margin_frozen true decimal Frozen margin
profit true decimal profit when close position (calculated with the average price of position, exclude profit in history settlement.)
trade_volume true decimal Transaction quantity
trade_turnover true decimal Transaction aggregate amount
fee true decimal Service fee
trade_avg_price true decimal Transaction average price
is_tpsl true int whether to set take-profit and stop-loss order 1:yes;0:no
status true int status 5. Orders cancelled with partially matched; 6. Orders fully matched; 7. Orders cancelled; 11. Orders cancelling.
order_type true int Order type 1. Quotation; 2. Cancelled order; 3. Forced liquidation; 4. Delivery Order
fee_asset true string the corresponding cryptocurrency to the given fee ("BTC","ETH"...)
liquidation_type true string liquidation type 0:Not Forced Liquidation Type,1:Netting Type, 2: Partial Takeover,3:All Takeover
real_profit true decimal real profit (calculated with the opening average price, include profit in history settlement.)
remain_size true int Remaining data number(the number of data that has not been queried due to the limitation of data number in the time range)
next_id true long query_id for next data (only has value when query result exceeds data number limits)
ts true long Timestamp
